1、通过应⽤值查询某个监控历史趋势数据(application:system.cpu.util[,user],hostname:Zabbix server)
浮点类型数据:select * from trends where itemid in (select itemid from items where key_ like 'system.cpu.util[,user]' and hostid in (select hostid from hosts where host = 'Zabbix server'));
select * from trends_uint where itemid in (select itemid from items where key_ like 'system.cpu.util[,user]' and hostid in (select hostid from hosts where host = 'Zabbix server'));
2、通过Action 发送次数查询具体的Action名称(发送次数:esc_step_to)
select name from actions where actionid in (select actionid from operations where esc_step_to =2);
update hosts set name = concat(name,'【管理员主机】') where hostid in (select hostid from hosts_groups where groupid in (select groupid from groups where name='server'));
