        摘要: Java程序设计是软件工程最重要的基础课程之一,特点是概念较多,不易理解,需要通过不断的实践去加深理解。而“互联网+教育”“创新创业”的提出成为新一轮教育改革的催化剂,给“互联网+”环境下的教育改革带来了机遇和挑战。通过采用了“线上+线下”相结合的混合式教学模式,探讨使用超星泛雅教学平台进行《Java程序设计》进行混合式教学改革的措施与体会,超星泛雅教學平台在推动教学实践创新改革、提高学生的创新能力等方面有显著效果,为其他课程提供了有益借鉴。
        中图分类号:G642 文献标识码:A
        Abstract: Java programming is one of the most important basic courses of software e
ngineering, which is characterized by many concepts and is difficult to understand, so it needs to deepen understanding through continuous practice. Internet plus education and innovation and entrepreneurship have become catalysts for the new round of educational reform, bringing opportunities and challenges to the education reform under the "Internet plus" environment. Through the combination of "Online + offline" hybrid teaching mode, this paper discusses the measures and experience of using superstar Fanya teaching platform to carry out the hybrid teaching reform of Java programming. Superstar Fanya teaching platform has significant effect in promoting the innovation reform of teaching practice and improving the innovation ability of students, which provides useful reference for other courses.
