soa 记录
wWDNS system provides different types of information about the domains. SOA or Start Of Authority is one type of information which provides domain and domain server related information. In this tutorial we will examine SOA record and related information.
wWDNS系统提供有关域的不同类型的信息。 SOA或授权开始是⼀种提供域和域服务器相关信息的信息。 在本教程中,我们将检查SOA记录和相关信息。
查询域的SOA (Query SOA Of A Domain)
We will start simply querying Domain Name SOA records with nslookup . This will list some information about the domain those will be explained below. The domain in this example is poftut
我们将开始简单地使⽤nslookup查询域名SOA记录。 这将列出有关域的⼀些信息,下⾯将对其进⾏说明。 在此⽰例中的域是poftut
$ nslookup
> set type=soa
> poftut
Query SOA Of A Domain
域起源 (Domain Origin)
Domain origin specifies the Name Server of the domain. As we can see from this output origin is ns1.linode which is the first DNS server of the poftut .
域起源指定域的名称服务器。 我们可以从这个输出原点看到的是ns1.linode这是第⼀DNS服务器poftut 。
域邮件地址 (Domain Mail Address)
Each domain registered for a person or company. In this case a person. Domain Mail Address will provide information about the mail address of the Domain Name owner.
每个域都为⼀个⼈或公司注册。 在这种情况下⼀个⼈。 域名邮件地址将提供有关域名所有者的邮件地址的信息。
域序列 (Domain Serial)
Domain Serial is a unique value refer to the domain name. Each domain name have different Domain Serial than others. This is generally the date of the domain name assigned to the domain name server.
域序列号是引⽤域名的唯⼀值。 每个域名都具有与其他域名不同的域序列号。 通常是分配给域名服务器的域名的⽇期。
域刷新 (Domain Refresh)
Domain Refresh Interval specifies the time where the domain refresh will be active. In this case 14400 which is in seconds. This is equal to 240 minutes or 4 hours.
域刷新间隔指定域刷新将处于活动状态的时间。 在这种情况下,以秒为单位的14400 。 这等于240分钟或4个⼩时。
重试 (Retry)
This value will specify the time interval before a failed refresh should be retried. Recommended value in this case is 7200 .
此值将指定重试失败的刷新之前的时间间隔。 在这种情况下,建议值为7200。
到期 (Expire)
Expire is the time interval the upper limit on the time internal that can elapse before the zone is no longer authoritative.
最低要求 (Minimum)
minimum specifies time requires to be set the zone will be no longer authoritative.
Keep in mind that these values are set by DNS server administrator an can not be changed by users or customers.
soa 记录
