EngInSite Perl
⼀款允许创建、编辑、运⾏和调试 Perl 脚本的软件
DzSoft Perl Editor
⼀套在 Windows 及 Unix 下 Perl CGI 程式的撰写、编辑及除错⼯具,不管是 Perl 的菜鸟们或是⾼⼿皆适宜的 CGI 编辑⼯具,特⾊包括有以鲜明⾊彩来表⽰语法的功能,可以让整个程式变的容易阅读也更加⽅便维护,另外它还可以让你在没有 Web Server 的运作下就能够通过调⽤ Perl 解释程序测试已编写好的 CGI 程式是否有误,也可以将结果以⽂本或 HTML ⽅式输出到窗⼝中,真的是调试 CGI 程序的理想⼯具
OptiPerl Pro
ActiveState Perl Dev Kit Pro
为Perl 程序员开发程序提供必不可少的⼯具,使得创建、构造程序变得容易,可以将perl程序在HP-UX、Linux、Solaris和Windows平台下⽣成各⾃可执⾏⽂件,调试Perl脚本也是⼀件容易的事,⽀持将 VBScript转换成Perl,也能⽤Perl创建.NET 和 ActiveX控件
Tavrida PERL Editor
Top Perl Studio
能够使⽤它编辑和检查 CGI/PERL 脚本,内置HTTP 服务器,浏览器,⽂件和服务器浏览,功能和参数完成,代码⽚断,样板,语法加亮显⽰,语法检验和⼈⼯数据输⼊界⾯
SannySoft Perl Editor
⼀套不管是 Perl 的菜鸟们或是⾼⼿皆适宜的 CGI 编辑⼯具,它的特⾊包括有以鲜明⾊彩来表⽰语法的功能,可以让整个程式变的容易阅读也更加⽅便维护,另外它还可以让你在没有 web server 的运作下就能够直接测试已编写好的 CGI 程式是否有误
使得专业的perl程序员应⽤Perl来⽣成ASP.NET⽹页服务中的动态内容成为可能,集成于.NET framework,PerlASPX使得Perl成为被⽀持的ASP.NET语⾔中的⼀员,PerlASPX亦使程序员能够以Perl创建 ASP.NET主机式的XML⽹页服务,最新的1.1版兼容Visual Studio .NET 2003
Perl Express
ActiveState Perl Dev Kit
Perl Builder v2.0f Professional
⼀个综合,完善的Perl语⾔编译器。他独有CGI Wizard功能可以帮助你简单直接的创建脚本。它拥有完善的编译和调试功能
DzSoft Perl Editor
⼀套在 Windows 及 Unix 下 Perl CGI 程式的撰写、编辑及除错⼯具。这是⼀套不管是 Perl 的菜鸟们或是⾼⼿皆适宜的 CGI 编辑⼯具,它的特⾊包括有以鲜明⾊彩来表⽰语法的功能,可以让整个程式变的容易阅读也更加⽅便维护,另外它还可以让你在没有 web server 的运作下就能够直接测试已编写好的 CGI 程式是否有误
⼀个最好的 perl 编程 IDE 集成编程调试环境,也是离线调试 cgi 的最好⼯具,与 komodo 不同的是,对中⽂⽀持很好。
ActiveState Komodo Professional
⼀个跨平台⽀持多种程序语⾔的Integrated Development Environment (IDE)软件,⽬前他⽀持了在Windows与Linux上,Perl、Python及JavaScript等的程序语⾔开发,以及多种程序语⾔语法不同颜⾊标注
⽤ eclipse + EPIC 来写 perl
中文版php开发工具The Perl Dev Kit (PDK) provides essential tools for Perl programmers, making it easy to create, build and deploy applications.
Turn your Perl programs into ready-to-run executables for HP-UX, Linux, Solaris and Windows. Painlessly debug Perl scripts. Generate code for sophisticated filters, or convert useful VBScript code to Perl. Plus create .NET and ActiveX components, Windows services and system tray applications, all written in Perl.
PDK 6.0 offers exciting new capabilities, packaged to cost-effectively meet your individual needs.
ActivePerl Pro Studio (formerly ASPN Perl) is everything a Perl programmer needs in one convenient package, combining professional Perl tools: Komodo Pro, PDK Pro Pack and Visual Perl, with premium online access to Safari Bookshelf, the personal technical reference library of over 2000 popular IT titles.
Powerful, integrated Perl tools and programming resources
Easy-to-budget annual subscription, plus a single license works for all products and upgrades
Excellent value
Permanent software licenses, plus all upgrades for one year
ActiveState Komodo is the award-winning, professional integrated development environment (IDE) for dynamic languages, providing a powerful workspace for editing, debugging and testing your programs. Komodo offers advanced support for Perl, PHP, Python, Tcl and XSLT, and runs on Linux, Solaris and Windows.
Komodo's customizable language-aware editor and extensible workspace assist the developer with a supportive yet powerful environment, including source code control integration (Subversion, Perforce, and CVS), web technologies support (CGI, XML, and XSLT), a powerful regular expression toolkit, and comprehensive debugging support.
Visual Perl is the high-productivity Perl plug-in for Visual Studio .NET. Powerful, Perl-specific features within the familiar Visual Studio environment provide ease of use and accelerated development cycles.
Visual Perl integrates seamlessly with Visual Studio .NET, allowing programmers to fully leverage the features of Microsoft's popular development tool suite.
中国站长站 CHINAZ
optiperl 是⼀个商业化的 perl 集成开发环境,可以进⾏ perl 代码的编辑、运⾏、调试、跟踪,提供相当良好的编辑器功能(语法检查、代码加亮、代码段折叠与展开、共⽤代码库)