一、 Vocabulary and Structure(总题数:26,分数:52.00)
1.Part I Vocabulary and StructureDirections: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.(分数:2.00)
2.Because of the______emphasis placed on classroom work, the instructor will report your absences to the adviser.
3.______you decide to take up, you should try to make it a success.
 A.If only
解析:解析:本句的意思是:无论你决定做什么,你都应努力使其成功。让步状语从句题:whatever意为“无论什么”,引导让步状语从句;wherever意为“无论哪里”,也可引导让步状语从句,与此句意义不符;if only,unless只引导条件状语从句。
4.Everyone should keep a sense of responsibility______what he is to do.
5.The statue is believed______by a professional thief a couple of weeks ago.
& have stolen
& be stolen
 C.having been stolen
& have been stolen 
解析:解析:本句的意思是:那尊雕像被认定是一个职业小偷几周前偷走的。不定式用法题:在“somebody,something is/was believed/said/reported…”结构中,其后一定要用动词不定式,又因为该句主语是动作“steal”的承受者,同时“steall”发生在“believe”之前,所以不定式要求用完成时的被动结构。
6.Neither Bill nor his parents______at home. '
解析:解析:本句的意思是:比尔和他父母都不在家。主谓一致题:并列连词neither…nor…,either…or…,not only…but also…等后面的谓语要遵循就近原则。
7.I don't think there are several characteristics of the novel______special attention.
 B.worth of
 C.worthy of 
解析:解析:本句的意思是:我并不认为这部小说有值得注意的特点。词语搭配题:worthy of意为“值得……”,后面可跟名词或动名词;worthwhile意为“值得花时间(或花精力)的”,常用句型为be worthwhile to do/doing sth.;worth of无此搭配;worthless意为“无价值的,无用的”。
8.______people can speak a foreign language perfectly.
 A.Not much
 C.Only a small number
解析:解析:本句的意思是:很少有人能讲一口完美的外语。修饰词词义辨析题:people是复数集合名词,不用much、little修饰,其前可用few。不能选C,但可以说only a number of people。
9.The traffic was very heavy, otherwise I______ here 30 minutes ago.
 A.should be
 B.would be
 C.would have been 
 D.had been
解析:解析:本句的意思是:交通拥堵严重,否则我三十分钟前就到这儿了。虚拟语气题:虚拟条件句有时不直接表示出来,而是暗含在句子中。本句中otherwise就相当于一个虚拟条件从句,等同于if the traffic had not been very heavy,所以其后的主句应用would have done,表示“本可以做到……”,而不用其他形式。
10.Mum, I' ve been studying English since 8 o' clock. ______ I go out and play with Tom for a while?
 C.May not
11.—Tell me something about your adventure last year. —We lost our way in the forest and ______ made matters worse was______ it began to rain.
 A.what; that 
 B.it; that
 C.it; because
 D.what; because
12.______the flood, the ship would have reached the destination on time.
 A.In case of
 B.Because of
 C.But for 
 D.In spite of
解析:解析:本句的意思是:要不是洪水,船早就按时到达目的地了。固定用法题:本句是一个暗含虚拟语气的条件句,表示与过去事实相反。选项中只有but for可以引导非真实条件句,意为“要不是,倘若没有”。本句中But for the flood等同于If it had not been for the flood。
13.You may keep the car______you need it.
 A.as far as
 B.as good as
 C.as long as 
 D.as well as
s long as可以引导条件状语从句,意为“只要”。as far as意为“直到……,远到……,在……的范围内”;as good as和as well as均表示“与……一样好”。
14.John found______difficult to pass the entrance examination.
15.Every man, woman and child______love and understanding.
 B.are needed
 C.is needed
16.We should do as much as we can______ our country better and more beautiful.
& make 
