use master;
drop database dwl;
create database dwl on
(name = 'dwl_data',filename = 'e:\database\dwl_data.mdf',size = 3mb,filegrowth = 2mb),
(name = 'dwl_data1',filename = 'e:\database\dwl_data1.ndf',size = 3mb,filegrowth = 2mb)
log on
(name = 'dwl_log',filename = 'e:\database\dwl_log.ldf',size = 3mb,filegrowth = 2mb),
(name = 'dwl_log1',filename = 'e:\database\dwl_log1.ldf',size = 3mb,filegrowth = 2mb)
sp_helpdb dwl
alter database dwl
modify file
(name = dwl_data,
filename = 'd:\database\dwl_data.mdf',
size = 5mb,maxsize =15mb);
alter database dwl
add file
(name = dwl_data2,
filename = 'd:\database\dwl_data2.ndf',
size = 2mb,maxsize = 10mb);
alter database dwl
add log file
(name = dwl_log3,
filename = 'd:\database\dwl_log3.ldf',
size = 2mb,maxsize = 10mb);
dbcc shrinkdatabase(dwl,10)
dbcc shrinkfile(dwl_data3,3mb)
alter database dwl
remove file dwl_data3;
sp_renamedb ddd;
sp_detach_db dwl;
sp_attach_db dwl,'d:\database\dwl_data.mdf';
create table tbl_yhjbxx
Yhbh    varchar(3)    not null,      --用户编号
yhmc    varchar(10)  null,          --用户名称
xb      varchar(2)    null,          --性别
jg      varchar(30)  null,          --籍贯
gly      varchar(3)    null,          --管理员标志(0:管理员,1:普通用户)
zzmm    varchar(3)    null,          --政治面貌
gx      varchar(10)  null,          --与本人关系
bz      varchar(3)    null,          --备注
constraint pk_yhjbxx primary key(yhbh)
--12、表2:tbl_pass  ---用户密码
create table tbl_password
Yhbh      varchar(3)  not null,  --用户编号
pass      varchar(10)  null,      --密码
bsm      varchar(10)  null,      --标识码
mmwt      varchar(20)  not null,  --密码问题
mmwtda    varchar(20)  not null,  --密码问题答案
bz        varchar(3)  null,      --备注
constraint pk_password primary key(yhbh),
constraint fk_yhjbxx_yhbh foreign key(yhbh) references tbl_yhjbxx(yhbh));
insert into tbl_yhjbxx (yhbh,yhmc,xb,jg,gx) values('01','王广智','男','山东','本人');
insert into tbl_zcxx (yhbh,zcsj,zclb,zcje) select yhbh,srsj,srlb,srje from tbl_srxx;
alter table tbl_yhjbxx add lxdh varchar(10);
alter table tbl_yhjbxx alter column lxdh varchar(20);
alter table tbl_yhjbxx add constraint ck_yhjbxx_xb check(xb='m' or xb = 'n');
alter table tbl_yhjbxx drop column lxdh;
alter table tbl_srxx add constraint fk_srxx foreign key(srlb) references tbl_srlb(srlbbh)
alter table tbl_srxx add constraint pk_srxx primary key(lsh)
alter table tbl_srxx drop constraint pk_srxx;
--22修改表中字段lsh的约束从null到not null
alter table tbl_srxx alter column lsh int not null;
alter table tbl_yhjbxx add constraint df_yhsr default '1900-00-00' for yhsr;
alter table tbl_yhjbxx add constraint chk_yhnl check(yhnl>0);
alter table tbl_srxx add constraint chk_srxx_zcsj check(zcsj>srsj);
sp_rename tbl_yhjbxx,tbl_yhxx;
sp_rename 'tbl_yhjbxx.bz','beizhu'
---26.5为tbl_yhjbxx 增加一个唯一性约束uk_sfzh(身份证号)
alter table tbl_yhjbxx add constraint uk_sfzh unique(sfzh)
drop table tbl_yhjbxx;
sp_help tbl_yhjbxx;
---29删除表中yhbh 为'08' 的数据
delete tbl_srxx where yhbh = '08';
delete tbl_srxx;
--31修改tbl_srxx 表,将yhbh = '01' 的srje修改成500元。
update tbl_srxx set srje = 500 where yhbh = '01';
---32修改yhbh 为‘01’的srsj=2008年6月1日
update tbl_srxx set srsj = '2008-06-01'
where yhbh ='01';
sp_helpconstraint tbl_yhjbxx;
select * from tbl_yhjbxx;  --- "*" 代表所有的数据
---35查询表中字段 yhbh,yhmc 的数据
select yhbh,yhmc from tbl_yhjbxx;  --- "*" 代表所有的数据
select top 2 yhbh,yhmc from tbl_yhjbxx;
select srje+100 from tbl_srxx;
select lower(yhxb) from tbl_yhjbxx;
select upper(yhxb) from tbl_yhjbxx;
select srje*0.1  '奖金' from tbl_srxx;
select srje*0.1 as '奖金' from tbl_srxx;
select '奖金' =  srje*0.1 from tbl_srxx;
select yhbh+yhmc from tbl_yhjbxx;
alter table tbl_yhjbxx alter column bz numeric(6,2)
update tbl_yhjbxx set bz = 1;
select str(bz)  + yhmc from tbl_yhjbxx;
select yhbh,srlb,srje from tbl_srxx where yhbh = '01';
select yhbh,srlb,srje from tbl_srxx where yhbh = '01' and srlb = '1';
select * from tbl_srxx where srsj>'2005-05-31';
select distinct(yhbh) from tbl_srxx;
select getdate();
select sum(srje) from tbl_srxx;
select sum(srje) from tbl_srxx where yhbh = '01';
select avg(srje) from tbl_srxx;
select max(srje) from tbl_srxx;
select min(srje) from tbl_srxx;
select count(*) from tbl_srxx;
select count(*) from tbl_srxx wehre yhbh = '01';
select avg(srje) from tbl_srxx where yhbh = '01';
select * from tbl_srxx order by srje;
---56在tbl_srxx 中查询srsj为空的数据
select * from tbl_srxx where srsj is null;
select * from tbl_srxx where srsj > '2008-03-01';
select * from tbl_srxx where srsj between '2008-03-01' and '2008-12-31';
select * from tbl_yhjbxx where yhnl between 50 and 60;
select * from tbl_yhjbxx where yhnl between 50 and 60;
---61在tbl_yhjbxx 中查询姓‘张’的所有人员。
select * from tbl_yhjbxx where yhmc like '王%';
---62查询在地址在 '北京' '上海' '深圳' 的用户
select * from tbl_yhjbxx where yhdz in ('北京', '上海', '深圳');
---查询yhbh为01,03,05 的所有的收入信息
select * from tbl_srxx yhbh in ('01','03','05');
select * from tbl_srxx where year(srsj)=year(getdate()) and month(srsj)=Month(getdate())
---64将日期类型转换成字符串(注:112 为国际标准格式yyyymmdd,conver为字符转换函数)
select convert(ch
ar,getdate(),112) ;
select substring(convert(char,getdate(),112),5,2) ;
select yhbh,sum(srje) from tbl_srxx group by yhbh;
select yhbh,sum(srje) from tbl_srxx group by yhbh having sum(srje)>1000;
---68查询 srje大于平均收入的所有记录。
select * from tbl_srxx where srje > (select avg(srje) from tbl_srxx);
select a.yhbh,b.yhmc,a.srje from tbl_srxx a,tbl_yhjbxx b where a.yhbh = b.yhbh;
select a.yhbh,a.srlb,b.srlbmc,a.srje from tbl_srxx a,tbl_srlb b where a.srlb = b.srlbbh;
select * from tbl_yhjbxx a left join tbl_password b on  a.yhbh = b.yhbh;
select * from tbl_yhjbxx a left join tbl_password b on a.yhbh = b.yhbh where b.yhbh is null;
select * from tbl_yhjbxx a right join tbl_password b on  a.yhbh = b.yhbh;
select * from tbl_yhjbxx a left join tbl_srxx b on a.yhbh = b.yhbh where b.yhbh is null;
select * from tbl_yhjbxx a right join tbl_password b on  a.yhbh = b.yhbh;
select a.sr,b.yhmc from (select a.yhbh,sum(a.srje) sr from tbl_srxx a group by a.yhbh having sum(a.srje)>1000) a,tbl_yhjbxx b where a.yhbh = b.yhbh;
select * from tbl_srxx
select * from tbl_zcxx;
select * into tbl_bak from tbl_yhjbxx;
create view  view_srxx as select * from tbl_srxx where yhbh = '01';
create index ix_yhjbxx on tbl_yhjbxx(yhmc)
create clustered index ix_yhjbxx_yhmc on tbl_yhjbxx(yhmc);
---82在tbl_yhjbxx 表中为yhbh创建唯一索引.
create unique index ix_yhjbxx_sfzh on tbl_yhjbxx(sfzh);
sp_rename 'tbl_yhjbxx.ix_yhjbxx_sfzh','ix_sfzh','INDEX';
sp_helpindex tbl_yhjbxx
drop index ix_yhjbxx_yhbh;
sp_detach_db dwl;
sp_attach_db dwl,'d:\database\dwl_data.mdf';
backup database dwl to disk = 'd:\database\bak\dwl_bak.bak';
backup database dwl to disk = 'd:\database\bak\dwl_diff_bak0909.bak'
with  differential;
backup database dwl
to disk = 'd:\database\bak\dwl_data_bak.bak';
backup log dwl
to disk = 'd:\database\bak\dwl_log_bak.bak';
restore database dwl
from disk = 'd:\database\bak\dwl_bak.bak'
with replace,norecovery;
restore database dwl
from disk = 'd:\database\bak\dwl_diff_bak0909.bak'
with replace,norecovery;
restore database dwl
from disk = 'd:\database\bak\dwl_log_bak.bak'
with replace,recovery;
insert into tbl_srxx(yhbh,srsj,srlb,srje)
alter procedure pro_srxx
insert into tbl_srxx(yhbh,srsj,srlb,srje)
---86执行存储过程 pro_srxx
exec pro_srxx;
@V_SRLB  numeric,
@v_srje  numeric
insert into tbl_srxx(yhbh,srsj,srlb,srje)
---88执行存储过程 pro_srxx1
exec pro_srxx1 '2',1,12;
exec pro_srxx1 @v_yhbh = '3',@v_srlb = 1,@v_srxx = 10;
@v_srje numeric output
select @v_srje = sum(srje) from tbl_srxx where yhbh = @v_yhbh;
---90执行存储过程 pro_srxx1
declare @v_srje numeric
exec pro_srxx2 '02',@v_srje output
select @v_srje
if exists (select name from sysobjects where name = 'pro_srxx4' and type = 'P')
drop procedure pro_srxx4
use dwl
@V_YHBH  varchar(3),
@V_SRLB  numeric,
@v_srje  numeric
@v_zsr numeric,
@v_zzc numeric,
@v_ye  numeric
--set @v_zsr = 0,
--set @v_zzc = 0,
--set @v_ye  = 0
insert into tbl_srxx(yhbh,srsj,srlb,srje)
select @v_z
