BOOK5 Unit2 The United Kingdom阅读教学设计(第一课时)
育才中学 秦芹
普通高中课程标准试验教科书 必修五 Unit 2 The United Kingdom
本课为人教版教材高二第一学期必修五第二单元第一课。本单元的阅读材料---PUZZLES IN GEOGRAPHY(地理之谜),从地理、历史、政治、文化、体育等方面简要介绍了联合王国的形成和发展、风土人情和人文景观。在必修三的第五单元,Canada—“The True North”同本单元是相同题材,学生对地理说明文有一定的知识积淀。
文章体裁是说明文,文本特征十分明显。Reading中以标题 Puzzles In Geography引起学生的好奇心,使学生迫不及待地阅读这篇文章,想搞明白什么样的地理之谜,从而对文章的内
阅读说明文文体的文章时,如何迅速有效地获得所需的信息是阅读的主要目的。在本文的教学中应引导学生运用prediction, skimming ,scanning等阅读策略理解科普文的主要内容。
1.这是学生在高中阶段第二次接触有关地理知识的说明文。必修三的第五单元,Canada—“The True North”同本单元是相同题材,学生对这一类型文章的特点和语言表达有一定的认识。在文章架构和内容的理解上会相对容易一些。但是学生对于文章里出现的和地理,历史相关的专有名词有一些陌生。
Period 1and 2 Warming-up and Reading
Knowledge aims:
Students will be able
1.To understand the new words and expressions from the text,
puzzle; historical; institution;collections; Union
break away from; leave out; divide… into…; be linked to; look around; ke
2.To know the general idea of the history and basic knowledge of The United Kingdom.
Ability aims:
Students will be able
1.To improve their reading ability and review some reading strategies, such as skimming,scanning and prediction.
2.To learn some detailed information about the United Kingdom.
Emotional aims:
Students will be able to get the great interest in learning the geography of the UK
Teaching important points:
1.To help students to learn more about the United Kingdom.
2.To train the students’ ability to predict and grasp key information while reading.
Teaching difficult points:
1.To guide the students to know about the UK’s historical influence on the geograghy.
2.To help students to learn the deep meaning of the passage and learn what  the historical treasures left by the invaders.
Teaching Method:
1.Guessing and Task-based teaching and learning  2.Cooperative learning
Teaching tool:
Multiple-media and the blackboard
Teaching procedures and ways:
Step 1 Warming Up and pre-reading
Task 1 Q: Choose one item, and try to guess which country it is. (show some pictures about these countries)
China, France, Italy and The UK
Task 2 let students predict the main idea of the passage by looking at the title and the pictures
Step 2 Reading
Task 1: Fast reading
Divide the text into 3 parts, and think about the main idea of each part.
Part 1(Para 1,2,3) How the UK came into being.
Part 2(Para4) England is divided into 3 zones.
Part 3(Para 5,6)  The cultural importance of London
Task 2 Careful Reading
Part 1 Para 1 Geography: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland
      Para 2 History: First, in the 13th century, in the 17th century and in the 20th century
      Para 3 Q: In what ways are the four countries different?
设计意图:同学们将文章分为3部分。首先通过展示六幅地图来帮助学生明白英格兰,苏格兰,威尔士和北爱尔兰在地理上的融合过程。接着通过这四个地区地图和时间段的展示使学生了解它们在历史上的结合过程。最后,通过一个问题In what ways are the four countries different?让学生在阅读后,了解这四个地区的不同。
Part 2 England is divided into 3 zones.
The North, the Midlands and the South of England.
Most population settled in ___________________.
Most of the large industrial cities are in ___________________.
Many cities have famous ___________________.
Part 3 London
Qs:  1.What the historical treasure in London?
2.How many sets of invaders of England were there?
