Mold Terminology模具术语
AD-Diameter The tread diameter at the centerline of the tread (EU); also: "T-Diameter"(GT)
Auto-lock Ear A Lug on the cone ring used to mount the mold/container in the top half of a 60“ NRM Auto-lock press.
  导环上的突缘,用于和60“ NRM Auto-lock 硫化机上半部连接。
Bead Ring The tire bead forming ring (also: toe ring)
  钢圈,也称 toe ring
Bead Ring Register The landing and tapered seat that the bead ring fits into
  钢圈配合:侧板上,和 钢圈配合的平面及锥面
Bottom Container Plate The plate that the bottom sidewall plate is bolted to
Bottom Container Plate Lifting Lug A lug attached to the Bottom Container Plate with Horizontal holes used for lifting.
 模壳底座吊耳: 装配在底座上、有水平的孔,用来吊装的吊耳
Bottom Container Plate Dowel Pin Lug A lug attached to the Bottom Container Plate that supports the Dowel Pin Bushing.
Bottom Container Plate Hold Down A lug that is used to fix the Bottom Plate in the Press.
Breaker Hook A hook fixed to the bottom of the tread segment that catches the bottom container plate only when the segment will not release from the tire during de-molding.
Breaker Hook Guide Piece
A block bolted to the breaker hook that aligns the tread segment with a slot in the bottom container plate.
  分离钩导块:用螺栓固定在Breaker Hook上,定位花纹块和模壳底座上槽的定位块。
Bronze Wear Plates Any sacrificial metal plate placed under, over or behind a component to keep the components from wearing on each other (greasing)
Casting An un-machined cast metal tread ring or Segment
Centering Ring The ring mounted on the bottom press platen to locate the mold/ container concentrically to the press; also: "Press register"
  定中环,也称“Press register”
Clamp Rings The bladder clamping assembly
Cone Ring The outer ring that transforms the axial movement of the press in a radial one of the segments; also: "Actuator ring", "Squeeze ring" (GT)
  导环,也称"Actuator ring", "Squeeze ring"
Conicity Difference between tread radius over the width
Container The mechanical parts that allow a segmented mold to operate; also: mechanism (GT)
  模壳,也叫 mechanism
Container Cavity The space inside of the container that the mold fits into
DD-Diameter Nominal diameter of a bead ring (EU) Also: "Heel diameter" (GT)
  钢圈的公称直径, 也叫"Heel diameter"
Decoupler Rib A narrow rib that runs circumferentially around the mold and is located near the shoulder area
DEVA Metal Graphite impregnated bronze metal used for wear plates in segmented molds (un-greased)
replaceableDowel Pins The pins that keep the mold halves and parts aligned (containers or HKK molds)
Dowel Pin Bushing A replaceable sleeve used to register the Dowel Pin locations.
DS 2-Diameter The junction diameter between the sidewall plate and the tread segments or tread ring and mould back cavity (EU); also: "S Diameter"(GT)
  口径:侧板与花纹块、花纹圈与mould back 的配合直径. 也叫"S Diameter"
End Gap The distance between cold mold segments (20°C) that allows for heat expansion
 竖缝间隙: 20°C时花纹块竖缝允许热膨胀的间隙
Exterior Mold Identification Plate  A removable plate fastened to the outside of the cone ring listing information pertaining to the mold parts (tread segments, side-plates) assembled in the container.
Filler rings Full sidewall inserts for molds that fills from the off shoulder area to the I.D.
Front of mould The reference point at which all dimensional locations are referred
Heel Diameter See: DD-Diameter
Guide Piece A block fixed to the Top Container Plate that registers to a slot in the Cone Ring to keep the Top plate from turning during operation.
Insert Metal plates pushed or screwed in the side wall plate for exchangeable information活字块()
Insulation Jacket Insulation placed around a container or 2 piece mold (GT) to retain heat
Integral type mechanism A mold (tread area) and mechanism that are one unit
  整体式模壳: 花纹部分和模壳是一体的
Ledge Height Bead ledge width on a bead ring
Lettering The inside lettering of the sidewall; also: "Sidewall engraving" (GT)
  侧板字体图. 也叫"Sidewall engraving"
Maxi Vent (GT) Vent Sleeve A removable insert for vent holes (Dia.:1,33 mm) to be trimmed.
