1.1.1 铁路信号专用名词缩写对照表
缩写 | 中文 | 英文 |
BATE | 外部接口进程(如EMCS) | Process for external interfaces (e.g. EMCS) |
Bluetooth | 蓝牙 | Short range wireless technology |
By | 旁路(列车驾驶模式) | Bypass (train operation mode) |
C | ||
CAD | 计算机辅助设计 | Computer-Aided Design |
CBS | 成本细分结构 | Cost Breakdown Structure |
CBTC | 基于通信的列车控制系统 | Communication Based Train Control |
CCT | 组合 CDMA / TDMA | Combined CDMA / TDMA |
CDMA | 码分多址 | Code Division Multiple Access |
CENELEC | 欧洲电工标准化委员会 | Comité européen de normalisation electrotechnique |
CH | 通道 | Channel |
CIP | 持续改进过程 | Continuous Improvement Process |
CIS | 计算机联锁系统 | Computer Interlocking System |
CM | 配置管理 | Configuration Management |
CMA | 故障检修分析 | Corrective Maintenance Analysis |
CMM | 软件能力成熟度模型 | Capability Maturity Model |
CNR | 车组号报告SQL脚本 | SQL-script for crew number report |
COM | 通信系统, 通信服务器 | Communication System, Communicator Workstation |
COCC | 中心OCC | Central operation control centre |
COSPAS | 紧凑的面向对象的安全相关的优先级驱动的调度程序 | Compact object-oriented safety-relevant priority-driven advanced scheduler |
COTS | 商业化的现货供应 | Commercial Off The Shelf |
CPU | 中央处理单元 | Central Processing Unit |
CRC | 循环冗余码 | Cyclic Redundant Code |
CTCS | 中国列车控制系统 | Chinese train control system |
CU | 运算单元 | Computing unit |
D | ||
DACO | 数据分配程序 | Data coordinator |
DB | 数据库 | Database |
DC | 直流电 | Direct current |
DC (Project Management Plan) | 指定承包商 | Designated Contractors |
DCS | 数字通信系统 | Data Communication System |
DEK 43 | 计轴车轮传感器 | Axle Counter Wheel Sensor |
DEMS | 演示系统 | Demonstration System |
DEVCO | 设备分配程序 | Device coordinator |
DIS | 试行国际标准 | Draft International Standard |
DLE | 数据链路溢出 | Data Link Escape |
DLM | 设计联络会 | Design Liaison Meeting |
DLP | 缺陷责任期 | Defects Liability Period |
DOR | 日报告的SQL脚本 | SQL-script for daily operation report |
DPS | 车辆段服务对话框 | Depot Service Dialog |
DRB | 无司机折返按钮 | Driverless Return Button |
DRI | 无司机折返表示器 | Driverless Return Indication |
DTI | 发车表示器 | Departure (Dwell) Time Indication |
DWS | 车辆段和大修厂 | Depot & Workshop |
E | ||
EB | 紧急制动 | Emergancy Brake |
ED | 电动制动 | Electro Dynamic Brake |
EDMS | 电子文件管理系统 | Electronic Document Management System |
EIA | 美国电子工业协会 | Electronic Industries Association of U.S. |
EIRP | 有效全向辐射功率 | Effective Isotropic Radiated Power |
EMC | 电磁兼容 | Electromagnetic compatibility |
EMP | 紧急停车按钮 | Emergency Stop Plunger |
EN | 欧洲标准 | European standard |
EN (V) | 欧洲标准(试行) | European standard (pre-standard) |
EP | 电空制动 | Electro Pneumatic Brake |
EPS | 紧急电源(包括 UPS) | Emergency Power Supply (incl. Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS)) |
EQNET | 国际认证网络 | International Certification Network |
ETCS | 欧洲列车控制系统 | European Train Control System |
EXOR | 异或 | Exclusive OR |
F | ||
全线模拟工具 | 时刻表验证和时刻表生成 | Timetable Validation and Timetable Construction |
FAS | 防灾报警系统 | Fire Alarming System |
FAT | 工厂验收测试 | Factory Acceptance Testing |
FCC | 联邦通信委员会 | Federal Communications Commission |
FEP | 前端处理器 | Front End Processor |
FOC | 光缆 | Fibre Optic Cables |
FTA | 故障树分析 | Fault Tree Analysis |
G | ||
GB | 中国国家标准 | National Standards, China |
GONG | 声音模拟 | Sound animation |
H | ||
HMI | 人机界面 | Human Machine Interface |
HTML | 超文本标记语言 | Hypertext Marked Language (Internet Standard) |
HW | 硬件 | Hardware |
I | ||
I/O | 输入/输出 | Input/output |
IBP | 综合后备盘 | Instancy Back-Up Panel |
ICD | 接口控制数据库 | Interface Control Database |
ICF | 接口控制表 | Interface Control Form |
IEC | 国际电工委员会 | International Electro-technical Commission |
IEEE | 电子电气工程师协会 | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
IF | 接口 | Interface |
IIL | 接口确定纪录 | Interface Identification Log |
IL | 交叉感应环线 | Intercrossing Loop |
IL | 联锁 | Interlocking |
IL bus | 联锁总线 | Interlocking bus |
ILD | 联锁对话框 | Interlocking Dialog |
IM | 接口经理 | Interface Manager |
INOM | 输入/输出操作模块 | Input/output operating module |
IntlC | 联锁内核 | Interlocking core |
IOC | 输入输出计算机 | Input Output Computer |
IP | 互联网协议 | Internet Protocol |
IP (Project Management Plan) | 接口参与方 | Interface Partner |
ISM | 工业、科学、医学 | Industrial, Scientific, Medical |
ISO | 国际标准化组织 | International Organization of Standardization |
J | --- | --- |
K | --- | --- |
L | ||
LAN | 局域网 | Local Area Network |
LCC | 生命周期成本 | Life Cycle Cost |
LCD | 液晶显示器 | Liquid Crystal Display |
LED | 发光二极管 | Light-Emitting Diode |
LIDI | 列表显示 | List display |
LLC | 逻辑链路控制 | Logical Link Control |
LLRU | 最小现场可更换单元 | Lowest Line Replaceable Unit |
LoR | 职责列表 | List of Responsibilities |
LOW | 车站操作员工作站 | Local Operator Workstation |
LRU | 现场可更换单元 | Line Replaceable Unit |
M | ||
MAATR | ATR对话框 | Mask program for ATR |
MAFPL | 时刻表操作对话框 | Mask program for timetable operation |
MARP | 记录和回放对话框 | Mask program for record and playback |
MASCRIP | 报告处理对话框 | Mask program for reports |
MASTW | 联锁指令对话框 | Mask program for interlocking commands |
MAZLV | TMM对话框 | Mask program for TMM |
MCS | 主控系统 | Main Control System |
MDT | 平均停机时间 | Mean Down Time |
MEDI | 报警类型显示变量更新 | Update display variables of the type message |
MERP | 数字状态变化处理 | Processing of digital status changes |
MIB | 管理信息库 | Management Information Base |
MIL HDBK 217F | 军用手册 217F | Military Handbook 217F |
MMI | 人机界面 | Man-machine interface |
MNT | 维护 | Maintenance |
MoM | 会议纪要 | Minutes of Meeting |
MR | 里程报告的SQL脚本 | SQL-script for mileage report |
MRSP | 最具限制速度曲线 | Most Restrictive Speed Profile |
MSB | 最高位 | Most Significant Bit |
MSC interface | 平交道口信号接口 | signal interface for level crossings |
MSTP | 多业务传输平台 | Multi-Service Transmission Platform |
MT | 城市轨道交通 | Mass transit |
MTBF | 平均故障间隔时间, 平均无故障时间 | Mean Time Between Failure |
MTBRSF | 平均安全侧故障间隔时间 | Mean Time Between Right Side Failure |
MTBSF | 平均运行故障间隔时间, 平均无故障运行时间 | Mean Time Between Service Failure |
MTBWSF | 平均危险侧故障间隔时间 | Mean Time Between Wrong Side Failure |
MTTR | 平均故障修复时间 | Mean Time To Repair |
MVB | 多功能车辆总线 | Multifunction Vehicle Bus |
N | ||
NAT | 网络地址解析 | Network Address Translation |
NFF | 网络文件系统 | Network File System |
NRM | 非限制人工驾驶模式 | Non Restrictricted Train Operation Mode |
O | ||
OBCU | 车载控制单元 | On-Board Control Unit |
OBCU_ITF | 车载控制单元接口元件 | Interface component of OBCU |
OBCU_ATO | 车载ATO | ATO on-board control unit |
OBCU_ATP | 车载ATP | ATP on-board control unit |
OCC | 控制中心 | Operation Control Centre |
ODI | 操作和显示接口 | Operation and display interface |
OLM | 光连接模块 | Optical link module |
OPG | 测速电机(里程脉冲发生器) | Odometer pulse generator |
OPS | 操作 | Operations |
OSI | 开放系统互联 | Open System Interconnection |
OTN | 开放传输网络 | Open Transport Network |
P | ||
PA | 车站广播系统 | Public Addressing |
PASS | 口令对话框程序 | Password dialogue program |
PC | 个人计算机 | Personal Computer |
PC(Interlocking ) | 道岔控制 | Point Control |
PCI | 外围设备互连 | Peripheral component interconnect |
PDI | 站台发车计时器 | Platform Departure Indicator |
PDI(software) | 过程数据接口协议 | Process data interface |
PESB | 站台紧急停车按钮 | Platform Emergancy Stop Button |
PIIS | 乘客导向系统(轨旁) | Passenger Information and Indication System (trackside) |
PIS | 乘客信息系统(车载) | Passenger Information System (onboard) |
PMA | 定期维修分析 | Preventative Maintenance Analysis |
POM | 道岔操作模块 | Point operating module |
PoP | 防护点 | Point of Protection |
PPP | 点对点协议 | Point to Point Protocol |
PRDB | 过程数据库 | Process data base |
prEN | 试行欧洲标准 | Preliminary European Norm |
PROFIBUS | 过程现场总线 | Process field bus |
PSC | 电源控制 | Power Supply Control |
PSD | 站台屏蔽门 | Platform Screen Door |
PSM | 输入校验分配程序 | Program to coordinate and check all inputs |
PSY | 电源 | Power Supply |
PUMA | 打印机使用管理器程序 | Printer utilisation manager |
Q | ||
QA | 质量保证 | Quality Assurance |
QM | 质量管理 | Quality Management |
QoS | 服务质量 | Quality of Service |
QUENSH | 质量+环境+安全+健康 | Quality Environment Safety Health |
R | ||
RAMS | 可靠性,可用行,可维护性和安全性 | Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety |
RAP | 记录与回放 | Record and Play |
RARM | 存档管理器程序 | Archive manager |
RC | 进路控制 | Route Control |
RDCS | 无线数据通信系统 | Radio Data Communication System |
RF | 无线扩频通信 | Radio Frequency-Spread Communication |
RM | 限制人工驾驶模式 | Restricted Manual (train operation mode) |
RP | 参考点 | Reference point |
RPS | 背投系统 | Rear Projection System |
RSF | 安全侧故障 | Right Side Failure |
RS | 车辆 | Rolling Stock |
RTU | 远程终端单元 | Remote Terminal Unit |
S | ||
S&D | 服务与诊断系统 | Service and Diagnostic System |
SAM | 系统保证经理 | System Assurance Manager |
SAP | 系统保证计划 | System Assurance Plan |
SC | 信号控制 | Signal Control |
SCA | 电力监控系统 | SCADA |
SCADA | 电力监控系统 | Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition |
SCMP | 软件配置管理计划 | Software Configuration Management Plan |
SDH | 光同步数字传输系统 | Synchronous Digital Hierarchy Transmission System |
SEAR | 安全相关的设计和应用规程 | Safety-related Design and Application Rules |
SIC | 车站接口箱 | Station Interface Case |
SIG | 信号设备供货商的统称 | Signalling; the lot who is supplying the signalling equipment |
SIM | 信号接口管理 | Signalling Interface Management |
SiNa | 安全验证 | Safety Verification |
ATPM/SM | ATP监督的人工驾驶模式(列车驾驶模式) | Supervised manual train operation (train operation mode) |
SNMP | 简单网络管理协议 | Simple Network Management Protocol |
SR | 车站报告的SQL脚本 | SQL-script for station report |
SV | 电源 | Power supply |
SVPRN | 打印机管理器程序 | Printer manager |
SW | 软件 | Software |
SYA | 系统保证 | System Assurance |
SYE | 系统工程 | System Engineering |
T | ||
T&S | 培训与模拟 | Training and Simulation |
TB | 中国铁道部标准 | Standards of MoR, China |
TCC | 轨道交通路网管理服务中心 | Traffic Control Centre |
TCB | 轨旁接线箱 | Trackside Connection Box |
TCP | 传输控制协议 | Transmission Control Protocol |
TDB | 线路数据库 | Track Data Base |
TDMA | 时分复用 | Time Division Multiple Access |
TDST | 时间有关的饱和传输 | Time Dependent Saturation Transfer |
TEL | 通信系统(列车无线接口) | Telecommunication (Interface to train radio) |
TFT | 薄膜工艺 | Thin-Film Technology |
TGI | 列车运行图 | Train Graph Indication |
TIMS | 列车信息管理系统 | Train information management system |
TMM | 列车移动监督(对话框) | Train Movement Monitoring (Dialog) |
TMS | 列车管理信息系统 | Train Integrated Management System |
TMT | 列车监视和追踪 | Train Monitoring and Tracking |
TN-S network | TN-S系统,符合HD 384.3 或 DIN VDE 0100, part 300 | TN-S system in accordance with HD 384.3 or DIN VDE 0100, part 300 |
TPC | 牵引功率控制 | Traction Power Control |
TQM | 全面质量管理 | Total Quality Management |
ATC系统 | 通号集团的基于移动闭塞的ATC系统 | CRSC Moving Block based ATC System |
TRC | 列车排路计算机 | Train Routing Computer |
TRN | 培训 | Training |
TRPR | 透明报文处理 | Transparent telegram processing |
TSR | 技术安全报告 | Technical Safety Report |
TT | 时刻表 | Timetable |
TTCO | 时刻表比较 | Timetable Comparison |
TTM | 时刻表管理 | Timetable Management |
TTR | 车次报告的SQL脚本 | SQL-script for train trip report |
TTS | 列车和轨道数据库服务器 | Train and Track Database Server |
TVD | 轨道空闲检查 | Track Vacancy Detection |
TVP | 轨道空闲处理 | Track Vacancy Processing |
U | ||
UDP | 用户数据报协议 | User Datagram Protocol |
UNISIG | ETCS标准化集团 | ETCS Standardization Group |
UNOM | 通用输入/输出操作模块 | Universal input/output Operating Module |
UPS | 不间断电源 | Uninterrupted Power Supply |
V | ||
V | 版本 | Version |
VAU | 计轴处理板 | Axle Counter Processing Board |
VDE | 德国电气工程师协会 | Association of German Electrical Engineers |
VICOS | 车辆和基础设施控制和操作系统 | Vehicle and Infrastructure Control and Operation System |
VLAN | 虚拟局域网 | Virtual Local Area Network |
VTB | (移动闭塞下的)可变列车闭塞 | Variable Train Block |
W | ||
WAN | 广域网 | Wide Area Network |
WCC | 轨旁通信控制器 | Wayside Communication Controller |
WCU | ATC系统轨旁控制单元 | ATC系统 Wayside Control Unit |
WCU_ATP | WCU的ATP元件 | ATP Component of WCU |
WCU_TTS | WCU的TTS元件 | TTS Component of WCU |
WBS | 工作分解结构 | Work Breakdown Structure |
WLAN | 无线局域网 | Wirelss Local Area Network |
WOBCOM | 轨旁和车载通信通道 | Wayside and on-board communication channel |
WOMAN | 线路地图管理程序 | Worldmap manager |
WSF | 危险侧故障 | Wrong Side Failure |
X | ||
X11 | 透明图形接口 | Transparent graphic interface |
--- | ||
Y | --- | |
replaceable | ||
Z | ||
ZBUZ | 双总线中心 | Dual bus centre |
ZUSIM | RAM 模型和计算工具 | RAM Modelling and Calculation Tool |
ZZA | PIIS和DTI处理 | Process for PIIS and DTI |