Mark Twain---Mirror of America
idyllic adj. :pastoral or picturesque;pleasing and simple 田园诗的;田园风光的;生动逼真的;质朴宜人的
cynical adj. :believing that people are notivated in all their actions only by selfishness;denying the sincerity of peoples motives and actions,or the value of living 玩世不恭的;愤世嫉俗的
obsess v. :haunt or trouble in mind,esp. to an abnormal degree;preoccupy greatly 使分心;使心神困扰尤指精神反常、着迷
frailty n. :the quality or condition of being frail;weaknesses. Moral weakness
tramp n. :the act of tramping;a journey on foot;hike 步行;徒步旅行
prospector n. :a person who prospects for valuable ores,oil,etc.
矿藏等的勘探者;探矿者starry—eyed adj. :with the eyes sparkling in a glow of wonder,romance,visionary dreams,etc.
acid—tongued adj. :sharp,sarcastic in speech 说话尖刻的
cynic n. :a cynical person 玩世不恭的人;好挖苦人的人;愤世嫉俗的人
navigable n. :wide and deep enough,or free enough from obstructions,to be traveled on byvessels 可行船的;可通航的;可航行的
attest n. :serve as proof of;demonstrate;make clear 作为……的证据,为……作证;论证;表明
artery n. :a main road or channel 干线,干道,大路;干渠
keelboat n. :a large,shallow freight boat with a keel,formerly used on the Mississippi,Missouri,etc.旧时密西西比河、密苏西河等用的龙骨船
flatboat n. :a boat with a flat bottom,for carrying freight in shallow waters or on rivers 平底船
molasses n. :a thick,usually dark brown syrup produced during/he refining of sugar,or from sorghum,etc.糖蜜,糖浆
cub n. :an inexperienced,awkward youth 阅历浅的年轻人
cosmos n. :the universe considered as a harmonious and orderly system 宇宙
feud n. :a bitter,long—continued,and deadly quarrel,esp. between clans of families尤指部落或家族间的世仇,累世宿仇,夙怨,长期不和
lynch v. :Am.murderan accused personby mob action and without lawful trial,as by hanging美私刑处死
phonographic adj. :Am.of a phonograph or the sounds made by sb. 美留声机的,唱机的
teem v. :be full,as though ready to bring forth young;abound;swarm 充满;富于;大量地出现;涌现
flotsam n. :transient,unemployed people;vagrants 流离失所者,流浪者,游民;失业者;被毁掉的人
hustler n. :Am.slanga prostitute美俚
thug n. :a rough,brutal hoodlum,gangster,robber,etc.恶棍;;强盗
motley adj. :having or composed of many different or clashing elements;heterogeneous 混乱的;杂乱的
succumb v. :①give way to;yield;submit ②die ①屈服,屈从常与 to 连用②死
epidemic n. :the rapid,widespread occurrence of a fad,fashion,etc.风尚、风气、爱好等的一时流行,风行
flirt v. :trifle or toy with玩弄,戏耍;做着玩;不认真地对待,不认真地考虑.常与 with连用
colossal adj. :1ike a colossus in size;huge;gigantic;enormous 巨大的,庞大的
rebuff v. :check or repulse 挫败;阻止broke adj. :colloq.having little or no money;bankrupt口无钱的,身无分文的;破了产的
hone v. :sharpen with or as with a hone 把……放在磨石上磨
scathing adj. : searing;withering;injurious;harsh or caustic 严厉的,尖刻的
sluggish adj. :slow or slow moving;not active;dull行动缓慢的;迟钝的
sloth n. :a lazy person 懒汉
astound v. :bewilder with sudden surprise;astonish greatly;amaze 使震惊,使惊愕,使大吃一惊
tedious adj. :long or verbose and vearisome;tiresome;boring 冗长乏味的;使人厌倦的;沉闷的
travelogue n. :a lecture on travels usually accompanied by the showing of pictures 旅行见闻讲座
Sultan n. :a Moslem ruler 苏丹一些伊斯兰教国家统治者的称号
debunk v. :Am. colloq.expose the false or exaggerated claims,pretensions, etc. glamour, 美口揭露,揭发,揭穿
revere v. :regard with deep respect,love,and awe;venerate 尊敬,崇敬;敬畏
ingenuity n. :the quality of being ingenious;cleverness,originality,skill,etc.机灵,机智,足智多谋;独创性,创造力;熟练,巧妙
juvenile adj. :young and youthful 年轻的;青年的
pariah n. :any person despised or rejected by others;outcast 为社会所遗弃者;流浪者
puritanical adj. :extremely or excessively strict in matters of morals and religion 宗教或道德上极端拘谨的
panorama n. :an unlimited view in all directions 全景;全图
deplore v. :be regretful or sorry about 懊悔,悔恨,对……深感遗憾
sap v. :undermine in any way;weaken;exhaust 削弱;耗竭clamor n. :a loud outcry;uproar 大声呼喊,喧嚷,喧嚣,吵闹
robust adj. :strong and healthy;full of vigor;hardy 健壮的;精力充沛的
haunt v. :appear or recur repeatedly to,often to the point of obsession思想、回忆等萦绕;疾病等缠住
glamourpneumonia n. :inflammation or infection of the alveoli of the lungs of varying degrees ofseverity and caused by any of a number of agents,such as bacteria or viruses 肺炎. ingitis n. :inflammation of the meninges. as the result of infection by bacteria or viruses脑脊膜炎
epileptic n. :a person who has epilepsy 癫痫患者
pad v. :stuff,cover,or line with a pad or padding 填塞;衬填
