Book1 Unit4 Friends forever
-----------Presenting ideas
Analysis of material
The content of this lesson is New Standard English for Senior High School. It is about Book1 Unit4 Friends forever----Presenting ideas. This lesson is a speaking class about the relationship between friendship and the number of friends.
Analysis of students
This class is designed for the first semester of Grade one.This is the last lecture of the unit, and Ss are asked to preview this lesson in advance. Although they have the basic abilities of learning, reading, speaking and writing, they still needs opportunities to practice what they have learned, and the higher-level thinking needs the teachers guidance.
Teaching aims
Linguistic ability:
Ss can get the topic of this lesson by watching a video about friendship.
Ss can master some expressions to support their opinions.
Thinking ability:
Ss can improve their critical thinking by debating with the opposite side.
Ss can transfer and innovate the knowledge.
Culture consciousness:
Ss can feel the glamour of the language and culture.
Ss establish a correct view on friendship
Learning ability:
Ss can practice their cooperative and speaking ability by debating.
Important points
Get Ss master some expressions to support their opinion.
Get Ss improve their critical thinking by debating with the opposite side.
Difficult points
Get Ss express their opinion about the value of friendship.
learning methods
Situational communication method
Task-based Language Teaching
Cooperative learning method
Teaching aids
muti-media system
Teaching procedures
Lead in(3mins)
T asks Ss to watch a video about friendship, and draw a conclusion about its view.
Key: It tells us that a few true friends are enough.
Catch Ss attention about the topic.
Pair work
1. T asks Ss to read the two points of view about friendship, and discuss the friendship value behind the two sentences with their desk mate.
A:The more friends you have, the happier youll be.
B: A few friends are enough.
2. T asks Ss to decide one view.
Get Ss find out the friendship value behind the two sentences.
Individual work
1. T asks Ss to think of the reasons to support their opinion .
Point of view:
Supporting examples:
glamour2. T asks Ss to answer the questions about the expressions about debate.
3. T asks Ss to make note.
4. T invites a Ss to share her/his opinion.
Prepare the content  and vocabularies for Ss to make a debate.
Group work
1. T shows video about how to make a debate.
2. T asks Ss to concludes the ways to make a debate.
3. T asks Ss to team up with a group with the opposite opinion and hold a debate, and asks them to use the expressions tn the box as much as possible.
4. T invites two groups to shows to make a debate.
5. T makes a comment about their debate.
Practice their cooperative and speaking ability.
T asks Ss to summarize what they have learned in the class.
Practice Ss ability of concluding.
T asks Ss to complete the reflection work sheet on Page48.
Check if they have mastered the knowledge.
Write down your opinion about friendship value. No more than80 words.
Deepen their knowledge.
Blackboard design
Book1 Unit 4  Presenting ideas
