AP 中文课程概述
中文及中华文化AP,简称AP中文,AP中文课程是一门外语课程, 它允许中学生选修,课程设计为两年,通过考试的考生可以获得大学学分,或能选修中文高级课程,或两者兼得。换言之,通过AP考试,成绩合格者,进入大学后可从第五个学期的中文课选读。
相当于美国大学四个学期 (约250小时) 第二外语的程度
语言:普通话 (国语)
2006 年秋天。
2007 五月举行.
90%左右的美国, 加拿大大学, 以及20个左右其它国家的大学都承认它的学分
听(Listening) 25%,读(reading)25%,
写(Writing)25%,说(Speaking) 25%
采用Internet-Based Test,即电脑上网测试。
就是全美中小学教师协会CLASS颁布教学目标与评量标准﹕『Goals and Standards for K-12 Chinese Language Learning』,也就是所谓『全美中小学中文学习目标大纲』,即『5-C Goals & 11 Standard』。
(一)    Communication 信息交流:Communicate in Chinese
1.      语言沟通 Interpersonal Communication:
Students engage in conversations,provide and obtain information,express feelings and emotions,and exchange Opinions.
2.理解诠释 Interpretive Communication:
Students understand and interpret written (in characters and/or phonetic transcription)and Spoken language on a variety of topics.
3.表达演示 Presentational Communication:
Students present information,concepts,and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
(二)    Cultures 文化认知:
Gain knowledge and understanding of the Chinese Culture
1. 习俗了解 Practices of Culture:
Students demonstrate an understanding of social patterns and the practice of conventions,and interact appropriately in Chinese Culture Setting.
2.文化传承 Products of Culture:
Students demonstrate knowledge and understanding of significant of components of the Chinese culture,such as traditions,art,history,literature,music.
(三)    Connection 融会贯通:
Connect with other disciplines and acquire information
1. 触类旁通 Making Connection:
Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines thru the study of Chinese.
2. 增广见闻 Acquiring New Information:
Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the Chinese language and culture.
(四)    Comparisons 多元比较:
Develop insight into the nature of language & culture
1. 语言特质 Language Comparisons:
Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the Chinese language and their own.
2. 文化特质 Culture Comparison:   
Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the Chinese culture and their own.
(五) Communities 社区实用
1. 学以致用 Language Beyond School   
Students use the Chinese language both within and beyond the school setting. 
2. 学无止境 Life-1ong Learning 
Students show evidence of becoming life-1ong learners by using the knowledge of the Chinese language and culture for personal enjoyment and enrichment. 
《新意中文》教材与AP 中文 
1) 教材是 以激发儿童学中文兴趣为依据,以传播中华文化为依托 编写的,符合AP中文课程语言和中华文化交织的教学目标和基本要求。 
2) 教材包含中国文学、地理、历史、哲学等中国文化的丰富知识,系统地分专题介绍中国文化,全部课程学完,学生可掌握2500个汉字,通过AP中文考试完全没有问题。 
3) 教材课程设计听、说、读、写兼顾,与AP中文课程语言形态分类-听、说、读、写各占25%相吻合,以此训练学生“语言沟通、理解诠释和表达演示”三项AP中文的沟通模式。 
4) 教材是从幼儿到12年级系列化教材,适用在各年级的中文教学中,全面配合AP中文课程的目标和模式,制定具连贯性的中文教学长远计划。 
5) 教材除课文之外,还精选了500余篇阅读材料,以扩展学生的知识面,加强阅读能力,符合AP中文课程全方位学习语言和文化的要求。 
6) 教材设计了中文电脑输入内容,这是参加AP中文考试必备的技能。
What is AP Chinese
What is the Advanced Placement Program®(AP®)?
  In 2003, more than one million high school students participated in the College Board’s Advanced Placement Program (AP), each student taking one or more of the Program’s 34 college-level AP courses. Based on their performance on the rigorous end-of-course AP Examinations, students earn credit or advanced placement for college, or both, and demonstrate their ability to succeed in college-level studies. The tremendous growth in AP participation attests to a strong commitment from educators and students to elevating the standards in America’s classrooms. AP Chinese will be offered beginning in the 2006-07 school year.
How will the AP Chinese course and exam be developed?
  An AP Chinese Task Force will be formed and charged with creating an outline for the course and drafting the exam specifications. An AP Chinese Development Committee will then be formed to refine the course outline, finalize the exam specifications, write the AP Chinese Course Description, begin the writing of exam questions, and assemble the first forms of the exam.
What will be taught and assessed in AP Chinese?
  The AP Chinese Exam will assess the reading, writing, and speaking of Mandarin; the study of Chinese culture will be an integral part of the course.
Who will be on the AP Chinese Task Force and the AP Chinese Development Committee?
  Outstanding educators in the field identified by the College Board and organizations such as China’s National Office for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language.
How long will the development process take?
  Approximately two years.
When will the first AP Chinese course be offered?
  Fall 2006.
When will the first administration of the AP Chinese Examination take place?
  May 2007.
What level of Chinese language ability and what aspects of Chinese culture will be taught in the AP Chinese course and assessed in the AP Chinese Exam?
  The current AP courses and exams in Spanish, French, and German represent the equivalent of third-year college study of the language, and AP Chinese may be targeted at this level as well. The AP Chinese course and exam will incorporate Chinese cultural information within the teaching of reading, writing, and speaking the language. The AP Chinese Task Force will convene in early 2004 to define and describe the parameters of the course and exam, in preparation for the release of the official AP Chinese Course Description (which will answer these questions more fully by providing an overview of the course and exam, including sample exam questions) in 2005.
Do schools have to pay a registration fee to offer AP Chinese?
  No. The AP Program is funded through the individual students’ AP Exam fees.
How will schools register to offer AP Chinese?
  Each fall, all secondary schools in the United States and Canada and select schools in other countries are invited to register for participation in the AP Program through a Participation Form that asks the schools to indicate which AP subjects and examinations will be offered in the school that academic year and approximately how many students per subject will participate in the Program. In fall 2006, they will be able to select AP Chinese.
Will professional development be made available to teachers of AP Chinese?
  The College Board intends to offer a variety of annual professional development activities in the summers of 2005 and 2006 and during the 2006-07 academic year.
Are teachers required to participate in a College Board–sponsored professional development event to teach an AP course?
  It is not a prerequisite that AP teachers participate in a College Board–sponsored professional development event to teach an AP course. Nevertheless, the College Board strongly encourages attendance at an AP Summer Institute prior to teaching an AP course, attendance at one-day AP workshops during the academic year, and frequent use of the AP Central™Web site: llegeboard.
How can I make sure that I receive information and updates about the AP Chinese course and exam, as well as professional development opportunities? How can I make sure that my school receives an AP Participation Form in fall 2006 so that we can register to offer the AP Chinese Exam?
  Please send an e-mail to: , providing us with your name, school affiliation, mailing address, and e-mail address, and letting us know what information you would like to receive.Copyright © 2003 by College Entrance Examination Board. All rights reserved. College Board, Advanced Placement Program, AP, and the acorn logo are registered trademarks of the College Entrance Examination Board. AP Central is a trademark owned by the College Entrance Examination Board. Visit College Board on the Web at .
