注意事项:comparisons 本试卷考试时间为120分钟。满分120分。
. 听小对话及问题,选择正确的图片。对话读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)
1. A.     B.     C.
2. A.     B.     C.
3 A.     B.     C.
4. A.     B.     C.
5. A.     B.     C.
1. 听句子,选择最佳答语。句子读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)
6. A. Yes, you do.    B. My pleasure.    C. Have a good time.
7. A. Sure, no problem.    B. Never mind.    C. Yes, please.
8. A. In a week.    B. A week ago.    C. For a week.
9. A. Yes, there will.    B. No, it won’t.    C. Yes, there is.
10. A. With my classmates.    B. To the hill.    C. Next Sunday.
. 听小对话,选择正确答案。对话读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)
11. How does Linda improve her math?
A. By working with friends.     B. By learning from mistakes.    C. By doing more exercises.
12. When will the concert begin?
A. At 6:30 pm.    B. At 7:00 pm.    C. At 7:30 pm.
13. What does the man probably do?
A. A worker.    B. A doctor.    C. A student.
14. How old was Mary when she began to volunteer in the old people’s home?
A. 4.    B. 17.    C. 21.
15. Why was Jim sleepy in the physics class?
A. Because he stayed up last night.
B. Because he didn’t like physics.
C. Because he was tired after the match.
. 听对话和短文,选择正确答案。(每小题1分,共5分)
16. Why does Jason want to lose weight?
A. For his health.    B. For his study.    C. For his future job.
17. How often does Tina swim?
A. Twice a week.    B. Every day.    C. Once a week.
18. When did Tony go to see a film?
A. Last Saturday morning.     B. Last Saturday afternoon.    C. Last Saturday evening.
19. Where did Tony take the bird at first?
A. To his home.    B. To a hospital.    C. To a zoo.
20. How did Tony feel for missing the beginning of the film?
A. Happy.    B. Sorry.    C. Sad.
. 听短文,完成表格。短文读两遍。每空不超过两个词。(每小题1分,共5分)
The Happy 21. ________ Club
22. ________ students.
At a middle school in Zhengzhou.
Under the “double reduction” policy (双减政策), students have many new clubs and after-class 23. ________
·At first, students study vegetables.
·Then, students get the chances to grow vegetables and 24. ________ boards with the vegetables’ names on them.
·After that, students often water those planted vegetables.
25. ________
. 单项选择(每小题1分,共10分)
1. —In Huangshi, fishermen are not allowed to fish in ________ Ci Lake.
—Yes, we all want to create ________ more beautiful world.
A. a; a    B. the; the    C. the; a    D. a; the
2. Sam finds sweeping robots useful, and he plans to buy ___________ for his grandma.
A. it    B. one    C. this    D. that
3. —Mom, must I tidy my room right now?
—No, you ________. You can do it after breakfast.
A. needn’t    B. mustn’t    C. can’t    D. shouldn’t
4. —Don’t always ________ yourself with others, or you may have much stress.
—I can’t agree more.
A. communicate    B. connect    C. consider    D. compare
5. —Why do you want to be a volunteer?
—I guess I ________ my mother. She is always helping others.
A. take down    B. take after    C. take in    D. take off
6. —Do you think junior high school students ________ to get their ears pierced?
—No, I don’t think so. It is against the school rules.
A. should allow    B. allow    C. have allowed    D. should be allowed
7. David has worked here for 10 years since he ________ from university.
A. graduates    B. graduated    C. has graduated    D. will graduate
8. There ________ a volleyball game next Saturday. If it ________ we’ll have to put it off.
A. is going to be; rains    B. is going to be; will rain
C. is going to have; will rain    D. is going to have; rains
9. —Excuse me. Could you tell me ________?
—Certainly. Go along Center Street and turn left at the second crossing. You will find it.
A. where is the nearest shopping mall    B. where was the nearest shopping mall
C. where the nearest shopping mall is    D. where the nearest shopping mall was
10. —Would you mind handing me a pair of chopsticks?
—________. Here you are.
A. My pleasure    B. Yes, I’d love to    C. That’s all right    D. Of course not
. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)
Last Monday, a teacher named Celina cheerfully asked her students what their weekends were like. A boy said that he had spent a ___11___ weekendhe had his teeth ___12___ out and they still hurt. “Why do you always seem to be so happy?” he asked.
