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Four Most Popular Books Of The Week
Tiger in Trouble
By Jess Butterworth
Price: $15
In this book, Tilly and her friends set out to India to help at a wildlife zoo. There, they come across monkeys, bears and elephants—but what has become of the tigers? Written as if it is Tilly’s diary, this is perfect for younger readers
The Secret Sunshine Project
By Benjamin Dean
Price: $10
Last summer, Bea, her older sister Riley and their parents had the best day ever in London but now because of Dad’s death, Bea, Riley and Mum have to leave their London home and live in a sleepy countryside village. Seeing how sad Riley is, Bea decides to work on “The Secret Sunshine Project” to cheer up her big sister. Finally, she makes it.
By Michael Mann
Price: $25
Luke leads a poor life, digging up coal for Battersea Power Station. Then he meets a magic girl Alma, who can ride clouds through the night sky—and things begin to change. Set in an island, this is an imaginative story exploring friendship, courage and freedom.
Harley Hitch and the Missing Moon
By Vashti Hardy
Price: $22
In the book, a problem-solving girl called Harley returns to a world, where science rules. When Harley breaks a small wooden box by chance and makes the moon disappear, suddenly all is in a mess—and it’s Harley’s job to make things right again.
From Dusk to Dawn
By Henry Krauss
Price: $13
This book shares a collection of poems that paints a picture of how people help each other in difficult times.
1Which book is the best choice for younger readers?
A. Tiger in Trouble.                            B. Ghostcloud.
C. Harley Hitch and the Missing Moon.        D. The Secret Sunshine Project.
2What can we learn about The Secret Sunshine Project?
A. Bea’s dad helps the sisters.                B. Bea makes her sister happy again.
C. Bea’s story takes place in the US.            D. Bea’s mother has to stay in London.
3Who changes Luke’s life?
A. Tilly.                B. Harley.            C. Alma.            D. Riley.
4What happens after Harley breaks a small wooden box?
A. She loses her job.                        B. She repairs the box.
C. Everything is getting on well.                D. The moon can’t be found.
5How much is From Dusk to Dawn?
A. $10.                    B. $13.                C. $15.                D. $22.
At a snow park in Zhangjiakou, Hebei, Chinese teenage snowboarder Su Yiming won a silver in the men’s snowboarding competition on February 7. It was the first time that a Chinese snowboarder had ever competed in this event at any Olympics. Su was introduced to snowboarding at the age of 4 by his parents, who were both snowboarding fans. Su fell in love with the sport the first time they took him to a ski center. Later he kept on practicing after class. To save up more time for snowboarding, he would get up at 5 am and finish his homework early.
Su just saw snowboarding as a hobby in the beginning. However, on July 31, 2015 when he knew that Winter Olympics 2022 would be held in Beijing, his mind turned to professional(职业的)competition. He dreamed of joining in the Winter Olympics. And he decided to go professional.
In 2018 Su became a member of China’s national snowboarding team. In 2020 and 2021, he took home gold medals(奖牌)of all national competitions. In January 2021, he became the first Chinese man snowboarder to finish the Cab 1800—the most difficult snowboarding skill.comparisons
Behind his success is Su’s hard work. He has made full use of every chance to train more. Usually he arrived at the training center earlier than his teammates. In that way, he could practice more. He even broke several snowboards in one week because of heavy training.
After Su won his silver medal, his father Su Qun received an interview. He said that this would not be his son’s last Olympics and Su would do better in the future.
6How did Su feel the first time he tried snowboarding?
A. Disappointed.        B. Interested.        C. Worried.            D. Moved.
7Why did Su decide to go professional?
A. His parents were snowboarding fans.
B. He could finish the most difficult skill.
C. He joined China’s national snowboarding team.
D. Winter Olympics 2022 would be held in Beijing.
8When did Su become a national team member?
A. In 2022.                B. In 2020.            C. In 2018.            D. In 2015.
9What is the key to Su’s success?
A. Taking home gold medals.                B. Training hard day and night.
C. Being the first to finish the Cab 1800.        D. Getting much help from his teammates.
10Which part is the text probably taken from in a magazine?
A. Sport.                B. Travel.            C. Health.            D. Science.
Do you compare yourself to other people? Perhaps your best friend receives something you really want, or you’re not allowed to go to a concert but your brother or sister is. Even though comparisons are common and can sometimes be helpful, focusing(专注) on your own progress is important for your happiness.
“We often compare ourselves to others who are doing better or not as well as ourselves.” says Dr. Jack. “But I suggest comparing yourself to your past self and your future self. This can make you feel proud of what you’ve achieved and excited about what you might do. Focusing on your own purposes is more worthwhile than always trying to come out on top.”
Comparing yourself to those around you is natural and we often do it without realizing it. It can help us to be clear about our achievements and to form friendships with new people who have similar interests. However, it’s important to remember that nobody is perfect in real life. It’s also important to take note of how the comparison is making you feel. “If you
begin to feel quite low, focus on your own strengths.” says Jack. In other words, you can ask yourself questions like “What can I do well in?”, which can help you trust yourself.
