What is heterogeneity? Variation or differences
Clinical diversity
•e.g. condition, age, gender, location, study eligibility criteria •interventions
•intensity/dose, duration, delivery, additional components,
experience of practitioners, control (placebo, none,
standard care)
•follow‐up duration, ways of measuring, definition of an
event, cut‐off points
Methodological diversity
•e.g. randomised vs non‐randomised, crossover vs parallel,
individual vs cluster randomised
•e.g. risk of bias (allocation concealment, blinding, etc.),
approach to analysis
Statistical heterogeneity
•there will always be some random (sampling) variation between the results of different studies •heterogeneity is variation between the effects being
evaluated in the different studies
•caused by clinical and methodological diversity
•alternative to homogeneity (identical true effects underlying
every study)
•study results will be more different from each other than if
random variation is the only reason for the differences
between the estimated intervention effects
