Stay hungry  stay foolish
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, I believe many people have thought about this strange problem before: why do so many famous children prodigies become mediocre when they grow up? Why can’t they develop sustainably? Naturally, they should have been successful in their future life.
I think there are similarities between the previous example and what Steve Jobs once said in one of his speeches: stay hungry, stay foolish. Because there are so many praises and applauses around those children prodigies whey they are very young, gradually they become arrogant and proud. They believe themselves so talented that they needn’t study new knowledge any more. They can’t stay hungry or stay foolish. So they fade from the public eye by and by. What a tragedy!
Actually, in my opinion, “stay hungry, stay foolish” just means “have the desire for knowledge and be modest”. Yes, keep studying new knowledge like a hungry tiger and stay modest as if you know nothing. If you think yourself a Mr know-it-all, you may get hu
mbled. But if you maintain a hungry and unassuming state, you can become a better man.
  In this fast-changing world, new buildings, new commodities and new fashions appear every day. New ideas, new information, new technology emerge every hour. Society is becoming more competitive. There is no end to learning. If we are eliminated by new knowledge like a frog in the well, we may become short-sighted, selfish and proud, and finally we will be eliminated by the wheels of history.
  Actually when you have the desire for knowledge, you have already stayed “foolish”. They are in full accord. Stay foolish is a kind of state ob being modest. Only if you are modest, you can be respected by others. Our famous poet Baijuyi always read his new poem to a cowboy or an old lady after he finished a new one, then he would amend his verses again and again until they had understood it. Although he was successful, he didn’t look down on them. That was why his works were so straightaway and remembered by people. This ‘stay-foolish’ style is not foolish at all. It is a secret to make progress and develop sustainably.
  “Stay hungry, stay foolish” is a secret to make progress. It is the motive to become the person you want to be. Only in this way, can we make the best use of the possibilities of our life. Only in this way, will we not say sorry in the end of our life. Thank you!
