仁爱版英语七年级上册Unit 2 Looking different(2)
Topic II Her hair is brown
3)学会由what color,which 引导的特殊 疑问句表达及其回答。
4) 进一步学习一般现在时。
1 语音

1) 元音字母,字母组合ir,or,owair, er的发音。
2) 学会由what color,which 引导的特殊疑问句表达及其回答的语音语调。
3 朗读对话时的语音语调,感情彩。
1)颜名词,服装名词。如:green, yellow, pink, pants,cap, shirt etc.
2) give, skin, sorry, mam, color, light, there, tree, fair, under, country, pair, bring, here, cool
1)---What color is his/her hair.?
---He has gray hair.
2)---What color is/are this these shirt/trousers?
---It /They is/are white.
3) --- Which boy?
---The boy over there.
4) ---Which color do you like?
--- I like….
5) ---Which bag is Mike’s?
---The green one.
进一步学习一般现在时:what color,which 引导的特殊 疑问句表达及其回答
yellow dog(黄狗)――卑鄙小人 yellow boy(黄孩)――金币
black tea(黑茶)――红茶 black sheep(黑羊)――害之马
green hand(绿的手)――生手 white day(白曰)――黄道吉曰

1. 学以致用:对周边的人进行外貌特征,服装彩描述。巩固所学。使语言实用化。
2. 即时记忆:表示颜和衣物的名词较多,记忆可能有些困难。但这些名词和生活联系很紧,可以通过曰常生活中有意的练习来加强记忆。如,见到各种颜的物体就可以默念该
颜的英语名称,如该物体是认识的,就同时读该物体的英语名称,如a yellow bag, a red apple, blue pants等等。


1. Please give this to Maria in Grade 1, Class 2.请把这给一年级二班的玛丽亚。
Give+(sth )+(sb):表示把某物给某人, 如:
请把那本书给杰克.Please give that book to Jack..
2. What does she look like ?她长得怎么样?
What+ +sb(主语)+ look like? 长得怎么样;如:
---what does your father look like?你爸爸长的怎么样?
---He is not very tall but very strong.他不高,但很强壮。
3. I’ll do it right away.我马上就给她。
I’lll=I will这是一个将来时的句子。表示将要做某事。
right away: 马上 right now, at once同义。
4. What color is his hair? 他的头发是什么颜的?
---What color are those apples?
---They are red.
What class are you in? 你在哪个班?
What school is he in? 他在哪所学校?
What grade are they in? 他们在哪个年级?
5. Who is that boy over there? 那边的那个男孩是谁?
over there 在那边
She is over there. 她在那边。
The book over there is Jim’s. 在那边的那本书是吉姆的。
6. ---Which boy? 哪一个男孩?
---The boy under the tree. 树底下的那个男孩blond
under……下面 在盒子底下under the box
7. You look the same.
Look the same: 看起来很相象。
You look fine today. 今天,你看起来气不错。
She looks old. 她看起来显得年纪大了。
look 有时是实义动词,……”的意思。短语Look at 意思为……”
Look at the picture.看这张图画。
8. We have different looks, but we are good friends.我们的外表不同,但我们是好朋友。
Look 在这里是名词,外表的意思。
9. ---What color are the trousers? 这裤子是什么颜的?
---They are blue. 他们是蓝的。
---What color are those gloves? 这手套是什么颜的?
---They are green. 他们是绿的。
trousers, gloves 通常以复数的形式出现。以复数出现的衣服还有袜子socks.,鞋子shoes
一条裤子: a pair of trousers,
一双鞋:a pair of shoes
一副眼镜a pair of glasses
10. The girl in green. 穿绿衣服的那个女孩
1In 在这里是介词,意思是穿……(服装),戴…..(帽子,眼镜等)如:
Do you know the girl in yellow? 你认识穿黄衣服的那个女孩吗?
The boy in the hat is my brother. 戴帽子的那个男孩是我哥哥。
2 the 是定冠词,表示特指。意思有:这,那,这些,那些
11. ---Which one ? 哪一个?
---The blue one. 蓝的那个(书包)。
One 在这里代替bagone 常用来代替前面出现的人或事物,以避免重复。one代替单数名词,ones代替复数名词。如:
These green gloves are Jim’s and the red ones are Jane’s.这绿的手套是吉姆的,红的是简的。
12 Here you are. 给你(所要得东西)。
A: ---Please give the map to me.
B:---Here you are.
在交给别人东西时,常用这句话。如:这一类的口语还可说成Here it is. Here they are.

I. 根据句子意思或汉语提示,填写所缺单词。(部分词首字母已给出。)
1--- What _________ is his hair? ---It’s brown.
2. Please ___________()it to Maria.
3. Chinese have y________ skin and b__________ hair.
4. ---W__________ bag is Jim’s? ----The green one.
5. ---Bring me the bag.---OK.H__________ you are.
6. ---What color do you l__________? --- Pink.
7. I don’t like this p_______ of gloves.
8. I am s_______ I don’t know her.
9. Her __________ (短裙)is new.
10. Her __________(皮肤)
II 选择填空。
( )1. ---__________ are you in? --- Class Five.
A. What class B. What grade
C. What color D. What number
( )2. He is _______ blue.
A. to B. from C. under D. in
( )3. ----Who’s the girl over there?
--- Which one?
---- _______ under the tree.
A.This B.That C. The one D. Ones
( )4.. The bag is ___________.
A.Bruce is B. Bruce has
C.Bruce’s D. Bruce does
( )5 ________, what color is the shirt?
A. Sorry B. I’m sorry C.Excuse me D. That’s right
( )6. ---What color is it? ---___________ .
A. It’s an orange B. It’s orange
C. It’s a orange orange D. An orange
( )7. ---What color ________ his pants?
A. has, B. does C is D. are
( )8 --- What color _________ he like?
A.is B. do C. has D. does
1. has,and, blond, eyes, hair, blue, she________________________
2. color , is , dress, her, what, _________________________?
3. that, shoes, is, what ,of, pair, color_____________________?
4. over, my , skirt, there, is , white________________________.
5. one , Mike’s, which, is_______________________________?
1. His pants are black..(否定句)
His pants __________black.
2. He has blond hair.. (一般疑问句)
______ ________ blond hair?
3. Do you know? (肯定回答)
__________,________ ________.
4. Her skin is yellow..(就划线部分提问)
___________ ________ _______?
5. Here you are.. (同义句)
____________ _________ is.
6. The girl in red is my sister. (就划线部分提问)
____________ girl______ _________ sister?
7. They look the same. (一般疑问句)
______ they look the same?
8. I know Jack.(否定句)
I_________ ______Jack.
9. I like light yellow.. (就划线部分提问)
________ ___________ ________you like?
10. Those shoes are white.. (就划线部分提问)
__________ __________ ________ those shoes?
V. 阅读理解。选择正确答案。
Look at the picture. My sister Jane has blond,long hair. She has two big eyes.Her nose is small and her mouth is small, too. Her blouse is white. Her skirt is blue and her shoes are black and white. Which girl is she ? Guess! Yes, you are right. The one under the big tree!

( ) ----What color is Jane’s hair?--- ___________.
A. black B. blond C. gray D. white
( ) ----What color is her blouse?--- ___________.
A. black B. blue C. gray D. white
( ) ----What color is her skirt?--- ___________.
A. black B. blue C. gray D. white
( ) ----Which girl is Jane?--- ___________.
A. The one in yellow B.The one under the tree
C.The one under the small tree D. The one in red
( ) ----What color are Jane’s shoes?--- ___________.
A. black and white B. blue C. gray D. white

1.---_________________ are you in? ----Class Three.
2. ---_______________ are you in? ---- Grade Nine.
3.----________________ is the map? ---- Orange.
5. ---______________ this in English? ---- An orange
5.----______________ those in English? ---- Oranges.
