仁爱版英语七年级上学期Unit2 Topic2练习题
Section A
1. Michael has short blond hair and big b_________eyes.        2. Please___________(给)the ruler to me.
3. I'm s_________. I don't know her.                          4. ----Hi, Jane. Your___________(信) .----Thanks.
5. My son's hair is b_________. He is very young (年轻) .        6._________________(看)the plane. It's high. 
7. —What c_________is your bike?—It's black.                8. ___________(他们的)eyes are blue.               
9. An orange is o_________.          10. ----What do they look___________(像) ?---They hav
e long brown hair.
1. ----_______________________is his hair?------It's blond.
2. ----_______________________these desks?----They are yellow.
3. ----_______does the student look______?----He has short black hair and gray eyes.
4. ----Excuse me,______________ their English teacher?----Mr. Wang.----Thank you.
5. ----___________she___________ long black hair?---Yes, she does.
Section B
(    ) 1. ----___________are the boxes?----They're red.
A. What's color      B. What colors      C. Which color      D. What color
(    ) 2. Japanese and Chinese look___________.
A. like            B. the same      C. at            D. black
(    )3. -----___________----Yellow,I guess.
A. What is it?                          B. Who is he?
C. What color is it?                    D. Which girl is your good friend?
(    )4. ----Do you know Maria?----No,I don't know.___________girl?----The one___________brown hair and gray eyes.
A. What; with        B. Which; in          C. Who; with          D. Which; with
(    )5. ----What's your favorite color?---My favorite color is___________.
A. white and pink                    B. white but pink
C. white with green                  D. a white and pink
A: Hello, Jim.
B:  1  Who is the boy over there?
B; The one with black eyes and black hair.
A: Oh,he is my new friend, Liu Ping.
A:He is from Hainan, China.
B:But you look the same.
A:  4  Japanese and Chinese look the same. We have black hair and black eyes.
B;I have blond hair and blue eyes.
A;We have different looks.  5 
Section C
1. Please___________(拿来)my schoolbag here.
2. My s_________are black and my pants are black, too.
3. ---Who is the man___________( 在那边) ?----His friend,Ben.
4. I don't know the girl___________(穿着)pink.
5. ----W_________is his shirt?----The white one.
(        )1. Give the eraser to Diana,please.
A. Give the eraser          B. Give Diana the eraser        C. Give Diana to the eraser
(          )2. They are from Cuba.
A. be from          B. comes from            C. come from
(        )3. We aren't in different schools and we are good friends.
A. are in the same school        B. are in same school      C. are in the same schools
(        )4. ---What grade is Rose in ?---Sorry! don't know.
A. Where            B. Who                C. Which
(        )5. ----Red and yellow is orange.----That's right.
A. That's wrong(错)    B. You're right.            C. That's OK.
Ann,Jim, Helen and Jack put their pens on the desk. The pens are white, blue,red and black. We know the boys' pens aren't red and the girls' pens aren't black. What color is Ann's pen? I don't know. But I know it is not blue. Jack says, "My pen is white. "Then what color are their pens?
1. Ann's pen is______________.                      2. Jim's pen is______________.
3. Helen's pen is______________.                      4. Jack's pen is______________.
Section D
1. ----Is she your sister?----No, we have different 1_________.
2. ----What's it?----It's a______________(相片)of my sister.
3. ----Are those his pants?---Yes, his pants are y_________.
4. ----Which boy is Bill?----The one in an orange c_________.
5. The sky(天空 ) and the sea( 大海 ) are b_________.
1.-----Excuse me,what color are your clothes?----My dress________ pink and my trousers________ green. (is/are)
2.----Which girl is Helen and which one is Ann?
----The girl________ blond hair is Helen and the girl_________a red skirt is Ann. (in/with)
3. -----________color is his hair?-----It's brown, (what/where)
