C4 Test 1
Part 1
1.Q: Do you have a large family or a small family?
A: Well, I have a small family, for there are only three people in it --- my parents and myself.
2.Q: Can you tell me something about them?
A: Certainly. My father works at an international company as a sales manager for
already 8 years. I think he’s been working hard for his career as well as for our family.
My mother has the occupation of a doctor in a local hospital. She specializes herself in brain surgeries. I assume she qu ite likes her job, though it’s sometimes a tough one to handle, she thinks. Both my parents love me a lot. They show very much concern to my life and study. More importantly, they’ve been role models for my life during all these years of my growing up.
3.Q: How much time do you manage to spend with members of your family?
A: Actually, I usually manage to spend around 5 hours with them. As I mentioned above, both of my parents work busily for their jobs. I, as a student in college, have to
accomplish a daily school schedule. So, the only time we can manage to spend together is when we all finish our work and go back home.
4.Q: What sort of things do you like to do together?
A: The things we like to do together could be various. We have dinner together, during whi ch time we talk about one another’s daytime events. Sometimes, we watch
understandabletelevision programs after it. We do have a favourite one --- a talk show on Channel 4 every Tuesday evening. We choose to go out for a walk, too, sometimes. We might also participate in activities held in our community centre. They are usually fun and relaxing and offering us opportunities to get to know people living in the same neighbourhood with us.
5.Q: Did/Do you get on well with your family?
A: I guess I’m able to say so. You see, i n my family, everyone communicates with others on a regular basis to make sure there’re no misunderstandings ever between us. We treat it as a healthy way to let our thoughts and emotions be revealed to others and discuss about them openly. For that reason, I don’t think we have what people call
“generation gap” in the family.
Part 2
You will have to talk about the topic for one or two minutes.
You have one minute to think about what you are going to say.
You can make some notes to help you if you wish.
Model answer:
I would like to talk about one of my senior high school teachers. He taught me
mathematics in my second and third grades. His way of teaching was special compared with that of the other teachers. Instead of lecturing about many tedious and abstract concepts and displaying lots of formulas. During his lecture, he never forgot to show his great sense of humour to add to the activeness of the class. What was most impressive about him and
disadvantages of them and making us select the best presented solution on our own initiative. He opened our mind to new ideas and cultivated us to be capable of analyzing the pros and cons of a resolution in order to make the best decision. This capability to a great extent influenced me in the ways of making judgements in my work as well as in my life.
Part 3
Developments in education
Q: How has education changed in your country in the last 10 years?
A: As a matter of fact, I did see a big bounce in the development of China’s education
system in the last decade. It’s hard to believe that ten years ago education was no
better than the dull implementation of the old-fashioned teacher-centre approach
which could hardly succeed in motivating students. The only advantage students got
seemed to be the mere skills gained from painfully repetitive exercises that could help them pass the exams. In opposition to it, the education we have now emphasizes on
what people call Quality Teaching which aims to cultivate the initiative and creativity of students, helping them know how to learn, not just what to learn. Only in this way can they turn out to be persons with the capability of independent thinking. This is beyond doubt a big and bold step in the reform of teaching methodology in the education in my co
2.Q: What changes do you foresee in the next 50 years?
A: In the 50 years that follow, I’m confident we can see quite a few changes taking place in this area. The most significant transformation in education would be a switch from
being examination-oriented to being capability-oriented, thanks once again to the
continuing implementation of Quality Teaching. The next possible change will occur in
the teaching approach concerning the growing utilization of computers. Teaching will