Unit 1  课时跟踪练(一)  Welcome to the unit & Reading
.Read for the main idea
Reunderstandablead the passage quickly and choose the best answer.
What is the purpose of the passage?
A.To warn readers of the danger of fire.
B.To praise the firefighters for their bravery.
C.To encourage readers to be critical about news reports.
DTo tell the importance of journalists in informing us of the new information.
.Read for details
Read the first news report carefully and choose the best answers.
1.What is the journalist's attitude to the firefighters?   
A.Critical.        B. Favorable.
C.Pessimistic.    D. Disappointed.
2.How long did it take the firefighters to get the situation under control?
A.About 15 minutes.
B.About one hour.
C.About one hour and a half.
D.More than three hours.
3.Who were most likely to be trapped in the fire?
A.People on the first floor.
B.People on the fourth floor.
C.People on the seventh floor.
D.People on the tenth floor.
Read the second news report carefully and answer the following questions.
4.How did Lisa feel about the fire according to the second news report?
5.What equipment was supposed to prevent a fire?
Read the article (p.3) carefully and answer the following questions.
6.What should we not do when we come across factual differences in different news reports?
7.What may different journalists do when an estimate of a number is given?
.Read for the structure
Read the passage again and fill in the blanks.
Deaths and injuries
Rescue efforts
News report 1
1.________ night
Henderson Tower
The number of death could reach 2. ________
*Fire engines and ambulances reached the scene within 4. ________minutes.
*Firefighters got the situation under control.
A dropped 5. ________end on a carpet of the 8th floor started the fire.
News report 2
4 people confirmed dead, dozens 3. ________ people injured
Reading news reports critically
Why do news reports differ from or even contradict each other
*News reports are written by journalists who may have different 6. ________.
*News reports may be written at different 7. ________of an event.
*Journalists may approach 8. ________ they get from research or interviews differently.
How can we be critical news readers
*Read news reports written from various 9. ________and at different stages.
*Be 10. ________about the information we receive and remember not to blindly trust what we have read.
Reading news reports critically
We rely on news to learn about what is happening in the world around us. 1.________, we usually find that reports on the same events contain different or even contradictory information.
It is 2.________(advise) to remember that journalists may have different priorities. Even if news reports are written from 3.________(basic) the same perspective, they may contradict each other in terms of factual details. So check when the reports were written. News reports 4.________(write) at different stages of an event could contain different information as new facts 5.________ (bring) to light. Another aspect worthy of mention is that journalists may approach information they get from research or interviews differently. Therefore, checking different sources 6.________(enable) us to draw a more informed conclusion.
To sum up, it is wise to read news reports written from various perspectives and at different stages, 7.________brings us a more accurate understanding of a situation. We also need to be critical about the information we receive and remember not to blindly trust 8.________we have read. Though journalists are committed to 9.________(present) the truth, it is better to use our own 10.________(judge) than rely entirely on news reports.
What do you think we can do to be critical news readers?
1.The fire, which is thought to have started from the 8th floor, spread quickly through the tower block on Sunday night, leaving people on the upper floors trapped.
