阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的ABCD四个选项中,选出最正确选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
A mystery man, known as Benny, has been spreading happiness—one $100 bill at a time for more than three years in and around Salem, Oregon.
He randomly ] the bills in shops to be found, surprising and delighting unsuspecting shoppers. When it appeared that others might be trying to copy him, he started 2 his bills.
It is estimated that he has hidden more than $50,000 worth of $100 bills, and that's only what has been reported. Some people have been keeping track of 3 the bills are found, and notice that he has left them in stores, markets and fairs. Those who find one all have a similar tale about being
4when a $100 bill, with the mark of "Benny", falls out of the packaging of something.
It is 5 how these bills always seem to end up in the right hands. They have helped people pay their electric bill, make their rent, and even provide the homeless with 6 for a couple of nights. But the real magic of Benny is that more than half of the 7 report paying it forward to their favorite non-profit or a stranger in need. Some of the most heartwarming stories involve children.
8shopping for toys' they decide to buy school supplies for their classmates or groceries for the local food bank.
The bills are so 9 by some of the people who find them that they post them on their refrigerators or carry them in their purses. It's a 10 they say, to give and be like Benny.
1. A. covers
B. buries
C. hides
D. stores
2. A. returning
B. checking
C. changing
D. signing
3. A. when
B. where
C. how
D. why
4. A. amazed
B. impressed
C. inspired
D. amused
5. A. acceptable
B. understandable
C. memorable
D. remarkable
6. A. food
B. clothing
C. shelter
D. transport
7. A. finders
B. sellers
C. losers
D. beggars
8. A. Thanks to
B. Instead of
C. But for
D. Apart from
B.Arc xenobots the future of artificial intelligence?
C.The uncertain role of robot reproductionFact or fantasy? Robots can reproduce
【答案】31. A32. C33. B34. D第二节(共5小题;每题2分,共10分)
The Truth about Your Memory
What would you be without your memories? How important is your ability to remember the past and to draw on it to help you know what to do next? I'll answer tor you: It's right up there with breathing and eating. 35
However; most people know little about memory. A study by research psychologists Daniel Simons and Christopher Chabris asked people simple questions about memory an
d then compared their answers with those of experts in memory research. 36 For instance, to the question "Is there a "video camera' in your head?" 63% of people surveyed strongly agreed or mostly agreed that human memory "works like a video camera, accurately recording the events we see and hear so that we can review and inspect them later/ None of the experts strongly agreed or mostly agreed that memory functions like that.
So how does memory work? 37 He means well and wants to help, but the best he can do is tell you stories. And like all good storytellers, he edits for impact, efficiency, functionality, and clarity. He tells you what he assumes you need to know. He also makes honest mistakes—lots and lots of them. Sometimes he just gets confused and leaves out something important. He could even include inaccurate information by accident.
In other words, there is no consistent or orderly sense to memory. A memory will be hidden away and connected Io other memories or concepts in ways that arc not necessarily practical or logical.
38 Memories come to us in a way that is similar to how archaeologists and police detectives use bits of information to construct stories about past people and events.
39 Fortunately, enough has been revealed to offer us wise and safe guidance through daily life. Your memory is best thought of as helpful input. We don't need to remember every detail about everything.
A The researchers had a very tough time understanding human memories.
B.The human brain is still a mysterious universe in many ways, of course.
C.A research shows recalling the past can change the memory of what really happened.
D.The results show how far removed from reality the public's beliefs about memory are.
E.One would think that understanding how memory works would be a high priority for all people.
F.I prefer to describe it as something like an old man sitting by a campfire somewhere dee
p in your brain.
G.This is why a particular smell or sound may bring up a memory even though it wasn/t important in the original experience.
【答案】35. E36. D37. F38. G39. B第三局部:书面表达(共两节,32分)
What makes some people incapable of apologizing even when they/re clearly in the wrong?
