understandable课程  英语教师 胡静波  2011/2012学年    2学期
班级___12级电气_________    姓名____________      _______
Part One  Multiple Choices 
1. He had to ___ his journey before it had hardly begun.
a. absorb    b. abstract    c. abandon   d. abuse
2. The jokes Bill told in an effort to cheer us up didn’t quite ___.
a. come off    b. come out    c. come through   d. come up
3.  He showed great __ in pursuing the new learning.
a. comparison    b. value    c. recreation    d. enthusiasm
4. We need a foreign policy that is more ___ than before.
a. solute    b. loose   c. flexible    d. prosperous
5. Bombing the town was a ___ act.
a. intimate    b. hostile    c. worldwide    d. sheer
6. The Chinese use chopsticks ___ knives and forks.
a. in place of   b. in spite of  c. in part of  d. in front of
7. There are two colors in the Chinese flag,___ red and yellow.
a. mostly    b. lovely    c. fairly    d. namely
8.The artist ___ the book with pen-and-ink drawings.
a. expressed  b. illustrated   c. published  d. sponsored
9. I ___ you more help, but I had been so busy with my study.
a. might give  b. should give  c. might have given  d. should have given
10.No sooner ___ there than he fell ill.
a. had been arrived  b. he had arrived  c. he arrived  d. arrived he
11.Although it was extremely cold, ___ give up.
a. but nobody wanted to    b. nobody wanted to  c. however nobody want to  d. anybody yet want to
12.The movie he directed is,___, at last tolerable.
a. if not good   b. if it not good  c. if is not good  d. it is not good
13.It’s no use ___ to him as he clings very much to his own opinions.
a. talk    b. talks    c. to talk  d. talking
14.He stood at the platform and waved his hand ___ the train passed out of the sight.
a. until  b. unless    c. since    d. once
15.I saw him walking ___ the park to the school.
a. against    b. about    c. among  d. across
16.Thy didn’t tell me ___ she had got well .
a. what    b. which    c. whether   d. where
17.The house ___ at the corner of the street is the museum of fine art crafts.
a. stood    b. stand    c. standing   d. be standing
18.I was stuck with some business, and, ___ could not come in time.
a. however    b. moreover    c. instead    d. therefore
19.I can appreciate the ___ that prompts you to make this offer.
a. price    b. outset    c. reputation    d. motive
20.When I arrived at the station, the train had already ___.
a. deposited    b. depressed    c. departed   d. deprived
21.This man is ___ to wine.
a. addicted    b. predicted    c. dictated    d. expected
22.John’s work is ___ to Tom’s.
a. interior    b. inferior   c. exterior    d. better
23.If you reveal your friend’s secret, you will ___ him.
a. lure    b. disturb    c. alienate    d. control
24.A coat of paint will develop small cracks as it ___ over time.
a. peels  b. shrinks    c. hardens    d. fades
25.No one was ___ in the accident.
a. injured    b. knocked    c. damaged    d. suffered
26.As winter ___, the weather becomes colder.
a. approaches   b. derives    c. emerges    d. appears
27.I contact him ___.
a. every another week    b. every other week     c. every an other week      d. every an another week
28.I would like to accept your kind invitation with ___.
a. pleasure  b. a pleasure  c. pleasures   d. the pleasure
29.There is very ___ hope that she will pass the final exam.
a. few    b. little    c. many    d. much
30.___ the five girls came on the trip.
a. Neither    b. No body of    c. No one of    d. None of
Part Two  Reading Comprehension
Passage one
One day when I was a librarian at View Ridge School in Seattle, a primary school teacher approached me. She had a pupil who finished his work before all the others and needed a challenge. “Could he help in the library?” she asked, I said “Send him along.”
Soon a slight, sandy-haired boy in jeans and a T-shirt appeared. I told him about the system used for shelving books. He picked up the idea immediately. Then I showed him a stack of cards for lone-overdue books that I was beginning to think had actually been returned but were misshelved with the wrong cards in them. He said: “Is it kind of detective job?” I nodded yes. Later, when he asked to be a librarian on a regular basis, it was easy to say yes. He worked untiringly.
