中国古典园林classical Chinese gardens
苏州园林 Suzhou Gardens
拙政园 The Humble Administrator’s Garden
塔影亭 the tower shadow Pavilion
留听阁 the Stay and Listen Pavilion
hermit浮翠阁 the Floating Green Pavilion
笠亭 the Li Pavilion
与谁同坐轩 the “With Whom Shall I Sit?”Pavilion
宜两亭 Both Families Pavilion
三十六鸳鸯馆 the 36 Pairs of Mandarin Ducks’ Hall
十八曼陀罗花馆 the 18 Stramonium Flowers’ Hall
枇杷园 Loquat Garden
海棠春坞 Malus spring castle
听雨轩 the “Listen to the rain” Pavilion
玲珑馆 Exquisite Hall
小飞虹 the Small Flying Rainbow
得真亭 the Get Reality Pavilion
小沧浪 The small Pavilion of Quiet Meditation
听松风处 the place for listening to the pine wind
香洲 the Boat-like Structure
玉兰堂 the Magnolia
远香堂 Drifting Fragrance Hall
荷风四面亭 the Pavilion in the Lotus Breezes
倚玉轩 the Listening on Jade Pavilion
待霜亭 the Orange Pavilion
雪香云蔚亭 the Prunus Mume Pavilion
柳阴路曲 the zigzag pathway with willow shade
绣绮亭 the Peony Pavilion
见山楼 the Mountain in View Tower
别有洞天 the Moon Gate
留园 The Lingering Garden
华步小筑 A Scene in the Lingering Garden
绿荫 the Green Shade Pavilion
小蓬莱 the Samll Fairy Isle
舒啸亭 the Shuxiao Pavilion
浣云沼 the Huanyun Billabong
明瑟搂 the Pellucid Tower
涵碧山房 Hanbi Mountain Villa
可亭 Ke Ting Pavilion
五峰仙馆 the Celestial Hall of Five Peaks
林泉耆硕之馆 the Old Hermit Scholars’ House
闻木樨香轩 the Osmanthus Fragrance Pavilion
揖峰轩 the Yifeng Pavilion
又一村 “another village”
冠云峰 the Cloud Capped Peak
冠云台 the Cloud Capped Terrace
冠云亭 the Cloud Capped Pavilion
曲溪楼 the Zigzag Stream Tower
濠濮亭 the Haopu Pavilion
曲廊 the Zigzag Walkway
清风池馆 the Refreshing Breeze Pavilion by the Lake
活泼泼地 the Place of Liveliness
网师园 The Master-of-Nets Garden
小山丛桂轩the Small Hill and Osmanthus Fragance Pavilion
云窟月洞门 the Yunku Moon Gate
看松读画轩 the Watching Pines and Appreciating Paitings Studio
射鸭廊 the Duck Shooting Corridor
月到风来亭 the Moon Come with Breeze Pavilion
冷泉亭 the Cold Spring Pavilion
殿春簃 the Peony Study
万卷堂 the Hall of Scrolls
撷绣楼 the Bueaty Within Reach Tower
五峰书屋 the Five Peaks Library
真意门 the True Feeling Gate
环秀山庄 The Mountain Villa with Embracing Beauty
问泉亭 the Putting a Question to the Spring Pavilion
飞雪泉 the Spring of Flying Snow
水涧 the Gully
边楼 the Side Tower
补秋山房 the Make-up Autumn Gallery
狮子林 The Lion Forest Garden
燕誉堂 the Yan Yu Hall
海棠门洞 the Chinese Flowering Crabapple Gate
指柏轩 the Zhi Bai Pavilion
九狮峰 the Nine Lions Peak
古五松园 the Ancient Five Pines Garden
花篮厅 the Flower Basket Hall
真趣亭 the True Delight Pavilion
石舫 the Stone Boat-Like Structure
湖心亭 the Mid-Lake Pavilion
问梅阁 the Putting a Question to the Wintersweet Pavilion
文天祥碑亭 Wen Tianxiang Stele Pavilion
扇面亭 the Fan-Shaped Pavilion
修竹阁 the Practising Buddhism Pavilion
立雪堂 the Li Xue Hall
艺圃 The Garden of Cultivation
博雅堂 the Bo Ya Hall
乳鱼亭 the Fry Pavilion
香草居 the Sweetgrass House
响月廊 the Sound of Moon Verandah
耦园 The Couple’s Garden Retreat
吾爱亭 the Wu Ai Pavilion
听橹楼 the Ting Lu Tower
城曲草堂 the Cheng Qu Thatched Cottage
载酒堂 the Carrying Wine Hall
还砚斋 the Giving Back Inkstone Studio
沧浪亭 Surging Waves Pavilion
明道堂 the Ming Dao Hall
看山楼 the Looking at Mountains Tower
翠玲珑 the Jade and Exquisite Study
清香馆 the Prue Fragance Hall
康熙御碑亭 the Kangxi Imperial Stele Pavilion
退思园 The Garden of Quiet Meditation
揽胜阁 the Viewing Landscape Pavilion
水香榭 the Water Fragance Pavilion
退思草堂 the Thatched Cottag of Quiet Meditation