1.(1分) What does the woman often eat
2.(1分) Where is Tony going in the summer holiday
3.(1分) What's wrong with Jim
A.He has a toothache.
B.He has a headache.
C.He has a bad cold.
4.(1分) How often does Amy's sister watch cartoons
A.Every day.
B.Once a week.
C.Three times a week.
5.(1分) When will the weather report begin
A.At 755 pm.
B.At 800 pm.
C.At 805 pm.
II.长对话理解。你将听到两段对话,每段对话后有几个小题。请在每小题所给的A. BC三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。
6.(2分)(1Who is the man
A.Linda's brother.
B.Linda's father.
C.Lisa's father.
2What does Lisa want to do
A.Take a message for Linda.
B.Visit Linda this Saturday.
C.Invite Linda to her home.
7.(3分)(1What is the woman doing
A.Asking the way.
B.Waiting for the bus.
C.Getting on the bus.
2How does the woman usually go to work
A.By car.
B.By bus.
C.By bike.
3What's the possible relationship (关系) between the two speakers
8.(5分)(1What did the speaker's mother sell at the market at first
2How old was the speaker when she got a book from her grandma
A.She was 14.
B.She was 20.
C.She was 22.
3What did the speaker do when she was alone at the market
A.She sold the candles.
B.She talked with other sellers.C.She played with other children.
4Who gave the speaker some money to open her first shop
A.Her mother.
B.Her grandma.
C.Her uncle.
5What does the passage mainly tell us
A.We can get much help from our family.
B.We should spend free time developing our interests.
C.We can have our own idea and work hard to make it.
Information Sheet
Name of the club
Save Animals
Common interest
1     for animals
Action of students
They build houses for homeless animals from 2     2nd
They have visited3      schools to call on students to be kind to animals.
Students in the club
They feel4     and work hard.
Meaning of the club
It 5     students some useful information about animals.
10.(1分)The cookies           goodCould I have some more?(  )
Ataste    Bsmell    Cfeel    Dsound
11.(1分)The doctors got together and had a_____meeting.No one knew what they talked about.(  )
Aprivate    Bcute    Cpublic    Drich
12.(1分)﹣ Did you do anything special on Father's Day
Yes.I made my father a card in the_____of a heart to show my love.(  )
Asymbol    Bcolour    Cshape    Dmodel
13.(1分) I have tried many ways to solve the problem but_____of them is perfect.(  )
Aeither    Bneither    Call    Dnone
14.(1分)﹣ A boy from Hefei made a model plane_____by himself in a month.
Without any helpHe is so excellent.(  )
Aalmost    Bhardly    Cmainly    Dtally
15.(1分) It's really very dangerous.One more step_____the kid will fall into the lake.(  )
Aso    Band    Cbut    Dor
16.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Could you tell me        he came here
﹣﹣﹣He drove here himself.(  )
Ahow    Bwhy    Cwhen    Dwhether
17.(1分)﹣_____have you been like this
Since Thursday.I have been ill for 2 days.(  )
AWhen    BHow soon    CHow long    DHow often
18.(1分)﹣Have you ever been to Shanghai
Of courseActuallyI _________there for six years but now I live in Taizhou.(  )
Aworked    Bwas working   
Cwould work    Dhave worked
19.(1分)—Would you mind my closing the doorIt's too cold outside.
________.You can do it!(  )
ACertainly.    BYou'd better not.   
COf course not.    DIt's hard to say
20.(10分)Mr and Mrs Smith have just opened a small restaurant.In order to1   customersthey put a notice in front of the restaurantwhich said2   for Three Days."
    A foreign student happened to3 caber  by the restaurant on the second day.And he didn't know much English.It was lunchtime and he felt hungry. "Wellhere is a restaurant.I'm going to have something to eat."
    He saw the notice when he was walking to the restaurant. "American people are really4   .They even eat food on the house!But how can I get onto the5   of the house" He said to himself.
    He looked around and found a ladder(梯子)(6   the tree nearby.He was very glad.But as he reached the top of the househe heard someone shouting at him. "Heywhat are you doing up there"
