1. 人工智能语言的名家名言
(1)温斯顿认为,LISP 语言是AI的数学,不仅对AI的机器实现有重要意义,而且是AI理论研究的重要工具。
在HOW型语言中,程序编制者必须详细说明运算是怎样(HOW)一步一步进行的;而在WHAT型语言中,程序编制者只需简单说明要做的事情是什么(WHAT) 。 …现代的LISP语言是这些语言的佼佼者,因为采用Common Lisp格式的Lisp具有非凡的表现力,但是如何做某件事情仍然是有待于Lisp程序编制者来表达的东西.相反,Prolog是一种明显地冲破了HOW型语言陈规的语言, 它鼓励程序编制者去描述情况和问题,而不是那些用来解决问题的详细步骤。”
一般来说,LISP可以称为人工智能的汇编语言, Prolog是人工智能更高级的语言。
2. 急需《人工智能》的经典台词
David: Is it a game? 大卫:这是一个游戏吗? Monica: Yes. 莫尼卡:是的。 Monica: You won't understand the reasons but I have to leave you here. 莫尼文卡:你不会明白的,但是我不得不把你留在这儿。 David: Is it a game? 大卫:这是一个游戏吗? Monica: No. adaptive
莫尼卡:不。 David: When will you come back for me? 大卫:你什么时候会回来? Monica: I'm not, David. You'll have to be here by yourself. 莫尼卡:我不会回来,大卫。你将独自留在这儿。 David: Alone?
3. 为什么有很多名人让我们警惕人工智能
弱人工智能 Artificial Narrow Intellingence ( ANI ):擅长单方面工作的人工智能,譬如能下国际象棋的机器人;** 目前我们掌握的智能阶段即在此**。
强人工智能 Artificial General Intelligence ( AGI ) :智能与人类相当,人能做的它都能做,甚至包括* 抽象思维能力*;
超人工智能 Artificial Superintelligence ( ASI ):在很多方面都比人类聪明许多许多;
4. 为什么有很多名人让人们警惕人工智能
5. 电影《人工智能》的台词
人工智能精彩对白:David: Is it a game? Monica: Yes. Monica: You won't understand the reasons but I have to leave you here. David: Is it a game? Monica: No. David: When will you come back for me? Monica: I'm not, David. You'll have to be here by yourself. David: Alone? Monica: With Teddy. David: No. No, no, no! No, Mommy, please! No, no. Please, Mommy. Monica: They would destroy you, David! David: I'm sorry I broke myself. I'm so sorry I cut your hair off. I'm sorry I hurt Martin. Monica: I have to go. I ahve to go! Stop it! I have to go now. David: Mommy, don't! Mommy if Pinocchio became real and I become a real boy can I come home? Monica: That's just a story. David: But a story tells what happen. Monica: Stories are not real! You're not real! Now, look. Take this, alright? Don't let anyone see how much it is. Look. Don't go that way. Go anywhere but that way or they'll catch you. Don't ever let them catch you! Listen, stay away from Flesh Fairs, away from where there are lots of people. Stay away from all people. Only others like you, only Mecha are safe! David: Why do you want to leave me? Why? I'm sorry I'm not real. If you let me, I'll be so real for you! Monica: Let go, David! Let go! I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the world. Narrator: 289 Those were the years when the icecaps melted due to the green
house gases and the oceans had risen and drowned so many cities along all the shorelines of the world. Amsterdam, Venice, New York forever lost. Millions of people were displaced. Climate became chaotic. Hundreds of millions of people starved in poorer countries. Elsewhere a high degree of prosperity survived when most governments in the developed world introduced legal sanctions to license pregnancies. Which was why robots, who were never hungry and did not consume resources beyond those of their first manufacture were so essential an economic link in the chain mail society. fe8 Female Colleague: It occurs to me with all this animus existing against Mechas today it isn't just a question of creating a robot that can love. Isn't the real conundrum, can you get a human to love them back? Professor Hobby: Ours will be a perfect child caught in a freezeframe. Always loving, never ill, never changing. With all the childless couples yearning in vain for a license our Mecha will not only open up a new market but fill a great human need. Female Colleague: But you haven't answered my question. If a robot could genuinely love a person what responsibility does that person hold toward that Mecha in return? It's a moral question, isn't it? Professor Hobby: The oldest one of all. But in the beginning, didn'
t God create Adam to love him? David: Mommy? Will you die? Monica: Well, one day, David, yes, I will. David: I'll be alone. Monica: Don't worry yourself so. David: How long will you live? Monica: For ages. For 50 years. David: I love you, Mommy. I hope you never die. Never. Patricia in mirrored room: I'm afraid. Gigolo Joe: Of me? Patricia in mirrored room: Yes. Gigolo Joe: That I will hurt you? Patricia in mirrored room: Yes. Gigolo Joe: I think。
