A company divides projects into three groups: A, B, and C. The A group will open new business areas for the company. B group is very mature. It is the main source of company profits. The industry of C group is shrinking. The company set different priorities for the three groups of projects and allocate resources according to this priority. What is this management activity?——[单选题]
A 项目管理
Project Management
B 项目集管理
Program Management
C 项目组合管理
Portfolio Management
D 项目治理
Project Governance
There are several project teams in a company that often have conflicts due to the interaction between projects, such as other projects' tasks cannot be completed on time, resulting in delays in their own projects. Although project managers often have meetings t
ogether, they have little effect. What role do they need to solve these problems most now?——[单选题]
A 项目组合经理
Portfolio Manager
B 项目集经理
Program Manager
C PMO负责人
PMO Leader
D 变更控制委员会CCB
Change Control Board
Which of the following statements is not true about the project and operation?——[单选题]
A 持续运营不属于项目的范畴;
Continuous operation is not in the scope of the project;
B 项目和运营可能存在交叉;
There may be a crossover between the project and operation;
C 项目专注于成果交付,运营聚焦在实现商业价值;
The project focuses on the delivery of results, and the operation focuses on realizing commercial value.
D 项目和运营是截然分开的两个阶段。
Project and operation are two distinct phases.
The following may be features of the project, EXCEPT:——[单选题]
A 临时性
B 重复性
C 独特性
D 不确定性
Project manager receives a new software product development project, according to the user's continuous feedback to determine the product function step by step, and how to realize these functions also has no mature technical solution can learn from. What project life cycle should the project manager recommend?——[单选题]
A 预测型
Predictive type
B 适应型
Adaptive type
C 迭代型
Iteration type
D 增量型
Incremental type
Which of the following statement about project life cycles and project phases is true?——[单选题]
A 类似的领域和组织就有相同的项目生命周期。
Similar Application Areas and Organizations have identical project life cycles.
B 项目生命期内的项目阶段总是依次顺序排列的。
Project phases within a project life cycle are always sequential.
C 项目生命期并不定义项目的开始和结束。
Project life cycle does not define the beginning and end of a project.
D 不同的子项目可以有不同的生命周期。
Subprojects may have distinct project life cycles.
A project manager is asked to perform a cost-benefit analysis for two potential projects. Project A costs US$ 1.2 billion,with potential benefits of US$ 6 billion and future US$ 1.3 billion. Project B costs US$ 1.4 billion, with potential benefits of US$ 6.5 billion and future US$ 1.2 billion. Which project should the project manager recommend?——[单选题]
A 项目B;因为潜在效益减去执行成本所得的值大于项目A所得值。
Project B; the potential benefits minus the costs to implement are greater calculation for project A.
B 项目A;因为执行成本与未来运营成本之和低于项目B。
Project A; the cost to implement is less than project B.
C 项目B;因为潜在效益与执行及运营成本之和的比值大于项目A。
Project B; the potential benefits minus the implementation and future greater than the same calculation for project A.
D 项目A;因为潜在效益与执行成本的比值大于项目B。
Project A; the potential benefits plus the future operating costs are less than calculation for project B.
Which of the following statements is true:——[单选题]
A 五大过程组可能出现在项目的每个阶段。
The five process groups may appear at each stage of the project.
B 管理任何项目都应该包含49个过程。
Managing any project should include 49 processes.
C 收尾过程组只发生在产品交付阶段。
Closing process group occurs only in the phase of product delivery.
D 五大过程组是按照时间先后顺序发生的。
The five process groups occur in chronological order.
Tailoring objects which can be the following, EXCEPT:——[单选题]
A 项目管理过程
project management process.
B 项目生命周期和阶段
project life cycle and phases.