System of Systems翻译
妙手偶得之,System of Systems译为“散系”。
以下斜体字是在wiki搜索System of Systems的结果。
System of systems is a collection of task-oriented or dedicated systems that pool their resources and capabilities together to create a new, more complex system which offers more functionality and performance than simply the sum of the constituent systems. Currently, systems of systems is a critical research discipline for which frames of reference, thought processes, quantitative analysis, tools, and design methods are incomplete.[1]
[1]Popper, S., Bankes, S., Callaway, R., and DeLaurentis, D., System-of-Systems Symposi
um: Report on a Summer Conversation, July 21–22, 2004, Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, Arlington, VA.
翻译成中文,大意是说:System of Systems是面向任务(或以任务为导向)的多系统的集合,这些系统通过共享资源与能力,创建一个新的更复杂的系统,与多系统的简单加和相比,具有更强大的功能和性能。
System of Systems有明确的定义,单个英文词语的含义也十分明了,可要翻译成信达雅的中文,就不那么简单了。据不完全检索,相对应的中译文有:综合系统、系统的系统、系统之系统、复杂系统、系统体系、体系等等。其中,系统的系统、系统之系统,这两个译文是直译,区别不大,用古文“之”字意图增添雅致。综合系统、复杂系统、系统体系、体系这几个译文都试图表达System of Systems的内涵,包含了以下英文解释的一个或若干个方面。
1.Linking systems into joint system of systems allows for the interoperability and synergism of Command, Control, Computers,
Communications, and Information (C4I) and Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) Systems: description in the field of information superiority in modern military.
2.System of systems are large-scale concurrent and distributed systems the components of which are complex systems themselves: description in the field of communicating structures and information systems in private enterprise.
3.System of systems education involves the integration of systems into system of systems that ultimately contribute to evolution of the social infrastructure: description in the field of education of engineers on the importance of systems and their integration.
4.System of systems integration is a method to pursue development, integration, interoperability, and optimization of systems to enhance performance in future battlefield scenarios: description in the field of information intensive systems integration in the military.
5.Modern systems that comprise system of systems problems are not monolithic, rather they have five common characteristics: operational independence of the individual systems, managerial independence of the systems, geographical distribution, emergent behavior and evolutionary development: description in the field of evolutionary acquisition of complex adaptive systems in the military.
6.Enterprise systems of systems engineering is focused on coupling traditional systems engineering activities with enterprise activities of strategic planning and investment analysis: description in the field of information intensive systems in private enterprise.
7.System of systems problems are a collection of trans-domain networks of heterogeneous systems that are likely to exhibit operational and managerial independence, geographical distribution, and emergent and evolutionary behaviors that would not be apparent if the systems and their interactions are modeled separately: description in the field of National Transportation System, Integrated Military and Space Exploration.
但对照System of Systems的固有特征,不足之处一目了然。二、固有特征
参见Wiki,判定一个System of Systems的五个特征是:
1)Operational Independence of Elements(要素自主运行)
2)Managerial Independence of Elements(要素自主管理)
3)Evolutionary Development(演进发展)
4)Emergent Behavior(涌现行为)
5)Geographical Distribution of Elements(要素地理分布)
复杂系统,中文含义符合这五个特征,但在英文中,复杂系统与System of Systems还是有差别的,原文如下:
Systems of systems typically exhibit the behaviors of complex systems. But not all complex problems fall in the realm of systems of systems.
猴年马月前,灵光一现,将System of Systems翻译为“散系”!
散系一词,散字表达了System of Systems的判定特征,即五散:
adaptive1)分散运行:Operational Independence of Elements(要素自主运行)
2)分散管理:Managerial Independence of Elements(要素自主管理)
3)时间线分散:Evolutionary Development(演进发展)
4)结构层分散:Emergent Behavior(涌现行为)
5)分散部署:Geographical Distribution of Elements(要素地理分布)
散系一词,对照中文的散文,表达了System of Systems的内涵,形散而神不散。从这点看,散系译文有神韵,是为雅。
最后,跟踪一下这个概念在美军的最新进展。2015年9月,美军发布了《Air Force Future Operating Concept——A VIEW OF THE AIR FORCE IN 2035》,其核心思想:敏捷行动(Operational Agility)所依托的物理系统就是散系。