DJI Mobile SDK为开发者提供了丰富的API接⼝,可以供⽤户按⾃⾝需求开发出不同的移动应⽤软件。根据移动设备平台的不同,Mobile SDK⼜主要分为IOS SDK与Android SDK,此⽂主要就Android SDK进⾏讨论,内容来源于DJI官⽹。
图 DJI Mobile SDK 架构图
由上述架构图可以看出,Mobile SDK 主要包含5部分,其主要功能概述依据⼤疆官⽹给出的如下:
SDK Manager: Manages registration of the SDK, product connection and provides access to the product itself.
Product: The aircraft or handheld product, this class holds basic product properties and contains the main product components.
Component: Component classes describe the gimbal, camera, flight controller, remote controller and wireless link. The classes provide component control, state information and contain subcomponents.
Mission: Classes that describe different missions such as Waypoint and ActiveTrack missions and hold their setup properties and status.
Mission Control: Mission Control handles execution of missions. Either single missions can be run through dedicated mission operators, or a series of missions and actions can be run serially using the Timeline.
图 组件详细描述
图 任务详细描述
⼆:SDK 任务介绍
2.1 Waypoint Mission
官⽅概述如下:A waypoint mission is a series of pre-defined locations (waypoints) the aircraft will fly to. A location is a latitude, longitude and altitude. Aircraft heading and altitude between waypoints can change either gradually or at the waypoint itself. A series of actions (such as take photo) can be executed at each waypoint.
sdk依据官⽅介绍,waypoint mission可直接编辑航点使⽆⼈机按规划路线从⼀个航点向另⼀个航点进⾏飞⾏,在飞⾏过程中可以进⾏拍照,视频录制等⼯作。但最多航点数不超过99个。官⽅给出⽰意图如下图所⽰:
图 waypoint mission ⽰意图
2.2 Hot Point Mission
官⽅概述如下:In a Hot Point Mission, the aircraft will repeatedly fly circles of a constant radius around a specified point called a Hot Point. Altitude, velocity, the Hot Point location, aircraft heading and flight direction can all be defined as part of the mission.Altitude, heading and radius can also be adjusted manually using the remote controller control sticks during the mission.
依据官⽅介绍,Hot Point Mission功能让⽆⼈机按照提前设置好的环绕半径绕 “热点”进⾏飞⾏。在任务进⾏中可以控制其环绕的⾼度和飞机朝向等的设置。其⽰意图如下:
图 Hot Point Mission
2.3 Follow Me Mission
官⽅概述如下:In a Follow Me Mission, the aircraft will follow GPS coordinates continually sent to the aircraft maintaining separation and a constant altitude.The aircraft will hover in place if it hasn’t received a new GPS coordinate for more than 6 seconds.
图 Follow Me Mission ⽰意图
2.4 ActiveTrack Mission
官⽅概述如下:The ActiveTrack Mission allows an aircraft to track a moving subject using the vision system and without a GPS tracker on the subject.
图 ActiveTrack Mission ⽰意图
2.5 TapFly Mission
官⽅概述如下:The TapFly mission flies the aircraft in the direction of a point on the live video stream that the user chooses. The mission is initialized with a position target from the live video stream. The 3D direction of the coordinate is calculated, and the aircraft proceeds to fly in that direction.