After two days of questioning by the police, the criminal finally confessed
Your answer(s)C orrect answer(s) c onfessed c onfessed
It is a very popular play, and it would be wise to reserve
seats in advance.
Your answer(s)C orrect answer(s) r eserve r eserve
He was an enthusiastic amateur writer for many years before he turned approval
Your answer(s)C orrect answer(s) a pproval p rofessional
The actor's performance has been impressive
in "Hamlet" at the National Theater.
Your answer(s)C orrect answer(s)
i mpressive i mpressive
5. Where unemployment and crime rate are high, it can be assumed that the
is due to the former.
Your answer(s)C orrect answer(s)
l atter l atter
A good photograph can often convey
far more then words.
Your answer(s)C orrect answer(s)
c onvey c onvey
7. Although you have graduated from university, a bachelor's degree in English does not qualify
leftistyou to teach English.
Your answer(s)C orrect answer(s)
q ualify q ualify
The young girl is so refined
in her manners that she always eats cake with a
little fork.
Your answer(s)C orrect answer(s)
r efined r efined
I have a packed timetable this week. Could you substitute
for me at the meeting
at the head office
Your answer(s)C orrect answer(s)
s ubstitute s ubstitute
The new project is expected to start early next year; it has won the professional of
the board.
Your answer(s)C orrect answer(s)
p rofessional a pproval
At one time the writer was given the label
"anti-government leftist" for his
opposition to the Iraq War.
Your answer(s)C orrect answer(s)
l abel l abel
I have failed so many times that I despair
of ever passing my driving test.
Your answer(s)C orrect answer(s) d espair d espair
He is only 30 years old, but he has become a prominent
surgeon in this city.
Your answer(s)C orrect answer(s) p rominent p rominent
Martin Luther King Jr. was awarded
the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize for advocating
a policy of nonviolence in the Civil Rights movement.
Your answer(s)C orrect answer(s)
a warded a warded
Such generosity is really characteristic
of Mr. Johnson; he has offered to buy the
air tickets to New York for all of us.
Your answer(s)C orrect answer(s)
c haracteristic c haracteristic
The unemployed engineer wrote a dozen applications
for jobs but got no reply.
Your answer(s)C orrect answer(s)
a pplications a pplications
Vocabulary Task 2
1. Please fill on this application form, giving your name, age, and address.
Correct form: fill oux
fill in
Your answer(s)C orrect answer(s)
f ill in f ill out
f ill in f ill in
2. Since I had given his offer plenty of thought before I accepted it, I feel comfortable on my decision. Correct form: feel comfortable with
feel comfortable about
Your answer(s)C orrect answer(s)
f eel comfortable about f eel comfortable with
f eel comfortable about f eel comfortable about
3. In order to improve people's living standard, we should attach first importance on the development of the economy.
Correct form: attach first importance to
Your answer(s)C orrect answer(s)
⾮常重视;把……放在第⼀位a ttach first importance to
4. Because we don't want to be too friendly with the Smiths, we politely turned off their invitation. Correct form: turned down
Your answer(s)C orrect answer(s)
r ejected t urned down
r ejected r ejected/refused
5. When he noticed my hesitation, he came on me and said: "Come on, John."
Correct form: came to
moved toward
Your answer(s)C orrect answer(s)
m oved toward c ame to/came up to
m oved toward m oved toward
6. I don't know whether to accept this new job, and the company is pressing me with a decision. Correct form: pressing me for
try in a determined way to get something
Your answer(s)C orrect answer(s)
t ry in a determined way to get
p ressing me for
t ry in a determined way to get something t ry in a determined way to get something
7. Newspapers today are not entirely free to government control.
Correct form: free from
not influenced by
Your answer(s)C orrect answer(s)
n ot influenced by f ree from/free of
n ot influenced by n ot influenced by
8. During the summer holiday, many relatives came to Shanghai to see the sights. We were stuck by the unexpected visitors.
Correct form: stuck with
Your answer(s)C orrect answer(s)
不得不接待;被迫接待s tuck with
9. Medical students in extended contact with junior doctors learn attitudes by example, from better or
Correct form: for better or worse
whether the result is good or bad
Your answer(s)C orrect answer(s)
w hether the result is good or bad f or better or worse
w hether the result is good or bad w hether the result is good or bad
10. At the age of twenty, he took charge over a large family business in his hometown after his father
Correct form: took charge of
took responsibility for
Your answer(s)C orrect answer(s)
t ook responsibility for t ook charge of
t ook responsibility for t ook responsibility for 11. A 23-year-old woman was found guilty for murder in the Higher Court today. Correct form: guilty of
having committed some crime
Your answer(s)C orrect answer(s)
h aving committed some crime g uilty of
h aving committed some crime h aving committed some crime
12. The thought of being separated from all my friends for a whole year makes me ill in ease.
Correct form: ill at ease
uncomfortable; not relaxed
Your answer(s)C orrect answer(s)
u ncomfortable; not relaxed i ll at ease
u ncomfortable; not relaxed u ncomfortable; not relaxed
13. She quarreled with him because he wanted to project his own thoughts and ideas in her.
Correct form: upon
