April 23, 2022 is the 27th World Book Day, and its keynote statement is: "Hope for people in the global diaspora, whether you are old or young, poor or rich, sick or healthy. All can enjoy the fun of reading, can respect and thank the masters of literature, culture and scientific thought who have made great contributions to human civilization, and can protect intellectual property rights.”
Reading changes your life, reading fifty books every year, you can also reverse your life
I believe that most people will realize the importance of reading, and they want to read and read a lot of books. But there are always some people who set the goal of reading N books every year, and also buy a lot of books, but the actual situation may be that most of the books have not been read yet. And I am the one who feels guilty after buying books and reading them all.
In my imagination, I should have a cup of scented tea every day, a column of fragrance, an
d reading with a scroll, which is a beautiful scene of leisure and comfort. But the reality is, just picked up a book to read, the eldest daughter came to ask you a question about your studies, and the younger son cried and wanted to hug. After finally being quiet, I found that this book is not as good as others have introduced, it is boring and difficult to read, and I can't read it at all. This is naturally related to the amount of reading. When your cognition has not yet reached that level, you will find it difficult to swallow when you read books that are quite different from your cognition, just like you are used to eating white rice noodles. But suddenly it was unpalatable to eat whole grain buns.
I have loved reading since I was a child. In the early 1950s, our country produced many selected (or collections) of folk tales from various countries, such as "Korean Folk Tales" and "Lithuanian Folk Tales", I read them one after another and read them with great interest. After reading all the folk tales that I could borrow, I turned to the fairy tale book, Grimm's Fairy Tales, and Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales. After entering the upper grades of elementary school, I was not satisfied with reading those short stories, so I began to look for novels to read, ranging from "Water Margin", "Romance of the Three Kin
gdoms", "Romance of the Gods", "Said Yue Quanzhuan", etc., to some translated novels from the Soviet Union , such as "Gulya's Road", "Dagger", "The Story of Zoya and Shura", etc., were my favorite readings at that time.
At that time, the Shanghai Library did not have its current new building. It was still in the building with a big bell at the intersection of Nanjing West Road and Huangpi, in the northwest corner of the People's Park in the city center. Every Sunday, there are many readers who enter the library to read books. There is always a long queue at the entrance waiting to enter the library. Usually there are twenty or thirty people. ,even more. The waiting time is not too long. Generally, after a quarter of an hour, at most half an hour, you can enter. This is because a group of readers are engineers and technicians. They often come to check some relevant technical materials, and then leave after checking. About two-thirds of the readers are "nail readers" like me. After entering the library, they sit for half a day, and some even sit until the library closes before leaving. Usually after three or four o'clock in the afternoon, there will be people waiting in line at the door to enter the library to read.
My reading activities in the Shanghai library lasted for six years, from junior high school to high school graduation. Every Sunday I finish my lunch early and walk to the Shanghai Library. Every time I open the drawer-style bibliography card box at the entrance of the picture above, and flip through the cards with the titles of Chinese and foreign books, I will feel a burst of ecstasy in my heart, and I feel that I am the happiest person in the world, because there are so many books. It's all that I can freely borrow and enjoy.
My most memorable reading experience occurred during the "Cultural Revolution". The "Cultural Revolution" was the period when scholars suffered the most, and there were no books to read everywhere. Libraries were closed, and the best-selling book in bookstores was "The Barefoot Doctor's Manual", because compared to the books at the time that were full of lies, big words, and empty words, this book contained some practical medical knowledge. Despite this, scholars still obtained some banned Chinese and foreign literary masterpieces through various channels and circulated them privately among friends. Obtaining a good book was the greatest enjoyment for readers during the "Cultural Revolution".
