1、【来源】  2015年上海长宁区高三二模第1题
leftist                                      A
  We had to climb right up the hill, which is very steep, and ,when close under it , it seemed to be high, but we soon reached the top . When we were there, we had lost sight of the lake; and now our road was over a wild land.    1    (go) a little way, we saw before us , at the distance of about half a mile, a very large stone building, with a high wall round it , neither field nor tree near.
      The wild land was overgrown with grey grass that cattle might feed upon. We could not tell      2    this building was. It appeared     3    it had been built strong to defend from storm
s; but for what purpose? William called out to us that we should observe that place well, for it was exactly like one of the shelters of the Alps(阿尔卑斯山),     4    (build) for the reception of travelers, and indeed I had thought it     5    be so. This building, from its singular structure and appearance, made the place, which is itself in a country     6    Scotland, remarkable.
      When we      7      (pass) it and looked back, three pyramidal mountains on the opposite side of Lock Lomond ended the view,       8       in certain kind of weather might be very grand. Our highland companion had not got enough English to give us any information concerning this srange building . What we could only get from her was that it was a "large house", which was plain enough.
2、【来源】  2015年上海长宁区高三二模第2题
  All plants need water to grow. Watering plants seems like a simple task but it actually requires many considerations. For example, plants growing in areas with low rainfall or areas       1      (expose) to dry wind require more water. On the other hand, plants which have a good adaptation to dry conditions or have the ability to store water in their cells require       2      (frequent) watering . The watering of plants should not be viewed as a minor process in gardening       3       this task plays an extremely important role in ensuring healthy plant growth.
  Let's first take a closer look at plants growing in gardens. Since watering is a critical gardening task,       4       accessible water supply is vital. A garden tap with a hose of sufficient length to reach the furthest part of the garden      5      (prefer). This tends to make watering much easier and ensures adequate water is provided for the plants. Most inexperienced gardeners water little       6      very frequently. This is undesirable as it encourages shallow root growth. In addition, watering in full sun causes leaves to lose water quickly from the surface of the soil. Therefore, some experts recommend      7      (install) an automatic watering system.
  As for plants growing in pots or containers, they tend to lose water rapidly. One way to reduce such a risk is       8      (group) the plants close together to keep moisture. Try to move them to a shady place if you are away from home for a few days. Otherwise, you will return home to see your plants dead.
3、【来源】  2015年上海长宁区高三二模第3题
  The fortunate people in the world, the only really fortunate people in the world in my mind, are those whose work is also their pleasure. The class is not a large one, not nearly so large as it is often        1       to be, and authors are perhaps one of the most important elements in its composition. They enjoy in this        2       at least a real harmony of life. To my mind, to be able to make your work your pleasure is the one class distinction in the world worth striving for; and I do not        3       that others tend to envy those happy huma
n beings who find their livelihood in the gay effusions (流露) of their fancy, to whom every hour of labor is an hour of        4       and even a holiday is almost deprivation (丧失). Whether a man writes well or ill, has much to say or little, if he cares about writing at all, he will appreciate the pleasures of composition.
  To sit at the table on a sunny morning, with four clear hours of uninterruptible        5        plenty of nice white paper and a pen is true happiness. With the complete absorption of the mind upon a(n)        6       occupation, what more is there than that to desire? What does it matter what happens outside? The House of Commons may do what it likes, and so may the House of Lords. The bottom may be       7       clean out of the American market. The heathen (异教徒) may show        8        anger in every part of the globe. Never mind, for four hours, at any rate, we will       9        ourselves from a common, ill-governed, and       10       world.
A.  security
B. represented
C. delete
D. respect
E. violent
F. disorderly
G. wonder
H. withdraw
I. agreeable
J. knocked
K. enjoyment
4、【来源】  2015年上海长宁区高三二模第4题
