2005 Part A Text 1
1. Such behaviour is regarded as “all too human〞,with the underlying        assumption that other animals would not be capable of this finely developed  sense of grievance.
【析句】主句是Such behaviour is regarded as “all too human〞,介词短语with  the underlying…作伴随状语,而that引导同位语从句解释前面的名词assumption。【讲词】 regard作动词时通常表示“看作,尊重〞。Accoun ting may be regarded as  a process of communication in a very real sense.〔会计也容许以被看作是真实的交流过程。〕He is a highly regarded scholar in the academic circle.〔他在学术界被视为一位德高望重的学者。〕
underlying表示“潜在的,根本的〞。Clearly,Lef tists have an underlying view  of the difference between the “civilized〞 and “savage〞 races.〔显然,左派人士对“文明〞种族和“野蛮〞种族的区别有一个根本的看法。〕
capable表示“有才能〞,假设与of连用可以表示“有才能做某事〞。That mob’s      capable of any crime.〔这什么犯法的事都能做出来。〕
human意为“人类的,人性的,有同情心的〞,在句中表示“有人性的〞,all too human 意为“太具有人性的〞,因此可以译为“人之常情〞。
2. But a study by Sarah Brosnan and Frans de Waal of Emory University in      Atlanta,Georgia,which has just been published in Nature,suggests that it is  all too monkey,as well.
【译文】但是由佐治亚州亚特兰大埃里莫大学的Sarah Brosnan 和Frans de Waal进展的一项研究说明猴子也具有“猴之常情〞,该成果刚在?自然?上发表。
【析句】本句的主干是a study… suggests that…,其中主语study有两个定语:一个是介词构造by Sarah Brosnan and Frans de Waal…,另一个是which引导的非限定性定语从句。谓语动词suggests后面的that 引导一个宾语从句。
【讲词】 suggest根本意思表示“建议〞,所跟的从句常用虚拟语气。It was suggested  that English should be the only language spoken in the European Parliament.〔有人建议欧洲议会只使用英语。〕在suggest后面的从句中,英国人一般会用should+动词原形,而美国人只用动词原形。当然suggest后面跟从句并不一定表示“建议〞。I never suggested that anyone has lied or should lie.〔我从没有表示过有人说过谎,或者应该说谎。〕suggest还可以表示“暗示,唤起〞。The arrangement of these pillars    strongly suggests unity and support.〔这些柱子的排列强烈暗示团结和支持。〕His  sil
ence could only suggest disapproval.〔他的沉默只能暗示反对。〕另外,suggest 有“要求;提醒〞的意思。Such a crime suggests punishment.〔对这样一桩犯罪应该给予惩罚。〕
3. However,when two monkeys were placed in separate but adjoining chambers, so  that each could observe what the other was getting in return for its rock,  their behaviour became markedly different.
【析句】本句是一个复合句,开始是when引导的时间状语从句,其中包含so that 引导的目的状语从句,而observe后面又是what引导的宾语从句;最后是主句their behavior  become markedly different。
【讲词】 so that是一个连接词,在英语中非常常见,可以表示目的。How do you raise your children so that they will have healthy relationships?〔你怎样培养孩子,以便使他们可以建立安康的个人关系呢?〕
markedly意为“明显地,显著地〞,其形容词形式为marked。He showed a marked lack of interest.〔他表现出明显的兴趣缺乏。〕
4. And if one received a grape without having to provide her token in exchange  at all,the other either tossed her own token at the researcher or out of the chamber,or refused to accept the slice of cucumber.
【析句】本句是一个是由if 引导的条件状语从句,主句是the other… slice of cucumber,其中包括三个并列的谓语成分,讲述了猴子的三种反响:一tossed her own to ken at the researcher,二〔tossed her own token〕out of the chamber,三refused to accept the slice of cucumber。
【讲词】 token意为“表示,象征,记号,〞。例如:Tears are queer tokens of    happiness.〔眼泪是快乐的一种奇怪的表示。〕另外,as a token of或in token of表示“作为……的标志或象征〞。We shook hands as a token of our friendship.〔我们握手以表示我们的友谊。〕by the same token表示“基于同样的理由〞。By the same token, our African friends are welcome to share with us their experiences and lessons relating to foreign direct investment attraction and the build out of economic and technological development zones.〔同样,我们也愿意和非洲朋友们一起交流在吸引外资,建立经济技术开发区方面所获得的成功经历和失败教训。〕
5. However,whether such a sense of fairness evolved independently in capuchins  and humans,or whether it stems from the common ancestor that the species had 35 million years ago,is,as yet,an unanswered question.
leftist【析句】本句的主语由whether…or whether〔是……还是……〕构造充当,两个whether各自引导一个主语从句,而且后一个从句的宾语〔ancestor〕后接一个定语从句。全句的谓语由系动词(is)+表语(an unanswered question)构成。as yet是一个插入语,意思是“迄今为止〞。
【讲词】 stem作名词主要表示“茎〔干〕、词干、家系、干线〞等。作动词时意为“滋生,阻止〞。He put a huge effort into trying to stem the rebellion but to no effect.〔他拼命想阻止叛乱,但是没有成功。〕注意stem from意为“出现〞或“形成〞。The  Czech German declaration on mutual relations and their future development    closed some of the controversial issues in Czech German relations stemming  from the past.〔捷克与德国关于互相关系及将来开展的声明完毕了两国关系中的一些历史争端。〕
