governanceGoverning Fintech and Fintech as Governance: The Regulatory Sandbox, Riskwashing, and Disruptive
Social Classification
期刊名称: New Political Economy
作者: Eric Brown,Dóra Piroska
年份: 2021年
期号: 第1期
关键词: Fintech;financialization;regulation;governance;banking;sandbox
摘要:This article evaluates the sandbox approach as a regulatory answer to the challenges financial technology brings to finance and social relations. Taking fintech as a sociotechnological phenomenon embedded in discourses of solutionism and innovation, we show that the regulatory sandbox accepts these discourses. Instead of containing fintech, the sandbox is designed in a way that advances riskwa
shing of fintech even if it is disguised as risktaming. Next, we demonstrate fintech's problematic nature that regulation should control. First, we propose that through its information processing capacity, fintech accelerates the transition from bank-based to market-based finance. Second, we demonstrate that fintech as part of a fintech-financialization apparatus has catallactic and value-extracting governance effects. Third,