I. 巴三六大目标
一、更严格的资本定义(Increased Quality of Capital): 1.一级资本
(1) 核心一级资本,(也叫普通股一级资本,common equity tier 1 capital):只包括普通股(common equity)和留存收益(retained earning),巴三规定,少数股东权益(minority interest)、递延所得税(deferred tax)、对其他金融机构的投资(holdings in other financial institutions) 、商誉(goodwill)等不得计入核心一级资本。
(2) 其他一级资本:永久性优先股(non-cumulative preferred stock)等
二、更高的资本充足要求(Increased Quantity of Capital)
1.核心一级资本充足率(common equity tier 1 capital):最低4.5%。
3.资本留存缓冲(capital conservation buffer):最低2.5%,由普通股(扣除递延税项及其他项目)构成,用于危机期间(periods of stress)吸收损失,但是当该比率接近最低要求将影响奖金和红利发放(earning distributions)
5.总资本充足率(minimum total capital):8%
7.逆周期资本缓冲(counter-cyclical buffer)0—0.25%:在信贷增速过快(excessive credit growth),导致系统范围内风险积聚时生效。
*** 巴三新资本要求:
三、杠杆率要求(Introduction of leverage ratio):
杠杆率最低3%,即一家银行的总资产(包括表内和表外)不得超过该行总资本的33倍,可能导致银行系统的信贷减少(reduced lending)、银行抛售低利润资产(low margin asset)。
四、短期流动性指标(Short T erm Liquidity Coverage):
流动性覆盖比率(LCR, 30-day liquidity coverage ratio),旨在增强银行应对短期流动性中断(liquidity disruption)的能力,降低银行挤兑(bank run)带来的风险;同时银行将必须持有更多流动性好的低收益资产(liquid, low-yielding asset)以达标,其盈利能力也将受到影响。
五、长期融资稳定(Stable Long-term Balance Sheet Funding)
净稳定融资比率(NSFR, Net Stable Funding Ratio),要求一家银行可获得的稳定融资总量(available stable funding)大于资产负债表所需的稳定融资总量(required stable funding),为达标银行需要增加一年期以上对公存款(corporate deposit with maturities greater than one year)
六、加强风险覆盖-交易对手风险(counterparty risk)
II. 系统重要性银行监管(Systemically Important Banks)
系统重要性银行的损失吸收能力(loss-absorbing ability)应更高于上述协议标准,针对这部分金融机构的综合监管方案正在研究和讨论,包括资本附加费(Capital Surcharges)、或有资本(Contingent Capital)、自救债务工具(Bail-in Debt)等。
III. 其他相关词汇
首尔G20峰会:G20 Summit in Seoul
系统重要性银行:systemically important bank
过渡期:transitional periods
税费:taxes and levies
“大到不能倒”:“T oo Big to Fail”
压力测试:stress testing
公平的竞争环境:level playing field
逐步实行的时间表:a phase-in time line
风险加权资产:RW A,risk-weighted assets
多德弗兰克法案:Dodd-Frank Act
自营交易资本:proprietary trading capital
资产组合清理:disposals of portfolios 对冲策略:hedging
Group of Governors and Heads of Supervision announces higher global minimum capital standards
12 September 2010
At its 12 September 2010 meeting, the Group of Governors and Heads of Supervision, the oversight body of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, announced a substantial strengthening of existing capital requirements and fully endorsed the agreements it reached on 26 July 2010. These capital reforms, together with the introduction of a global liquidity standard, deliver on the core of the global financial reform agenda and will be presented to the Seoul G20 Leaders summit in November.
The Committee's package of reforms will increase the minimum common equity requirement from 2% to 4.5%. In addition, banks will be required to hold a capital conservation buffer of 2.5% to withstand future periods of stress bringing the total common equity requirements to 7%. This reinforces the stronger definition of capital agreed by Governors and Heads of Supervision in July and the higher capital requirements for trading, derivative and