Assembling mega-urban projects through state-guided governance innovation: the development of
Lingang in Shanghai
期刊名称: Regional Studies
作者: Jie Shen,Xiang Luo,Fulong Wu
年份: 2020年
期号: 第10期
关键词: mega-urban projects;urban governance;assemblages;China;Shanghai
摘要:In contrast to the perception that mega-urban projects are the epitome
governanceof neoliberal governance, in China they are initiated by the state as a state development strategy, which represents a new governance mode of 'state entrepreneurialism'. The market is used as a new governance mechanism to mobilize the resources of multiple actors. Consequently, the delivery of meg
a-urban projects is neither driven by market actors nor controlled by the state alone. Mega-urban projects are the sites where governance innovation is experimented upon. Focusing on Lingang in Shanghai, the paper reveals that a horizontal networked mode of governance has emerged.