内控的五要素Components of Internal Control
Components of Internal Control
Internal control consists of five integrated components.
Control Environment
The control environment is the set of standards, processes, and structures that provide the basis for carrying out internal control across the organization. The board of directors and senior management establish the tone at the top regarding the importance of internal control including expected standards of conduct. Management reinforces expectations at the various levels of the organization. The control environment comprises the integrity and ethical values of the organization; the parameters enabling the board of directors to carry out its governance oversight responsibilities; the
organizational structure and assignment of authority and responsibility; the process for attracting, developing, and retaining competent individuals; and the rigor around performance measures, incentives, and rewards to drive accountability for performance. The resulting control environment has a pervasive impact on the overall system of internal control.
控制环境是一套标准、流程和结构,能够为内部控制的实施提供基础。董事会和高级管理层为内部控制的重要性(包括期待的行为准则)提供高层定调(the tone at the top)。组织各个层级的管理活动强化了这种期望。控制环境包括了组织正直和道德的价值观;促进董事会行使公司治理的监控职责的机制;吸引、开发和保留人才的机制;严
obtains or generates and uses relevant and quality information from both internal and external sources to support the functioning of other components of internal control.
Communication is the continual, iterative process of providing, sharing, and obtaining necessary information. Internal communication is the means by which information is disseminated throughout the organization, flowing up, down, and across the entity. It enables personnel to receive a clear message from senior management that control responsibilities must be taken seriously. External communication is twofold: it enables inbound communication of relevant external information, and it provides information to external parties in response to requirements and expectations.
Monitoring Activities
governanceOngoing evaluations, separate evaluations, or some combination of the two are used to ascertain whether each of the five components of internal control, including controls to effect the principles within each component, is present and functioning. Ongoing evaluations, built into business processes at different levels of the entity, provide timely information. Separate evaluations, conducted periodically, will vary in scope and fre-
