1)It is mandated in the regulations that the laid-off workers can get tax credits when they run their business.
2)This directive applies to all apparatus liable to cause electromagnetic disturbance or the performance of which is to be affected by such disturbance.
3)Without receiving any advance warning,the coastal cities in Southeast Asia sustained heavy losses from the hurricane last year.
4)This cancer co-operative group organization provides information about cancer clinical trials,cancer research,patient advocates,drugs for cancer,experimental cancer treatments and general cancer treatment.
5)On behalf of U.S.Secretary of Energy Samuel W.Bodman,I am pleased to announce that the United States supports the decision of the ITER(International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor)Parties to site the ITER reactor at Tokyo.
6)The shop carries suits,coats,shirts,and miscellaneous accessories.
7)The Legislative Counsel Committee claims copyright protection in those parts of Oregon Revised Statute that are legally subject to copyright protection.
shudder8)The government has empowered the police with absolute authority to stop anybody in the street during racial conflict.
9)Methadone is used by heroin addicts as part of a program to wean them off the drug.
10)They agree that a sound and stable relationship between China and the United States is good to help establish durable peace on the Korean Peninsula.
The doctor-patient relationship is the foundation of modern medical1)ethics.What will be the2)touchstone the profession may need with the change of the doctor-patient relationship?
First of all,instead of governing the doctor-patient relationship by3)fidelity and4) altruism,more patients and doctors meet each other while under contract than ever before and usually neither has truly free choice in the matter.Secondly,the5) continuity is rare for doctors of taking care of several generations of the same family as physicians couple and uncouple in group6)arrangements and are
selected and deselected by managed care plans.Thirdly,the7)information learned from or about the patient seems to be wide open and8)confidentiality of medical records seems like food for earthworms.Medical practice is no longer personal and the managed care’s ethical9)foundation is population-based.
In a word,the individual doctor-patient relationship is likely to remain the most important relationship in medicine—at least to doctors and the moral relationship based on payers and patients and10)integration of fairness to all with the choices of an individual would be established.
1)The little girl didn’t have enough money so she cajoled her boyfriend into buying her a new dress.
2)According to British law,justice works on the premise that an accused person is innocent until proven guilty.
3)It is a delicate job which cannot be done by a layman,but in which a variety of professional skills will be deployed.
4)The city was even equipped with a drainage system,for a great many clay pipes were found beneat
h the narrow streets.
5)The little girl shuddered at the sight of the dead body.She almost fainted right away.
6)The shop has been enjoying public praise for a long time,but it’s inevitable that there will be the occasional disgruntled customer.
7)Anyone with an annual income of less than$5,000may be eligible to apply,or may be regarded as a potential tax dodger.
8)In South Korea in August,Robles finished first in the110meters but was disqualified for impeding Liu,who ended up winning a silver medal after being on course for gold.
9)Yesterday,staff at the hospital were officially rebuked for telling patients they had cancer over the phone.
10)Numeric values formatted to strings using standard and custom format codes.The job could only be done by computer,because it would be a tremendous amount of work.
1.Let’s look at a sample case study to better understand why this is a________
malnutrition mispractice misnutrition malpractice
2.The more time,energy and money you spend acquiring________knowledge,the more control you have over your life.
pertinent permanent prevalent perspective
3.China’s top legislature might add mental distress in criminal cases to the conditions covered under the country’s first________law.
tough taught tort naught
4.The investigation was brought about by the determination of a sole________.
accused plaintiff criminal witness
5.The authorities had agreed to________normal requirements for permits to cross the border.
wrench reckon stimulate waive
6.An honest person can have many________personal or business reasons for private communications.
humble legitimate modest considerate
7.The rate and duration of China’s economic growth have no historical________
precedent descendent demonstration illustration
8.She threatened legal action against the newspaper for________of copyright.
applicate breach communicate duplicate
9.For some industrial scientists,the attractions of academia________any financial considerations.
outlive outline outweigh outcome
10.________or damaging of state or collective property by any organization or individual by whatever means is prohibited.
Appropriation Appointment Appreciation Approach
1.Fingerprints left on the only knife on the island mansion were the________for the murder.
smoker’s gun big gun smoking gun starting gun
2.Taking long-term courses of certain medication may increase________to infection.
vulnerability subjectivity objectivity capability
3.The funeral arrangements were________the family’s wishes.
in collusion with out of keeping with hand in glove with along with 4.The fact that so many people have posted comments on this topic shows how
________and complicated it is.
pervasive passive adverse favorable
5.The arrays were placed directly on the brain of a volunteer patient with epilepsy whose skull had already been opened to measure________electrical signals that trigger seizures.
normal aberrant constant flashing
6.The strip of flexible material wraps around the back of the head and covers the side of the eyes,blocking up to60percent of a wearer’s________vision.
focal double peripheral distance
7.The recent________in food prices around the world is because of rising energy costs.
spear sphere plight spike
8.To that end,he said he and Mr.Trump discussed ways to improve infrastructure along that US-Mexico border to______bilateral trade.
restrict initiate ban facilitate
9.Blind,deaf and mentally________children are sent to special education schools.
radical rising rational retarded
10.All the charitable endeavors in this world only manage to bring poverty into greater relief;they show it to be more terrible and________than utter dereliction.
unabsorbent unacknowledged unintelligible unamiable
