Unit One
No understanding of the English language can be very satisfactory without a shuddernotion of the history of the language. But we shall have to make do with just a notion. The history of English is long and complicated, and we can only hit the high spots.
It is vocabulary that the effects of the Conquest are most obvious. French ceased, after a hundred years or so, to be the native language of very many people in England, but it continued-and continues still-to be a zealously cultivated second language, the mirror of elegance and civilization.
This was not only easy but socially useful. To pepper one’s conversation with French expressions was to show that one was well-bred, elegant, au courant.
The history of English since 1700 is filled with many movements and countermovements, one of which is the vigorous attempt made in the eighteenth century, and the rather half-hearted attempts made since, to regulate and control the English language.
Unit Two
Why go to graduate school at all? The usual reasons given are that a Ph.D. degree is required or preferred for some jobs, especially research and academic positions; that it gives you a chance to learn a great deal about a specific area; and that it provides an opportunity to develop ideas and perform original research. Wanting to delay your job hunt is probably not a good enough reason. Graduate school is a lot of work and requires strong motivation and focus. You have to really want to be there to make it through.
Being a good researcher involves more than “merely” coming up with brilliant ideas and implementing them. Most researchers spend the majority of their time reading papers, discussing ideas with colleagues, writing and revising papers, staring blankly into space-and, of course, having brilliant ideas and implementing them.
You’ll have to read a lot of technical papers to become familiar with any field, and to stay current once you’ve caught up.
Keep the papers you read filed away so you can find them again later, and set up an online bibliography. I find it useful to add extra fields for keywords, the location of the paper(if you borrowed the reference from the library or a friend), and a short summary of particularly interesting papers.
When writing a thesis, or any technical paper, realize that your audience is almost guaranteed to be less familiar with your subject than you are. Explain your motivations, goals, and methodology clearly. Be repetitive without being boring, by presenting your ideas at several levels of abstraction, and by using examples to convey the ideas in a different way.
Unit Three
The method of scientific investigation is nothing but the expression of the necessary mode of working of the human mind. It is simply the mode at which all phenomena are reasoned about, rendered precise and exact. There is no more difference, between the mental operations of a man of science and those of an ordinary person, as there is between the operations and methods of a baker or of a butcher weighing out his goods in
common scales, and the operations of a chemist in performing a difficult and complex analysis by means of his balance and finely graduated weights. It is not that the action of the scales in the one case, and the balance in the other, differ in the principles of their construction or manner of working; but the beam of one is set on an infinitely finer axis than the other, and of course turns by the addition of a much smaller weight.
You will understand this better, perhaps , if I give you some familiar example. You have all heard it repeated, I dare say, that men of science work by means of induction and diction, and that by the help of these operations, they, in a sort of sense, wring from Nature certai
n other things, which are called natural laws, and causes, and that out of these, by some cunning skill of their own, they build up hypotheses and theories.
Unit Four
She did not hear the story as many women have heard the same, with a paralyzed inability to accept its significance. She wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment, in her sister’s arms. When the storm of grief had spent itself she went away to her room alone. She would have no one follow her.