ORIGINAL1. Exporter NORTHERN ENERGY CORPORATION LIMITED Certificate No.2.Consignee DATONG COAL MINE GROUP CO.LTDCERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN OF AUSTRALIA3.Means of transport and route BY SEA FROM BRISBANE TO QINHUANGDAO5.For certifying authority use only4.Country/region of destination6.Mrks and numbers DATONG COAL CO SC-529 RRRI-601225 QINHUANGDAO7.Number and kind of packages, description of goods STEAM COAL GROSS CALORIFIC VALUE AT MIN 6300-6100 KCAL/KG (ADB) IN BULK8.H.S.Code 27021000009.Quantity 2000MT10.Number and date of invoices 7966616 NOVEMBER 20 201311.Declaration by the exporter The undersigned hereby declares that the above details and statements Are correct, that all the goods were produced in china and that they comply With the rules of Origin of the People’s Republic of china.12.Certification It is hereby certified that the declaration by the exporter is correct------------------------------------------------------------------------------No. 166 Campbell Street QLD 4401 Australia
JAN.03.2014Signed-------------------------------------------------------------------No.158 Campbell Street QLD 4401 Australia JAN. 04.2014 Signed
篇二:产地证明书样本export declaration
产地证明书样本2008 年10 月17 日14:05 来源:中华人民共和国深圳海关原产地证书是证明货物的生产或制造地的文件,简称原产地证,原产地证书在国际贸易中往往被进口国用来作为实行区别关税待遇和实施国别贸易政策管理的重要依据,例如最惠国待遇、政府采购、保障措施的正确实施等等,因此具有待定的法律效力和经济作用。下面是亚太贸易协定的原产地证明书,供大家参考。SAMPLE CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement (Combined declaration and certificate)    1.Goods consigned from: (Exporter’s business name, address, country)Reference No.Issued in . (Country) 2. Goods consigned to: (Consignee’s name, address, country)3.For Official use 4. Means of transport and route:5.Tariff item number:
6. Marks and number of Packages:
7. Number and packages/ description of goods: kind of
8. Origin criterion (see notes overleaf)
9. Gross weight or other quantity: 10. Number and date of invoices: 11. Declaration by the exporter : The undersigned hereby declares that the above details and statements are correct: that all the goods were produced in.
(Country) and that they comply with the origin requirements specified for these goods in the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement for goods exported to. (Importing Country). Place and date, signature of authorized Signatory 12. Certificate It is hereby certified on the basis of control carried out, that the declaration by the exporter is correct. Place and date, signature and Stamp of
