in contrast to造句
1. In contrast to the vibrant colors of spring, autumn brings a more subdued palette of warm tones. 与春天绚烂的彩形成对比,秋天呈现出一种更为柔和的暖调调板。
2. In contrast to her outgoing twin sister, Emily is reserved and prefers solitude. 与她外向的双胞胎妹形成对比,艾米莉内向,更喜欢独处。
3. In contrast to the sleek and modern architecture of the city center, the old town is characterized by its charming historic buildings. 与市中心光滑现代的建筑形成对比,老城以其迷人的历史建筑为特。
4. In contrast to the fast-paced world of technology, traditional craftsmanship values patience and meticulous attention to detail. 与快节奏的技术世界形成对比,传统手艺注重耐心和对细节的精心关注。
5. In contrast to the crowded beaches during the day, the shoreline becomes a tranquil retreat in the evening. 与白天拥挤的海滩形成对比,傍晚时分海岸线变成一个宁静的避风港。
6. In contrast to the lively chaos of the city market, the upscale boutique offers a serene shopping experience. 与城市市场的热闹混乱形成对比,高档精品店提供宁静的购物体验。
7. In contrast to the bustling metropolis, the rural village enjoys a slower pace of life and close-knit community bonds. 与繁华都市形成对比,乡村村庄享受着更慢的生活节奏和紧密的社区纽带。
8. In contrast to the modern efficiency of electronic communication, the art of letter writing emphasizes a personal and thoughtful touch. 与电子通讯的现代高效形成对比,书信的艺术强调个人和深思熟虑的情感。
9. In contrast to the bold flavors of spicy cuisine, the delicate taste of sushi showcases subtlety and precision. 与辛辣美食的浓烈风味形成对比,寿司的淡雅口感展示了细致和精确。
10. In contrast to the bright lights of the city skyline, the starry night sky in the countryside reveals the beauty of the natural cosmos. 与城市天际线的明亮灯光形成对比,乡村中星空的美丽展现了自然宇宙的壮观。
11. In contrast to the structured routine of the workweek, weekends provide an opportunity for spontaneity and relaxation. 与工作周有条不紊的日程形成对比,周末提供了随性和放松的机会。
12. In contrast to the predictable nature of a well-worn path, exploration opens up new possibilities and
discoveries. 与被走破的小路的可预测性形成对比,探索打开了新的可能性和发现。
13. In contrast to the formal atmosphere of a business meeting, casual gatherings allow for more informal and open communication. 与商务会议的正式氛围形成对比,休闲聚会提供了更为非正式和开放的交流机会。
14. In contrast to the symphony's grandeur, a solo piano performance can evoke a more intimate and personal connection with the audience. 与交响乐的宏伟形成对比,独奏钢琴演奏能够唤起更为亲密和个人的观众连接。
15. In contrast to the efficiency of digital books, the tactile experience of reading a physical book appeals to those who appreciate the sensory aspect of literature. 与数字图书的高效性形成对比,阅读纸质书籍的触感体验吸引着那些欣赏文学的感官方面的人。
16. In contrast to the structured curriculum of formal education, self-directed learning allows for exploration based on individual interests. 与正规教育的结构化课程形成对比,自主学习允许基于个人兴趣进行探索。
17. In contrast to the speed of air travel, a leisurely road trip offers the chance to appreciate the scenery and
explore off-the-beaten-path destinations. 与飞行的速度形成对比,悠闲的公路旅行提供了欣赏风景和探索偏远目的地的机会。
18. In contrast to the uniformity of mass-produced goods, handmade crafts showcase the unique touch of the artisan. 与大规模生产商品的一致性形成对比,手工艺品展示了艺人独特的触感。
19. In contrast to the bright daytime hustle, the city takes on a different charm as it lights up during the quiet hours of the night. 与白天繁忙的喧嚣形成对比,夜晚的宁静时光中,城市展现出不同的魅力。
20. In contrast to the intensity of a competitive sports match, practicing yoga focuses on inner balance and mindfulness. 与竞技体育比赛的紧张程度形成对比,练习瑜伽注重内在平衡和正念。
21. In contrast to the elaborate and formal wedding ceremonies, eloping offers a more spontaneous and intimate way for couples to tie the knot. 与繁复正式的婚礼仪式形成对比,私奔提供了一种更加自发和亲密的结婚方式。
22. In contrast to the energetic beats of pop music, classical compositions often showcase intricate melodies and harmonies. 与流行音乐的活力旋律形成对比,古典作品通常展示出精致的旋律和和谐。
23. In contrast to the simplicity of a minimalist design, ornate and detailed architecture can convey a sense of opulence and grandeur. 与极简设计的简约性形成对比,华丽而详细的建筑可以传达一种奢华和宏伟的感觉。
24. In contrast to the efficiency of digital communication, handwritten letters add a personal touch and nostalgic charm. 与数字通讯的高效性形成对比,手写信件增添了个人触感和怀旧的魅力。
25. In contrast to the organized chaos of an artist's studio, a pristine gallery space highlights each artwork with precision and order. 与艺术家工作室的有序混乱形成对比,一座井然有序的画廊空间通过精确和秩序突显每件艺术品。
26. In contrast to the fast food culture, slow cooking emphasizes the patience and dedication involved in preparing a hearty meal. 与快餐文化形成对比,慢炖强调了准备一顿丰盛餐食所需的耐心和奉献。
27. In contrast to the vivid colors of a tropical paradise, the serene beauty of a snow-covered landscape captivates with its monochromatic elegance. 与热带天堂鲜艳的彩形成对比,被雪覆盖的风景以其单的优雅迷人。
28. In contrast to the convenience of online shopping, exploring a bustling market offers a sensory-rich and
