Utilitarianism, also known as the doctrine of the most happiness, is one of the most influential moral school in the west. The view of utilitarian happiness was born in the 18th century England. This theory, based on the human nature of tending happiness and avoiding bitter "the greatest happiness of most people" as the basic moral principle and happiness as the only and ultimate pursuit of human. Utilitarianism provide one easy operating moral thinking mode which take outcome as judgement of behaviours. Every behaviour that can lead to happiness is supposed to be right, and vice versa. Utilitarianism also has a strong practical meaning because of focusing on practical interests and actual benefits. From the protection of individual freedom and personality, Utilitarianism advocate representative democracy as a tool of balancing individual and society interests. Despite its
flaws are unable to overcome, utilitarianism has merits in both theory and logic. As a matter of fact, the new bourgeoisie of that time think very highly of it and utilitarianism also deeply influenced American Pragmatism. Over time, utilitarianism still takes an important seat in the history of western ethics and its great contribution should not be ignored.
The pursuit of utilitarianism is securing the legitimacy of self-interest, in the meantime, advocating the mutual interest of oneself and others. This thought was mainly proposed to overcome drawbacks in the early stage of capitalism and make it consist with the moral view of that time. The greatest happiness principle of utilitarianism was deeply influenced by rationalism and egoism and inherited it critically.
To utilitarian, the greatest happiness principle is self- evident. It is the foundation of social morality and government legislation. Happiness is the only thing that worth pursuing other things beside including ethic are mere tools or means of the pursuit of happiness. The combination of individual interests and social interests, at the same time insuring individual interests, was used to overcome the dominant place of egoism at that time in human minds.
Utilitarian focus on individual interests, democracy and freedom, self-interests and social interests. This provides great inspirations in constructing socialist morality. However, there are also some limitations that, as a code of practice, the greatest happiness of utilitarianism is impossible to achieve.
Keywords: utilitarianism; happiness; maximum happiness principle; personal happiness and social well-being;
摘要 ..................................................... I
< II
目录 .................................................... IV 一、 绪论 (1)
(一)选题背景 (1)
(二)文献综述 (2)
1、 国内相关文献综述 (2)
2、 国外相关文献综述 (3)
(三)研究目的和意义 (4)
(四)可能性创新 (5)
(五)论文的主要思路 (5)
二、 最大幸福原则形成的背景及理论基础 (7)
(一)功利主义的主要代表 (7)
1、 边沁——功利主义的奠基者 (7)
2、 密尔——功利主义思想的修正者和捍卫者 (8)
(二)最大幸福原则的具体来源 (9)
(三)最大幸福原则形成的社会背景 (10)
1、 顺应市场经济的利益诉求 (10)
2、 响应民主政治的阶级需要 (11)
(四)最大幸福原则的理论基础 (12)
1、感性主义的幸福观 (12)
2、利己主义的人性观 (13)
三、 最大幸福原则的内涵及实现 (14)
(一)功利原理的表达 (14)
(二)从“快乐”到“幸福” (15)
1、 快乐与幸福 (15)
2、快乐的计算 (16)
(三)最大幸福原则的证明 (18)
1、最大幸福原则的不证自明与间接证明 (18)
2、最大幸福原则的可欲性 (19)
(四)个人幸福与社会幸福的选择 (20)
1、 个人幸福是基础 (20)
2、 个人幸福与社会幸福相结合 (21)
(五)幸福与道德 (22)
1、 道德制裁理论 (22)
2、 内在约束力——密尔“良心说” (24)
(六)最大幸福原则的政治保障 (25)
1、 自由与个性发展 (25)
2、 代议制政府 (26)securing
四、 最大幸福原则的意义及其限度 (28)
(一)最大幸福原则的意义 (28)
1、 肯定个人利益的正当性 (28)
2、 突出民主和自由的重要性 (29)
3、 表明个人利益与社会利益的关联性 (29)
(二)最大幸福原则的局限性 (31)
1、 对社会公正的漠视 (31)
2、 道德标准的不完备 (32)
3、 最大幸福原则的模糊性 (33)
结语 (35)
参考文献 (37)
个人简历、在学期间发表的学术论文及研究成果 (39)
致谢 (40)