一.  消防
Fire protection, detection and extinction
控制站 Control station
A级分隔围蔽防火区域 Fire sections enclosed by “A” class divisions
B级分隔围蔽防火区域 Fire sections enclosed by “B” class divisions
水雾灭火系统 Water mist fire  system
压力水雾系统 Pressure water spraying system
固定式气体灭火系统 Fixed gas fire-extinguishing system
二氧化碳灭火系统 CO2  fire-extinguishing system
卤代烃灭火系统 Halogenated hydrocarbon fire-extinguishing system
蒸汽系统 Steam system
Fixed low-expansion form fire-extinguishing system (in machinery space)
Fixed high-expansion foam fire-extinguishing system (in machinery space)
固定式甲板泡沫灭火系统 Fixed deck foam system
船舶固体式灭火系统 Fixed fire extinguishing system (in ship)
惰性气体系统 nert gas system
自动喷水系统 Automatic sprinkler system
固定式气体灭火系统 Fixed gas fire-extinguishing system
固定式泡沫灭火系统 Fixed froth fire-extinguishing system
Fixed high expansion froth fire-extinguishing
Fixed pressure water-spraying fire-extinguishing
固定式探火和失火报警系统 Fixed fire detection and fire alarm system
抽烟式探火系统 Extraction smoke detection system
火灾探测器 Fire detector /fire detecting device
感烟探测器 Smoke detector
感温探测器 Heat detector
火焰探测器 Flame detector
聚烟器 Accumulator
Fire-fighting appliances
消防泵 Fire pump
消防总管 Fire main
消防栓 Fire hydrant
消防水带 Fire hose
消防水带箱 Fire hose box
水 Nozzle
水雾 Water fog applicator
泡沫 Froth applicator
太平斧 Fire axe
国际通岸接头 International shore connection
液体灭火机 Liquid fire extinguisher
二氧化碳灭火机 Carbon dioxide (CO2) fire extinguisher
干粉灭火机 Dry powder fire extinguisher
泡沫灭火机 Foam [froth] fire extinguisher
手提式灭火机 Portable fire extinguisher
贮压式干粉灭火器 pressure contained dry powder extinguisher
securing半手提式灭火机 Semi-portable fire extinguisher
舟车式灭火机 Wheelbarrow fire extinguisher
轻水泡沫灭火机 Light water foam fire extinguisher
水成膜泡沫灭火机 Aqueous film foam fire extinguisher
起动氮气瓶 Starting nitrogen bottle
泡沫发生器 Foam generator
灭火剂 Extinguishing medium, extinguishant
泡沫液 Foam concentrate
消防员装备 Fireman’s outfits
防护服 Protective clothing
(硬)头盔 (rigid) Helmet
面罩 Mask
靴 Boots
手套 Gloves
呼吸装置 Breathing apparatus
呼吸器 Breathing device
应急逃生呼吸器 emergency escape breathing device
自给正压式空气呼吸器 self-contained positive pressure breathing device
Life-saving appliances
登乘站 Embarkation station
救生艇筏 Survival craft
脱险通道 Escape route
救生艇  Life boat
耐火救生艇 fire-proof lifeboat
机械推进救生艇 mechanically propelled lifeboat
机动救生艇 motor lifeboat
开敞式救生艇 open lifeboat
划桨救生艇 rowing lifeboat
自(动)扶正救生艇 self-righting lifeboat
全封闭式玻璃钢救生艇 totally-enclosed glassreinforced plastic lifeboat
救生艇属具 Boat equipment
放艇属具 Boat releasing device
固定属具 Boat securing means
艇首缆 Forward painter
横座板 Thwarts
边座板 Side-seats
艇机 Boat engine
吊艇架 Davit
滑车 Block
吊勾 Hook
连接环 Link
绞车 Winch
吊艇索 Falls
调头 Turning end to end
降落装置 Launching appliance
脱钩装置 Release unit
限位器 Limit switch
自亮灯 Self-igniting lamp
浸水保温服 Immersion suit
抗暴露服 Anti-exposure suit
保温用具 Thermal protective aids
登艇 to embark
扬出 to turn out
下水 to lower to water
降落试验 Lowering test
回收试验 Recovering test
脱勾试验 Release gear test
喷淋系统试验 Spray water system test
自供空气支持系统 Self-contained air support system
倒顺车运转试验 Reversing test
救生筏 Life raft
玻璃钢救生筏 Glassreinforced plastic liferaft
气胀式救生筏 Inflatable liferaft
可翻转救生筏、双面救生筏 Reversible liferaft
刚性救生筏 Rigid liferaft
自扶正救生筏 self-righting liferaft
救生筏壳 Liferaft container
降落设备 Launching devices
救生筏架 Liferaft stage
蓬柱 Arches
充气泵 Topping-up pump
静水压力释放器 Hydrostatic release unit 
