Unit 1
Ⅰ Words
1. distress n./v.
discreet a. → discreetly ad. → discretion / discreetness n.
You need to be discreet in giving advice, humble in accepting it.
The man discreetly slipped the card into his top pocket.
He handled the matter with his best discretion.
a. clearly seen, heard, felt, understood, etc.; noticeable
e.g. Now that the boss was no longer present, there was a distinct change in her attitude.
The children have distinct memories of their grandfather in his last days.
Comparison: distinct & distinctive
distinct: Something that is distinct can clearly be seen, heard, smelled, etc.
e.g. There is a distinct smell of beer in this room.
distinctive: It means having a special quality, character, or appearance that is different and easy to recognize.
e.g. Beer has a very distinctive smell; it’s quite distinct from the smell of wine.
One of the _________ features of this book is its __________ illustrations.
(Keys: distinctive, distinct)
3.square v. (square one’s shoulders)
4.discreetly 谨慎地ad.
discreetness n. 谨慎
5. clutch
vt. hold or grasp tightly; vi. try to grasp or seize
e.g. The frightened woman clutched her bags to her breast.
He clutched at the rope we had thrown to him but could not reach it.
Synonyms: seize, grasp
e.g. She seized my arm as she fell.
grasp the essence / main points
n.a quality in sb.’s character that make them not like expressing their emotions or talking about their problems
e.g. Being a man of reserve, Mr. York was never popular with his colleagues.
Judy has tried every means to break through the reserve of her stepson.
Derivation:reserved a.
e.g. The English have a reputation for being reserved.
7. glimpse n.
①a quick look at sb. or sth.
e.g. I caught a glimpse of our new neighbor.
②a short experience of sth. that helps you begin to understand it
e.g. Her worried face gave me a glimpse of her true feelings.
8. whereabouts
n. approximate location; ad. used to ask in what general area sth. or sb. is
e.g. The orphan’s whereabouts is / are still unknown.
The police have appealed for information concerning the whereabouts of the stolen car used in the robbery.
Whereabouts did you grow up?
9. demeanor n.
the way sb. behaves, dresses, speaks, etc. that shows what their character is like
His demeanor was clam and steady.
The girl has a quiet, modest demeanor.
10.deliberation 审议;考虑
10.deliberation 审议;考虑
a./v. deliberate 故意的;从容的;深思熟虑的
11. scribble (down) v.
write sth.distinct和distinctive quickly and untidily
e.g. I scribbled his phone number in my address book.
He scribbled down our names.
12.crack 破裂;打开
13.anthology 选集
14.crisp 卷的
15.furious 激烈的
16. grope v.
①try to find sth. that you cannot see by feeling with your hands
grope for
e.g. Ginny groped for her glasses on the bedside table.
grope around
e.g. We groped around in the darkness.
②go somewhere by feeling the way with your hands because you cannot see
②go somewhere by feeling the way with your hands because you cannot see
grope your way along / across, etc.
e.g. I was groping my way blindly through the trees.
e.g. I was groping my way blindly through the trees.
17. goody (pl. goodies) n.
①sth. that is nice to eat
①sth. that is nice to eat
e.g. We bought lots of goodies for the picnic.
②sth. attractive, pleasant, or desirable
②sth. attractive, pleasant, or desirable
e.g. The competition gives you the chance to win all sorts of goodies.
Variant spelling: (British English) goodie
Variant spelling: (British English) goodie
18.puddle 水坑
19.ketchup 番茄酱
20.upright 笔直
21. flail v.
(cause sth. to) wave or swing about wildly
e.g. I flailed my arms to get her attention.
The baby’s feet flailed under the quilt.
22.maneuver 策略
maneuver v./n. → maneuverable a.
He maneuvered himself into the board of directors.
In the military maneuver, the blue army attempted to attack the red army’s sentinels in the dark, but was defeated.
The ship is of an appropriate size and is highly maneuverable.
23.sandal 凉鞋
24.brigade n.(旅;部队)/v.
25. sneak v.
go somewhere secretly and quietly in order to avoid being seen or heard
sneak in / out / away / off
e.g. They sneaked off without paying!
She snuck out of the house once her parents were asleep.
Synonym: creep
26. crunchy-chewy-salty-sweet bite
Here the modifier “crunchy-chewy-salty-sweet” describes the texture and taste of the fast food, which is crunchy, chewy, salty and sweet.