The query string corresponding to the current client request.
The query string consists of the parameters following the URL. For example, if the client's browser was directed at , the query string would be paramName=paramValue.
response.write("QueryString: " + QueryString());
// this code called from a webcall function named main()
// would print: "QueryString: _fn=main"
Related Topics
Request Object, Parameter(), RequestURI() 本质就是获取带参数查询
不透,回来好好反省⼀下,查了api,写了这个⽅法:api第⼀句:Returns the query string that is contained in the request URL after the path,这就说明它只对get⽅法抛的数据有效。post⽅法传的参数getQueryString将什么都得不到。
package com.taxware.base.ui;
import java.util.*;
import javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher;
import javax.servlet.ServletConfig;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
* UI请求处理基类。⽤户应继承此类,在⼦类中实现UI界⾯声明引⽤的事件⽅法。
* @author 丁全宇
public class UIRequest
* 请求参数对象
private UIRequestParas io_Paras = null;
* 取得请求参数对象
* @return 请求参数对象
public UIRequestParas uf_GetUIRequestParas()
return this.io_Paras;param name
* 设置请求参数对象(本⽅法为框架需要,不建议⽤户使⽤。)
* @param ao_Paras 请求参数对象
public void uf_SetUIRequestParas(UIRequestParas ao_Paras)
this.io_Paras = ao_Paras;
* 是否由⽤户控制输出响应
private boolean ib_IsUserControlResponse = false;
* 设置是否由⽤户控制输出响应(默认为false)(如果⽤户需要亲⾃控制响应信息,请设置为true) * @param ab_IsUserControlResponse
public void uf_SetIsUserControlResponse(boolean ab_IsUserControlResponse)
this.ib_IsUserControlResponse = ab_IsUserControlResponse;
* 取得是否由⽤户控制输出响应
* @return 是否由⽤户控制输出响应
public boolean uf_GetIsUserControlResponse()
return this.ib_IsUserControlResponse;
* 异常对象
private Exception io_Exception = null;
* 设置运⾏时异常对象(如果为null表⽰没有异常发⽣)
* @param e 异常对象
public void uf_SetRuntimeException(Exception e)
this.io_Exception = e;
* 取得运⾏时异常对象(如果为null表⽰没有异常发⽣)
* @return 异常对象
public Exception uf_GetRuntimeException()
return this.io_Exception;
* 请求对象
private HttpServletRequest io_Req = null;
* 设置请求对象(本⽅法为框架需要,不建议⽤户使⽤。)
* @param ao_Req 请求对象
public void uf_SetHttpRequest(HttpServletRequest ao_Req)
this.io_Req = ao_Req;
* 取得请求对象
* @return 请求对象
public HttpServletRequest uf_GetHttpRequest()
return this.io_Req;
* 响应对象
private HttpServletResponse io_Res = null;
* 设置响应对象(本⽅法为框架需要,不建议⽤户使⽤。)
* @param ao_Res 响应对象
public void uf_SetHttpResponse(HttpServletResponse ao_Res) {
this.io_Res = ao_Res;
* 取得响应对象
* @return 响应对象
public HttpServletResponse uf_GetHttpResponse()
return this.io_Res;
* 响应信息容器
private ArrayList io_ResponseInfo = new ArrayList();
* 取得设置的响应信息
* @return 响应信息
public ArrayList uf_GetResponseInfo()
return this.io_ResponseInfo;
* 取得请求信息
* @param as_Name 名称
* @return 值
* @throws Exception ⽅法异常
public String uf_GetRequestInfo(String as_Name) throws Exception
String ls = this.io_Paras.uf_GetSingleValueParaValue(as_Name);
if (ls == null) ls = "";
return ls;
* 设置响应信息(允许多次设置,⾃动累加。)
* @param as_JSSyntax JS语句(应包含结尾的分号,例如:"alert('处理失败!');") * @throws Exception ⽅法异常
public void uf_SetResponseInfo(String as_JSSyntax) throws Exception
if (as_JSSyntax == null) return;
as_JSSyntax = im();
if (as_JSSyntax.equals("")) return;
* 设置Html的Label类型(⽂本标签)的显⽰内容
* @param as_Name 名称
* @param as_Value 值