1. 什么是野指针(wild pointer)?
A pointer in c which has not been initialized is known as wild pointer.
野指针(wild pointer)就是没有被初始化过的指针。例如,
o foo1.c
1int main(int argc, char *argv[])
2 {
3int *p;
4return (*p & 0x7f); /* XXX: p is a wild pointer */
5 }
如果⽤"gcc -Wall"编译, 会出现如下警告:
1 $ gcc -Wall -g -m3
2 -o foo foo.c
2 foo.c: In function ‘main’:
3 foo.c:4:10: warning: ‘p’ is used uninitialized in this function [-Wuninitialized]
4  return (*p & 0x7f); /* XXX: p is a wild pointer */
5          ^
2. 什么是悬空指针(dangling pointer)?
If a pointer still references the original memory after it has been freed, it is called a dangling pointer.
如果两个指针(p1和p2)指向同⼀块内存区域, 那么free(p1)后,p1和p2都成为悬空指针。如果进⼀步将p1设置为NULL, 那么p2还是悬空指针。诚然,使⽤*p1会导致⾮法内存访问,但是使⽤*p2却会出现⽆
o foo2.c
1 #include <stdlib.h>
2 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
3 {
4        int *p1 = (int *)malloc(sizeof (int));
5        int *p2 = p1;        /* p2 and p1 are pointing to the same memory */
6        free(p1);            /* p1 is      a dangling pointer, so is p2  */
7        p1 = NULL;          /* p1 is not  a dangling pointer any more  */
8        return (*p2 & 0x7f); /* p2 is still a dangling pointer            */
9 }
3. 使⽤野指针和悬空指针的危害
⽆论是野指针还是悬空指针,都是指向⽆效内存区域(这⾥的⽆效指的是"不安全不可控")的指针。访问"不安全可控"(invalid)的内存区域将导致"Undefined Behavior"。
关于"Undefined Behavior", 定义(参考来源:)如下:
Anything at all can happen; the Standard imposes no requirements. The program
may fail to compile, or it may execute incorrectly (either crashing or silently
sizeof 指针generating incorrect results), or it may fortuitously do exactly what the
programmer intended.
也就是说:任何可能都会发⽣。要么编译失败,要么执⾏得不正确(崩溃(e.g. segmentation fault)或者悄⽆声息地产⽣不正确的执⾏结果),或者偶尔会正确地产⽣程序员希望运⾏的结果。
4. 如何避免使⽤野指针和悬空指针?
然⽽,如何避免使⽤悬空指针,就⽐较⿇烦了。 Solaris引⼊了ADI(Application Data Integrity)技术避免访问已经释放的内存区域,例如:最新的SPARC平台已经⽀持KADI,⼀旦访问某个已经释放掉的内核内存区域,就会引发操作系统panic。这⾥简单介绍⼀下什么是ADI。
ADI (Application Data Integrity) is a software layer built on
MCD (Memory Corruption Detection), a SPARC hardware feature that provides
statistical protection against memory corruption errors such as buffer
overflows, use-after-frees, and use-after-reallocs.
KADI allows kernel memory to use ADI.
办法还是有的,直接避免不了就间接避免,那就是所谓的智能指针(smart pointer)。智能指针的本质是使⽤引⽤计数(reference counting)来延迟对指针的释放。
o 关于,请参考。
Smart pointers eliminate dangling pointers by postponing destruction until
an object is no longer in use.
o 关于,也请参考。
Reference counting is a technique of storing the number of references,
pointers, or handles to a resource such as an object, block of memory,
disk space or other resource.
1 $ stat foo | egrep Inode
2 Device: 23000000002h/2405181685762d    Inode: 210756182  Links: 1
4 $ ln foo foo9 && stat foo  | egrep Inode
5 Device: 23000000002h/2405181685762d    Inode: 210756182  Links: 2
7 $ rm -f foo  && stat foo9 | egrep Inode
8 Device: 23000000002h/2405181685762d    Inode: 210756182  Links: 1
关于智能指针,C++11有很好的⽀持。为了⽅便理解智能指针本质上是延迟释放内存,下⾯给出⼀个简单的C代码实现(使⽤proxy(代理) + refcnt(引⽤计数))。
o foo3.c
1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <stdlib.h>
4 typedef struct proxy_s {
5int *object;
6int refcnt;
7 } proxy_t;
9static int *create(proxy_t **proxy)
10 {
11if (*proxy == NULL) {
12        proxy_t *p = (proxy_t *)malloc(sizeof (proxy_t));
13        p->object = (int *)malloc(sizeof (int));
14        p->refcnt = 1;
15        *proxy = p;
16    } else {
17        ((*proxy)->refcnt)++;
18    }
20return (*proxy)->object;
21 }
23static void destroy(proxy_t *proxy)
24 {
25    (proxy->refcnt)--;
27if (proxy->refcnt == 0) {
30    }
31 }
33static void dump(proxy_t *proxy, int i)
34 {
35    printf("%02d\tobject: %p (0x%02x) refcnt: %d\n", i,
36        proxy->object, *(proxy->object), proxy->refcnt);
37 }
39int main(int argc, char *argv[])
40 {
41    proxy_t *proxy = NULL;
42#define NEW()        create(&proxy)
43#define DELETE(p)    do { destroy(proxy); p = NULL; } while (0)
44#define DUMP(i)      dump(proxy, i)
45int *p1 = NEW();
46int *p2 = NEW();
47    *p1  = 0xab; DUMP(1);
48    DELETE(p1);  DUMP(2);
49    *p2 += 0x21; DUMP(3);
50    DELETE(p2);  DUMP(4);
51return (0);
52 }
o 编译并执⾏
$ gcc -Wall -m32 -g -o foo3 foo3.c
$ ./foo3
01object: 0x8d0d018 (0xab) refcnt: 2
02object: 0x8d0d018 (0xab) refcnt: 1
03object: 0x8d0d018 (0xcc) refcnt: 1
04object: 0x8d0d010 (0x00) refcnt: 0
安全可控的优质代码。附:关于wild pointer(野指针)和dangling pointer(悬空指针), 这⾥援引⼀段来⾃以帮助更好的理解。
A dangling pointer is a pointer that used to point to a valid address but now
no longer does. This is usually due to that memory location being freed up and
no longer available. There is nothing wrong with having a dangling pointer
unless you try to access the memory location pointed at by that pointer.
It is always best practice not to have or leave dangling pointers.
A wild pointer is a pointer that has not been correctly initialized and
therefore points to some random piece of memory.
It is a serious error to have wild pointers.
