努力的英语作文 篇1
People will be the envy of the sky eagle, but never thought it a thousand times to practice hard; people were envious of butterfly flowers, but do not have to pay attention to it once as a caterpillar suffering; people are jealous of those celebrities, those scientists, those successful people, but never thought they have too much to pay behind the hardships and sweat, experienced many setbacks.
So, in the face of the unexpected blow, who seem insurmountable difficulties, the vast expanse of the thorns, I will not retreat. Because I know, success is built on the basis of failure and sharpening.
努力的英语作文 篇2
The dream is flying at the foot of the Great Wall. Hope will kindle in our mind. A lamp in the darkness guides us in the direction. Remember, Socrates said, "nothing in the world is happier than striving for dreams."
I never doubt it, because dreams can become reality as long as they struggle. Even if no success, we do not regret, because we have at least tried for the dream, but also struggled. Everyone is eager to succeed, but also all his life to this goal.
努力的英语作文 篇3
Since childhood, we are told: Qinnengbuzhuo, only time is deep, perseverance will prevail.
Not every effort will be harvested, but every effort must be made. It is an unfair and irreversible proposition." This concept has long been ingrained in our hearts. Admittedly, this approach is understandable and we can not deny its validity. But there are many way
s to succeed, and we should use our ingenuity to find the most convenient way.
努力的英语作文 篇4
The desk lamp is on. He sat in front of his desk, with triangular plates, compasses and other learning supplies and thick exercises in front of him.
unableHe raised his pen, wrote and sighed: “this is a lot of homework!” he stopped writing and held his cheek. He began to daydream again: if there is such a needle in the world, the medicine is not used to cure diseases, but to increase knowledge. When the Chinese needle is ed, the brain will be filled with Chinese knowledge; when the mathematical needle is ed, the mathematical definition will be kept in mind In this way, even if the needle cylinder is larger and the needle pricking is painful, it is easy to have all kinds of knowledge. There is no need to work hard here. It is also a good thing!For our children, heavy homework is the number one enemy.
At home, it is the mother’s urging voice, “hurry to do homework!” and what is dawdling? S
eize the time to finish homework! “In school, is the teacher‘s painstaking teaching,” black hair do not know hard work early, white head party regret reading late. “ In order to complete the homework, we can’t watch TV, we can‘t play football, we can’t touch computerDo you know? There is such a needle in the world. It‘s a little special. Its needle tube is a book, its pinhole is a pen, and what it needs to inject is the square text. When you get an injection, your body doesn’t feel pain and you endure boredom and irritability.
However, no one can help you inject this knowledge, only you.At this time, you may think: if I speak like those great poets, it would be great! A great poet is a superman? A great poet is easy to read? Which poet is not a story of hard work and hardship? If Li Bai was alive, he would sneer, ”Oh, there are so many talents in the world, who doesn‘t feel that it is hard to read?
As long as you have deep Kung Fu, you can grind an iron pestle into a needle.“Injection, can be uncomfortable, can be comfortable. The name of the needle is effort! Remember clearly? Smart you, start to work hard.
努力的英语作文 篇5
In the painting that I'm good, classmates and teachers often praise me, I also spent a lot of time on it. As long as I have a painting will not work for a long time. Remember once, I painted in the city hall building, because painting structure wrong, so the whole painting partial, looks building shake and crumble. Many classmates laugh at me and say" our first is it right? Be changed, ha ha." I listened very ill-affected, determined to make the picture is good, persistence is victory. I returned home for a moment without delay, took out the drawing board, where drew the picture carefully to see how wrong, after half an hour of trying to figure out, I finally find the mistake. I'll take out the sketch book, start to practice. I first hand the amount of good about size, then use the pencil set position, then water draws the outline, then painting details.
Again again again again and again, so the painting ... Even mom and dad came home from work I have unknowingly, they urged me to dinner, I stopped. But I'm neat and quick solution after dinner, and unable to hold oneself back to the desk draw up, until the dead
of night, mom and dad are sleeping, I was brought there to immerse oneself in suffering to draw!A week passed, and time for art class, the teacher let us put copying homework out. Many students still because the last painting laughed at me, but when I took the picture to the teacher, the teacher 's eyes are attracted at a draught, and satisfactory nod, while loud shouts of applause, the students cast envious eyes, my heart suddenly extremely proud, suddenly feel that all the hard work is worth of.
努力的英语作文 篇6
The moment I go to high school, I have made up my mind to study hard. It isknown to all that the period of high school is the turning point of people’slife, which may decide my future career. So I know the importance of strivingfor my future. The reason why I study so hard are various. First, I want myparents to be proud of me.
