to + 动词原形
To get up early is a good habit.
It's so nice to hear your voice(it 为形式主语)
It is important for us to learn English well。
It's silly of you to do such a thing。
How to improve our English is still a problem.
2) 作宾语
We all hope to see you.
They found it hard to learn Chinese. (it 为形式宾语)
I do not know what to do next. (疑问词+ 不定式)
He asked me how to improve English。(疑问词 +不定式)
① 一般情况
My work is to clean the room every day.
His dream is to be  a doctor.
The question is how to put it into practice。 问题是怎样把它付诸实施。
He seemed to have known the news.
② 如果主语是不定式,则表语也用不定式。例如:
To see  is to believe.
Seeing is believing。
③ 作表语的不定式有时可省略符号to:这时主语部分必须含有动词do,而作表语的不定式则解释do 的精确意思。
All I did was  (to) give him a little help.
What we want to do now is (to) have a rest.
① 不定式作定语时,被修饰的名词常为它的逻辑宾语。不定式与该名词存在逻辑上的动宾关系.
I have some clothes to wash.(后置定语)
He has something important to tell you。
Give me a pen to write with。
I need a warm room to live in.
② 逻辑上的主谓关系。
He was the first teacher to come。
I need a box to hold my books。
Is there anyone to answer my question?
He was the last student to have left the classroom 。( 不定式完成式)
③ 逻辑上的同位关系。
Everyone has the right to speak at the meeting
= Everyone has the right that he may/ can speak at the meeting.
Do keep your promise to write to me.
= Do keep your promise that you will write to me。
① 作目的状语
He will go to the station to meet his friend。
I often read China Daily in order to (或so as to ) improve my English。(in order to可放在句首; so as to 只能放在句中)。
I come here only to say good-bye to you.
② 作结果状语
I hurried to his house only to find he was out。
He is (not) old enough to join the army.
It's too late to play basketball.
He was so angry as to be unable to speak。
③ 作原因状语
I was surprised to see him here。
They were pleased to hear the good news。
I am glad to meet you .
④ 在形容词后作状语
This question is easy to answer。
He wants his son to become a lawyer.
She encouraged me to try again。
They persuaded him to give up smoking.
They believe him to be writing a new book .他们认为他正在写一本新书。
He wanted the letter to be typed at once 。
The letter was wanted to be typed at once.(主补)
:有些动词后跟不带to 的不定式作宾语补足语。常见的有:
① 感官动词feel, hear ,see, watch, notice , observe
② 使役动词let, make, have
③ help :help sb. do…… 或help sb。 to do…… 两种说法均可。
I often hear him sing this song。
The boss made the workers work 12 hours a day。
He is often heard to sing this song。
The workers were made to work 12 hours a day.
在 think, find, consider, discover等动词后常用to be +adj.结构作宾补,有时to be 可省略.
We all think/ consider/ find/ discover him (to be) kind and honest。  我们都认为/发现他既善良又诚实。

1) 一般式:有时与谓语动词表示的动作同时发生,有时发生在谓语动词的动作之后。
 to do )
He seems to know this.
I hope to see you again. = I hope that I’ll see you again.我希望再见到你。
2) 进行式: 表示动作正在进行,与谓语动词表示的动作同时发生。(to be doing )
He seems to be eating something。
3) 完成式:表示的动作发生在谓语动词表示的动作之前.(to have done)
I'm sorry to have given you so much trouble。
He seems to have caught a cold.
4) 完成进行式: (to have been doing)
She is known to have been working on the problem for many years.
He pretended to have been studying。
3. 动词不定式的否定式 :not to do
Tell him not to shut the window。
She pretended not to see me when I passed by.
例1)Tell him ___ the window.
A。 to shut not  B. not to shut  C. to not shut  D. not shut
答案:B。 tell sb。 to do sth 的否定形式为tell sb. not to do sth。。
例2) She pretended ___ me when I passed by.
A.not to see B. not seeing C. to not see  D。having not seen
答案:A。 pretend 后应接不定式。其否定形式为pretend not to do sth.。
例3)Mrs. Smith warned her daughter ___ after drinking。
A. never to drive B。 to never driver  C。 never driving D. never drive
答案:A。warn sb。 to do sth。 的否定形式为 to do sth。 此处用的是否定词never.
例4) The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street,but his mother told him ____.
A. not to B. not to do C. not do it  D。 do not to
答案:A.not to 为not to do it 的省略形式。
例5) The patient was warned ___ oily food after the operation。
A。 to eat no B. eating not C。 not to eat D。 not eating
答案:C。此处为warn sb。 to do 的被动否定形式,即be warned not to do。
1)不定式在使役动词 let, have, make和感官动词 see, watch, notice , observe, hear, smell, feel, find 等后作宾补时,省略to。help 可带to,也可不带to →help sb (to) do sth。
2) Why not 后面接不带to 的不定式。常用来表建议。
