Unit 6 History and Government
unity 教程Reading and Discussing
1)  Abraham Lincoln
2)  George W. Bush
3)  Franklin D. Roosevelt
4)  Barack Obama
5)  George Washington
1)Franklin D. Roosevelt
2)George Washington
3)Abraham Lincoln
4)George W. Bush
5)Barack Obama
Background of the speech
Roosevelt articulated the “Four Freedoms”in a speech to Congress in January 1941, almost a full year before the United States entered World War II. At that time, Nazi Germany had occupied much of Europe, with Great Britain remaining as the last holdout against German military power. Roosevelt’s speech consisted of a summation of this bleak scenario, as well as a call for increased US involvement (short of military action) to support Great Britain against the Nazis. He also argued for increased military preparedness and called for more funds to build up American armaments. This view was not held by many Americans, who wished to stay out of events overseas. Against this backdrop, Roosevelt listed “four freedoms” that the United States and other democracies should uph
Freedom of speech and expression
Freedom of every person to worship God in his own way
The third is freedom from want––which, translated into world terms, means economic understandings that will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants
Freedom from fear––which, translated into world terms, means a world-wide reduction of armaments to such a point and in such a thorough fashion that no nation will be in a position to commit an act of physical aggression against any neighbor Roosevelt ended each of these declarations with the phrase “everywhere/anywhere in
the world,” indicating that he believed the United States should play a role not simply in protecting its own freedoms, but in promoting freedom around the world for all peoples. He said that a world in which these freedoms were upheld was attainable, and, here is the most important point, he juxtaposed this vision with the “new order” sought, and to some extent established, by dictators in Germany, Italy, Japan, and elsewhere. So each of these concepts, held to be fundamental to the Am
erican character, was explained as “the very antithesis of the so-called new order of tyranny which the dictators seek to create with the crash of a bomb.”
FDR’s speech in January of 1941 was meant to convince the American people that the nation needed to increase support to Great Britain. FDR ended strict neutrality, but he wanted it clear as to the reasons why. The USA, which he presented as still unique and different from European empires, would not become involved in an international conflict for territorial gain or conquest. American involvement was based on the defense of freedom against absolute oppression in the form of fascism.
Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms Speech remained significant even after World War II. By including freedom from want and freedom from fear, Roosevelt recognized freedoms beyond constitutional rights. This expanded notion of freedom—particularly freedom from the fear caused by aggressive nations—became a primary justification for the creation of the United Nations, which Roosevelt helped establish after the war. Reading Comprehension
1)  F
5)  F 6)T
8)  F
1)effectiveness; immediacy
2)make sacrifices
3)unshakable belief
4)Social and economic problems
5)simple;equality of opportunity, jobs, security, the ending of special privilege for
the few, the preservation of civil liberties for all, the enjoyment of the fruits of scientific progress.
6)immediate improvement
7)essential human freedoms; freedom of speech and expression, freedom of
worship, freedom from want, freedom from fear.
8)perpetual; peaceful; co-operation; friendly; civilized
9)freedom under the guidance of God
10)supremacy of human rights
Language Focus
5)civilized 6)liberty
1)  a great proportion of
2) in accordance with
3)was engaged in
4)be assured of
5)lose sight of
6)in his own way
7)looked to
8)take the lead
9)calls upon/called upon
10)dealing with
1)  budget
overall /financial/federal/defense /balanced/limited budget;
budget deficit
2)  renew
renew sb’s licence/membership; renew a friendship/acquaintance/a book 3)  commit
commit arson/suicide/a crime/murder; commit oneself (to doing sth)
4)  foundation
theoretical/solid/economic/firm/social/research foundation
5)  fulfill
fulfill a role/ duty/dream/function/; fulfill a requirement/condition/obligation/
a need; fulfill a potential/one’s promise
6)  opportunity
seize an opportunity;
7)  attainable
attainable target/goal;
universally/easily/readily attainable
8)  perpetual
perpetual demand/motion/struggle/snow/issue
9)  patriotic
patriotic sentiment/citizens/song/man/member
10)  strengthen
strengthen sth’s ties/bonds/links; strengthen one’s hand; strengthen one’s resolve; strengthen unity/national defense/muscles
1)renew your books
2)patriotic songs
3)shake the foundation(s)
4)budget deficit
5)easily attainable skills
6)fulfill our destiny/duty
7)commit suicide
8)strengthen the monitoring and regulation
9)limited budget
10)perpetual loud ticking
11)committed myself
12)patriotic movement
13)perpetual happiness
14)equal opportunity
15)attainable financial targets
16)economic foundation
17)renew my driver's license
18)rare opportunity
19)strengthen environmental protection
20)fulfill their obligations
1)  当然,现在并非是停止考虑各种社会和经济问题的时候,因为这些问题是社
2)  在我们这个混乱和极端复杂的现代世界中,这些是决不应忽视的简单而基本
3)  我们的经济体制和政治体制的内在和持久的力量,取决于它们能在多大程度
4)  绝不允许任何人从国防计划中谋谋取私利。按照支付能力纳税的原则应当继
5) 这种自由,就世界范围来讲,就是世界性的裁减军备,要以一种彻底的方法
1)He hopes that we should learn to be content, because our happiness isn’t
dependent on how much or how little we have.
2)I admired her serenity in the midst of so much chaos.
3)Empty talk about international co-operation or so-called shared responsibility,
with disregard of historical responsibility and facts, will not convince the world. 4)It can be extremely difficult to adjust oneself to a new culture and a new way of
5)As print and broadcast give way to the Digital Age, the media have undergone
huge changes.
Reading Strategies and Skills
The questions chosen:
1. Are the points made by the author supported by evidence?
2. Are the limitations of the procedures clear?
3. Is the methodology valid? (e.g. size of the sample, method of sampling used) Analysis:
A critical reader would question the reasoning and methodology in this excerpt. Firstly, the assumption that the experiments conducted on trout necessarily can be generalized to other types of fish has not been supported by evidence. Secondly, the information provided about the methodology is very limited and leaves the reader with a number of questions about the size of sample, conditions under which the experiment were conducted, control of variables, etc. Without this information, the reader needs to be wary of the claim that trout can distinguish colors. Other variables, such as the influence of smell, may have assisted the trout to distinguish the correct container.
