RISC的意思:Reduced Instruction Set Computing精简指令集计算机
1. CISC and RISC are the two main instruction systems for MCU design.
CISC与RISC 是目前微控制器(MCU)设计的两种主要指令体系.
2. ARM embedded processor is a high performance, low - power RISC chips.
3. ARM CPU is a kind of advanced 32 - bit embedded RISC microprocessor.
4. Lead fixed - point implementation of aforementioned DSP algorithms on embedded RISC.
5. Most RISC processors have faster floating point multiply operations than integer ones.
6. Branch - delay is one of the RISC Reduced Instruction Set
Computer technology characters.
7. CISC and RISC architecture aue two dinds of architecture.
8. While not all RISC machines are the same, they do have many similar qualities.
虽然所有的RISC型机器有很多相似的地方, 但是他们并不全部相同.
9. This paper introduces 32 bit embedded RISC microcomputer that is developed by dint of our country.
10. The SMP multi - processors system building by RISC microprocessors is one of the methods of high - performance computer.
11. RISC chips use a rather small number of relatively simple, fixed - length instructions, always 32 bits long.
RISC芯片采用数量较少、较为简单的固定长度指令, 总是32位长.
嵌入式系统是什么意思12. RISC chips a rather small number of relatively simple, fixed - length instructions, always 32 bits long.
risc芯片采用数量较少、较为简单的固定长度指令, 总是32位长.
13. The emphasis in CPU design shifted to raw performance, and RISC became the new philosophy.
CPU设计的重点转到了提高性能上, RISC成了新的(设计)思想.
14. What is pipelining, anyway? It helps RISC processors run more quickly, but how?
总之,什么是流水线技术呢?它使RISC型处理器运行的更快, 那么是怎么实现的呢?
15. A reusable and low power RISC CPU IP core design is proposed in this paper.
研究设计了一个可重利用、低功耗的精简指令计算机(RISC) 中央处理器的知识产权(IntellectualProperty)核.
