特此声明:本博⽂为我的另⼀⽚博⽂ 的从博⽂,之前属于其中的⼀部分内容,但是因为该篇主博⽂内容较多,整体⽐较繁杂,阅读体验感较差,并且今后对该主博⽂会做更新,将其作为学习笔记。因此出于学习⽬的,我决定将主博⽂定位为⼊门 PyMC3 概率编程的学习脉络与框架部分,⽽将其中的细节于诸多从博⽂中展⽰,这样既符合模块化思维,⼜提升主博⽂的阅读体验,以防⾃⼰和观看的同学们在繁杂的内容中不到重点。因为该篇博⽂是从博⽂,所以会和主博⽂有⼀定的联系,不过我会尽量将知识点独⽴地剥离出来,如果⼤家有什么不清楚的地⽅,请在评论区提出,我会尽快修改,有兴趣的同学可以移步⾄主博⽂阅读⼀下。
sample() 函数
通过本篇博⽂我们来了解⼀下 sample() 函数,这个函数的参数⽐较多,接下来对这些参数⼀个⼀个来解释,帮助⼤家弄清楚它们分别代表什么意思:
def sample(draws=500, step=None, init="auto", n_init=200000, start=None, trace=None,
chain_idx=0, chains=None, cores=None, tune=500, progressbar=True, model=None,
random_seed=None, discard_tuned_samples=True, compute_convergence_checks=True,
draws:int 类型,表⽰通过 MCMC ⽅法采样出的正式样本的数量,默认为 500,这⾥的正式样本是相对于预烧期样本来说的,预烧期的样本数量对应参数 tune,等下也会解释它,这⾥举个例⼦,假如将 draws=5000, tune=1000 传⼊ sample() 函数,那么对于⼀条MCMC 链来说,前⾯ 1000 个采样出来的样本不算进正式的采样样本,⽽后 5000 个采样出来的样本(1001 ~ 6000)才是正式采样的样本;
step:BlockedStep 类的⼦类的实例化对象类型,表⽰所选择的 MCMC 采样算法(step method),PyMC3 中提供了内置的采样算法,⽐如 NUTS、Metropolis、Slice、HamiltonianMC 和 BinaryMetropolis 等,采样算法可以由 PyMC3 ⾃动指定也可以⼿动进⾏指定,⾃动指定是根据模型中的变量类型决定的,⼿动指定优先,可覆盖⾃动指定,如下为⾃动指定的采样算法:
1. ⼆值变量:⾃动指定 BinaryMetropolis 采样算法
2. 离散变量:⾃动指定 Metropolis 采样算法
3. 连续变量:⾃动指定 NUTS 采样算法
概念⼤家⼤概了解就⾏,我们来举个例⼦,看看怎么使⽤这个参数,假如现在我有 alpha、beta 和 sigma 三个参数,⽽我想要对我的参数 alpha 使⽤ Slice 采样算法进⾏采样,那么我们可以实例化⼀个
Slice 类的对象,然后将该实例对象传给 step,可以看到在进度条显⽰出模型使⽤ Slice 采样算法对 alpha 进⾏采样,⽽因为我没有指定对 beta 和 sigma 使⽤什么采样算法,所以模型会⾃动默认使⽤ NUTS 采样算法对它们进⾏采样:
那假如对 beta 和 sigma 两个参数我也想⾃⼰指定所使⽤的采⽤算法,那我可以这样做,分别使⽤ Slice 类、Metropolis 类 和 NUTS 类实例化对象,然后将这个实例对象组成列表传给 step:
init:str 类型,表⽰使⽤ NUTS 采样算法时所使⽤的的初始化⽅法,默认为 “auto” 即⾃动选择⼀个较好的初始化⽅法;
n_init:int 类型,表⽰初始化的迭代次数,默认为 200000,仅在 init 参数为 “nuts” 或 “advi” 时有效;
n_init:int 类型,表⽰初始化的迭代次数,默认为 200000,仅在 init 参数为 “nuts” 或 “advi” 时有效;
start:dict 类型,表⽰ MCMC 采样时参数的初始值的字典,默认是模型⾃带的测试点,⼀般以 start={'alpha':1, 'beta':2, 'theta':3} 的形式进⾏传参,实际上,我们很多时候都先使⽤ find_MAP() 函数来计算参数的极⼤似然点估计值,然后将该点估计值作为采样时参数的初始值,关于 find_MAP() 函数的具体内容⼤家可以参照::
trace:list 类型,表⽰模型在后台要跟踪的变量;
chain_idx:int 类型,表⽰ MCMC 链存储在后台的编号的起始值,默认为 0,⽐如说如果我的参数设置为 chain_idx=1, chains=4,那么就会产⽣四条独⽴的 MCMC 链,且它们存储在后台的编号分别为 1, 2, 3, 4,⽽不是 0, 1, 2, 3;
chains:int 类型,表⽰采样时⽣成的 MCMC 链的数量,并且这些链是相互独⽴的,如果被设置为 None 也就是不显式地传⼊参数给chains,那么就在 cores 参数和 2 之间选⼀个更⼤的数作为参数值传给 chains;
cores:int 类型,表⽰并⾏运⾏的链的数量,如果被设置为 None 也就是不显式地传⼊参数给 cores,那么就将当前主机的 CPU 的个数作为参数值传给 cores,不过参数值最⼤不超过 4;
tune:int 类型,表⽰调参过程的迭代轮数,默认为 500,其实这就是预烧期的样本的数量,所谓预烧期就是我们在产⽣ MCMC 链的时候,前⾯采样出的⼀部分样本可能不是平稳分布的 MCMC 链所产⽣的,⽽后⾯的由平稳分布的 MCMC 链产⽣的采样样本才是我们真正想要的,因此我们常常会丢弃预烧期的样本,不过在 sample() 函数当中是否丢弃预烧期样本由参数 discard_tuned_samples 决定;
progressbar:bool 类型,表⽰是否在命令⾏中显⽰程序运⾏时的进度条;
model:Model 类型,表⽰当前的模型,如果 find_MAP() 函数是在 with pm.Model() 上下⽂管理器中,那这个参数就不⽤指定,如果不在则需要指定,否则会报错;
random_seed:int 类型,表⽰设置的随机数种⼦;
discard_tuned_samples:bool 类型,表⽰是否丢弃预烧期样本,默认为 True,则最后返回的采样样
本数不包括预烧期的样本数即丢弃预烧期的样本,以之前的例⼦来讲,假如将 draws=5000, tune=1000 传⼊ sample() 函数,然后将 discard_tuned_samples 分别设置为 True 和 False,我们来分别观察它们的不同点:
我们可以看到它们在进度条显⽰的内容相差不多,那我们打印⼀下它们采样的结果,我们会发现,当 discard_tuned_samples 设置为True 时,最终采样出 20000 个样本,设置为 False 时,最终采样出 24000 个样本,这是因为我们⼀次采样过程会产⽣ 4 条独⽴的MCMC 链,所以如果丢弃 tune=1000 个预烧期样本就是 5000 * 4 = 20000,⽽将预烧期样本保留下来就是 (5000 + 1000) * 4 = 24000:
compute_convergence_checks:bool 类型,表⽰是否计算样本的数据统计,默认为 True;
注:上述众多参数中使⽤粗体表⽰的是我基本探究清楚的,⽽未使⽤粗体表⽰的是还没有探究清楚的和还未探究的。sample() 函数的返回值是⼀个 pymc3.backends.base.MultiTrace 类的对象,⼤家可以把它当作字典来⽤,如下:
关于 sample() 函数,下⾯也给出了它在源码中的说明和参数解释,⼤家可以参考⼀下:
def sample(draws=500, step=None, init="auto", n_init=200000, start=None, trace=None,
chain_idx=0, chains=None, cores=None, tune=500, progressbar=True, model=None,
random_seed=None, discard_tuned_samples=True, compute_convergence_checks=True,
Draw samples from the posterior using the given step methods.
Multiple step methods are supported via compound step methods.
draws : int
The number of samples to draw. Defaults to 500. The number of tuned samples are discarded
by default. See ``discard_tuned_samples``.
step : function or iterable of functions
A step function or collection of functions. If there are variables without step methods,
step methods for those variables will be assigned automatically.  By default the NUTS step
method will be used, if appropriate to the model; this is a good default for beginning
init : str
Initialization method to use for auto-assigned NUTS samplers.
* auto : Choose a default initialization method automatically.
Currently, this is ``'jitter+adapt_diag'``, but this can change in the future.
If you depend on the exact behaviour, choose an initialization method explicitly.
* adapt_diag : Start with a identity mass matrix and then adapt a diagonal based on the
variance of the tuning samples. All chains use the test value (usually the prior mean)
as starting point.
* jitter+adapt_diag : Same as ``adapt_diag``\, but add uniform jitter in [-1, 1] to the
starting point in each chain.
* advi+adapt_diag : Run ADVI and then adapt the resulting diagonal mass matrix based on the
sample variance of the tuning samples.
* advi+adapt_diag_grad : Run ADVI and then adapt the resulting diagonal mass matrix based
on the variance of the gradients during tuning. This is **experimental** and might be
removed in a future release.
* advi : Run ADVI to estimate posterior mean and diagonal mass matrix.
* advi_map: Initialize ADVI with MAP and use MAP as starting point.
* map : Use the MAP as starting point. This is discouraged.
* nuts : Run NUTS and estimate posterior mean and mass matrix from the trace.
n_init : int
Number of iterations of initializer. Only works for 'nuts' and 'ADVI'.
If 'ADVI', number of iterations, if 'nuts', number of draws.
start : dict, or array of dict
Starting point in parameter space (or partial point)
Defaults to ``trace.point(-1))`` if there is a trace provided st_point if not
(defaults to empty dict). Initialization methods for NUTS (see ``init`` keyword) can
overwrite the default.
overwrite the default.
trace : backend, list, or MultiTrace
This should be a backend instance, a list of variables to track, or a MultiTrace object
with past values. If a MultiTrace object is given, it must contain samples for the chain
number ``chain``. If None or a list of variables, the NDArray backend is used.
Passing either "text" or "sqlite" is taken as a shortcut to set up the corresponding
backend (with "mcmc" used as the base name).
chain_idx : int
Chain number used to store sample in backend. If ``chains`` is greater than one, chain
numbers will start here.
chains : int
The number of chains to sample. Running independent chains is important for some
convergence statistics and can also reveal multiple modes in the posterior. If ``None``,
then set to either ``cores`` or 2, whichever is larger.
cores : int
实例化类和实例化对象The number of chains to run in parallel. If ``None``, set to the number of CPUs in the
system, but at most 4.
tune : int
Number of iterations to tune, defaults to 500. Samplers adjust the step sizes, scalings or
similar during tuning. Tuning samples will be drawn in addition to the number specified in
the ``draws`` argument, and will be discarded unless ``discard_tuned_samples`` is set to
progressbar : bool
Whether or not to display a progress bar in the command line. The bar shows the percentage        of completion, the sampling speed in samples per second (SPS), and the estimated remaining        time until completion ("expected time of arrival"; ETA).
model : Model (optional if in ``with`` context)
random_seed : int or list of ints
A list is accepted if ``cores`` is greater than one.
discard_tuned_samples : bool
Whether to discard posterior samples of the tune interval.
compute_convergence_checks : bool, default=True
Whether to compute sampler statistics like Gelman-Rubin and ``effective_n``.
trace : pymc3.backends.base.MultiTrace
A ``MultiTrace`` object that contains the samples.
